View Full Version : April Rants

4-7-11, 9:53pm
Well, I get to be the not-so-lucky one to start the April rants!!

I have a coworker who I consider to be a friend but she has some qualities that are frustrating to me. One is that she is full of judgment toward others. Tonight I was the target. It wasn't intentional, but very revealing about her opinion of me and of my spending habits in particular. She was commenting about how her SIL has several yoga franchises and gives her gift certificates that she can't bring herself to use because she is a self-confessed germaphobe. I said, "Geez, I'll take 'em if you don't want 'em!" She says, "Well, I've already promised them (pause) to someone (pause) a lot poorer than you." And it was kind of an I'm-not-sure-I-should-say-it-but-I'm-gonna-say-it-anyway tone.


Funny how writing it down actually makes it seem so trivial even though at the time I was so riled up.

4-7-11, 10:54pm
hehehehe....of course you COULD have said, "well, how do you think I GOT so much money? It all comes from knowing a bargain or a freebie when I see it"..........

yeah, trivial, but still probably stung......in a little bit, hopefully, it will seem funny, instead, as you come up with "things I wish I'd thought to say at the time", and come up with some winners..... ;-)

4-8-11, 9:53am
Kelli that does sound rude!

My rant is about my kids this morning. It's one of those mornings where the lack of brain development that's absolutely normal in 5 and 7 year olds is rearing it's head in a series of "what on earth were you thinking?!" moments. I'm trying to keep myself from actually asking that question. I know that when they answer "I don't know" they are telling the truth. Part of me wants to boot them out the door to play outside for a while and part of me is worried about what mayhem they might inflict on the rest of the neighborhood. :)

4-8-11, 12:20pm
DD poops in her underwear *every day*. There are no visible signs ahead of time, so I can't catch her as she's about to go. I think she finds it funny. It is not.

MIL thinks she is "just not ready" to be potty trained. Well, she had better get ready quick, because her lovely home day care is closing and she has to start preschool in July.

domestic goddess
4-8-11, 4:42pm
I never thought I'd need a rant thread, but I've been pushed about as far as I can go! Money is a little tight around here, so I went to the store on Monday, and bought a lot of baking supplies, since I'm trying to get to the point that I'm baking most of the snacks around here. 1-1/2 dozen eggs, butter, coconut, marshmallows, and other basics.
So, today I started getting stuff out to bake. There are only 7 eggs left (I did eat 2), dsil decided to "organize" the kitchen, but he doesn't bake, so has no idea how to do it. I can't find nuts, coconut, chocolate, etc. Every time I go in there to bake it is a treasure hunt. I have to track down each individual item. I never thought I'd have to resort to such a thing, but I am going to have to put my name and "do not touch" stickers on food I have other plans for, or I won't have it when I need it. I don't like having to do that. I am the one who eats butter here; the rest of them eat margarine. Except when I buy butter. I bought 2 lbs. for baking, and a lot of that is now missing. Is someone sitting around eating sticks of butter, coconut and chocolate? Sounds good, but I know no one has baked anything. They are snarfing down raw ingredients.
Yes, this is petty, but it is annoying, too. I have been sick for more than 2 weeks. I haven't worked for almost 2 weeks, so last week only got paid for 1 shift. This week did not get paid at all, and have little money for the upcoming week, after I paid the mortgage here. I had hoped that if I made some stuff, we would have things to pack in lunches, and now the ingredients for that is gone. I am frustrated and peeved. This is family I live with, not a bunch of voracious animals. Well, maybe I'm wrong about that.
Gosh, I hadn't realized how upset and frustrated I am by this until I started typing. I can hardly stop. I think I need to go sit on my hands for a few minutes, then figure out what I can make with what I have left. Anyone for chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate?

4-8-11, 8:36pm
The lawn jockeys are back with their stench-belching noise machines. Oh joy.

4-9-11, 8:32am
i am on the speeding issue again; people race down one of our main intersections at over 55 when its supposed to be 35; i have talked about calling police but dh says its on the border between two townships and sometimes thats an area where the police don't like to cross? should loook into it

and almost got hit by a speeding delivery guy; he flew around the curb and luckily i saw him; of course he was on the phone; grr

4-9-11, 6:40pm
I'm kind of over disruption. Travis is back in the hospital for jaundice and I really want him home. We need routine for a while as we adjust to our new normal. James is totally and completely over disruption. He's been almost inconsolable when I've gone to the hospital to see Travis. I've been trying to give him plenty of one-on-one attention and it barely seems to help. I know he'll get over it, but as his mom it's hard to see him so upset.

Also, I really really hate how opposed hospitals seem to breastfeeding. It's like they make it as hard as possible. I really do wonder sometimes if they are getting kickbacks from formula companies.

