View Full Version : I planted some winter rye last year... now what?

3-18-11, 12:44pm
It is in the veggie garden so I can't mow it down. When to best turn it over and how to do this?

3-18-11, 3:02pm
I turn it over when the soil is dry enough to work, and before it really starts growing again. I find it takes a while to decompose. I use a pitchfork and turn it under, but I usually have to do this twice, a few weeks apart. A tiller would work too, if you have one. You just want to break up the roots from the soil enough so the plant dies and decomposes.

3-18-11, 8:11pm
yes as green manure best soon as easier and will break down faster. A big help in our clay soils as a season start, plus kept first off the mark weeds down... a good idea you had last fall. :)

3-18-11, 9:31pm
We plant rye or buckwheat as green manure. Turn under as soon as possible so it doesn't get too tall and stringy. We till our garden with a 6' rotary tiller on the back of a tractor but any way to turn the soil will work.