View Full Version : Extreme dizziness when turning over in bed.

4-10-11, 3:29pm
This happened to me last year around June-July. All of a sudden, if I would turn over in bed (especially to my left side), the room would spin horribly. I only stayed around for about a week. I don't have hardly any problem when I'm upright......just when I'm laying down.
I don't have any congestion and my sinuses seem clear (although I have had some forehead pressure and more headaches that usual).
I'm drinking alot of water. My ears aren't congested either.
Please don't tell me I'm working on Meniere's, 'cause I just won't hear of it! :~)
I just find it very strange that it only happens when I lay down.
(I had a huge work-up for dizziness a couple years ago....had MRI scans of my brain and other tests and all was normal). I do have pulsatile tinnitus all the time, but I'm thinking its my funky fibromyalgia.

Any ideas?
P.S. I do use a cpap with nasal mask, but I don't think that's a problem.
Oh.....and I'm 128 years old. At least that's what I feel like. >8)

4-10-11, 7:14pm
Hi Cathy, I had a bad attack of labyrinthitis some years ago, which was worst when I turned my head while lying down. It was accompanied by acute nausea.

Here's something called Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo, from the Mayo Clinic. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/dizziness/DS00435/DSECTION=causes

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV causes intense, brief episodes of vertigo immediately following a change in the position of your head, often when you turn over in bed or sit up in the morning. BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo.

This can be alleviated by learning some precise head movements that stabilize the little crystals in the inner ear; it's called the Epley Maneuver. http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com/disorders/bppv/bppv.html

4-10-11, 7:30pm
Thanks Suzanne. It does sound like that's what I have. Did the Epley maneuver work for you? It was so bad last night, I thought I'd throw up. Gosh, dizziness is horrible! Thanks for those links.

4-10-11, 9:31pm
I had labyrinthitis last year, with similar symptoms -- really horrible. Good luck CathyA!

Sad Eyed Lady
4-11-11, 1:25pm
Yes, I have experienced this a few times. Once it lasted for a few months. Thankfully I didn't have the nausea with it, just the spinning room. As others have said here it is referred to as positioning dizziness or positioning vertigo. The maneuver is supposed to really help this, however I have not tried it myself. Hope it helps you.

4-11-11, 6:48pm
My doctor said you can get Antivert over the counter at the pharmacy. I haven't tried it because I haven't had any episodes since she told me that.

4-11-11, 7:17pm
I'm doing okay. I just never lay on my left side now, until I'm sure its gone.
I don't like those meds for it.....they make me too lethargic. Fortunately, I'm okay as long as I'm upright. Its really amazing how our ears keep us so balanced. We really take it for granted.