4-9-11, 8:00pm
I was really looking forward to working in the garden all day today. There was a big rattler out there yesterday and knowing he could be still somewhere close makes it less than relaxing. But I was accomplishing things.. then it got too windy and cool to continue. Bummer. Maybe tomorrow.

domestic goddess
4-10-11, 12:40am
Well, I am one disgruntled gal this month! Just went to fix me some dinner. The roast I cooked and shredded for sandwiches was gone, my sandwich rolls were gone, the brownies are gone. I got about 2 tablespoons of meat in a bowl with some juice, and that's it. I will eat some gingerbread cake, because no one else seems to like it. Hope to bake some cookies tomorrow. Worked 5-1/2 hours today. They want me to go out and orient on a case that no one knows if there are openings I can even fill tomorrow night, so I'm putting that on hold until I find out if I will actually get hours on it.
Gina, today was a lovely day here. After I got home, I kept thinking I should get out and trim shrubbery in the front. But it was so warm and nice sitting on the deck in the back that I couldn't bring myself to do it. Supposed to be even warmer tomorrow, but rain, so I don't know if I will get out this weekend. Snakes! And poisonous ones! Creepy!! I don't blame you for giving him plenty of time to go far away!!!
Stella, I know things will get better. Will they let you bring Travis home with a Kangaroo blanket for the jaundice? A visiting nurse could come and draw blood, to check on him. Jaundice is a pain, I know. Hope you get him back home soon. Sure, hospitals get formula for little cost, but that isn't why staff seem to favor formula feeding. It isn't what he eats, but how. It is easier to keep track of intake and output when he is being fed via bottle than when he is breast-fed. And jaundice seems to take longer to resolve when breast fed. Your pumped milk can be given via bottle when you aren't there, too. I have thawed out tons of breast milk in my time!
babr, I understand what you mean about the speeding issue! Happens here all the time. In the city, people sped down our alley, even though children were often playing ball there! Here, the municipalities cooperate and there seem to be no jurisdictional issues, but could you call both police depts. and see who really has jurisdiction? Then call the cops! In these financially hard times, you could mention that stationing a car in some appropriate places could net them a bundle in fines.
JaneV2.0, I hear you about the noise machines! We're considered very old-fashioned in our neighborhood because we use things like rakes and hand-powered clippers. I am glad I'm gone on Sunday mornings in the summer. As the girls and I are leaving for church, the neighbors are starting to rev up their riding mowers and leaf blowers here, too!
maribeth, how old is your dd? She may be a little immature, neurologically, to be completely potty trained, or she may just like the attention she gets when she soils her panties. It just isn't always easy to be a little girl. Or a big one, for that matter!
Yeah, Kelli, that's pretty rude. On the other hand, if she is going to give them away, anyhow, what is wrong with giving them to you? I bet she has given them to other people with "plenty of money". Maybe something unrelated just made her out of sorts that day, and you were the lucky one in the way. After all, this is a way to get a prospective customer into her sister's yoga studio, so all the better if you would have the money to pay for classes, whether you would or not. Oh, well. There is no accounting for people sometimes, I guess. I need to remember that, too.

4-10-11, 12:56am
That explanation makes sense domestic goddess. I can see that it would be easier to measure that way. He's coming home tomorrow! I am happy about that. I can't wait to snuggle him.

domestic goddess
4-10-11, 10:58am
How wonderful that he's coming home, and you can all be together! I know it will be a relief to you for a number of reasons; running back and forth to & from the hospital is certainly a PITA. It will be good to really get settled in. We are having a lovely morning, warm and sunny. Supposed to get into the 80' s today; I'll believe that when I see it! Rain later, I think, too. If you have a patch of sunlight, put Travis in it. Sunlight helps with jaundice.
Enjoy having your little one at home.

4-16-11, 1:30pm
I had to buy an Epipen this month in order to start allergy shots and my insurance wouldn't help pay for it. $116. Ouch. Coming back from getting the allergy shots I ran over something and ended up with a flat tire. I finally got the spare put on and it came off the rim before I even went ten feet. I was able to get a buddy of mine to come over and run me to a tire store, which thankfully was still open and got a plug put in the tire.

My digital camera died the other day. One more thing I can't afford to replace right now.

iris lily
4-16-11, 5:25pm
STella, I'm sorry that I missed the thread from a week ago where you said that Travis is back in the hospital.

4-19-11, 1:41pm
Iris, he's out now and home just fine.

My rant of the day is on behalf of Cheyenne. Just so everyone is aware, I am the meanest mom ever and she doesn't ever want to see me anymore. She's running away to live outside and she's not coming back. Not even if it snows (which it is supposed to today). It is SO unfair of me to confine her to her room until she stops yelling at me because her room is the boringest room in the whole wide world.

4-19-11, 1:45pm
@stella--Parenting: You're doin' it right. ;-)

4-20-11, 6:11pm
A Facebook connection led me to an old friend I haven't seen in 25 years. Well, he's in town and coming over this evening - wouldn't you know the 2 dogs decided to try and catch that skunk last night? I have the stinkiest house in the world. Sod's law.

4-22-11, 10:07am
I HATE post-nasal drip...enough already! I have several gigs coming up and am so sick of battling the crud every time I open my mouth to sing!