View Full Version : Resolution: Lose Weight.

12-31-15, 3:39pm
Oh, I know, it's the #1 resolution in the country. >8) Still, I'm sick of feeling fat and flabby, and denying myself any clothes I actually like that fit me because I refuse to spend money on a bigger size. I'm resolving to lose 20 pounds this year. Move more and eat less, with a focus on more moving. I need accountability, so I plan to post progress here - in Success Stories! Anyone want to join me?

12-31-15, 4:26pm
kib, I don't know how you normally eat, but recently there was a discussion by those of us who have tried going carb-free. I've never been a fan of Atkins, and I'm slow to the Paleo craze, because of my largely vegetarian diet, but last July I stopped eating simple carbohydrates and I lost 20 lbs. within 3.5 months last year by just doing that. What's more, I did not feel deprived or hungry in the process.

I am now pretty satisfied with my weight. My DD bought me a sweater/jacket from Banana Republic for Christmas in my typical size (medium) and it swam on me--I wound up exchanging it for an XS (I do have to say that they ran large, but still).

Good luck!

12-31-15, 4:40pm
Sounds good to me, Rodeosweetheart.

Catherine, wow, good for you! I remember wearing tiny clothes, it was lovely. I was all about low carbing it about 5 years ago and it worked very well, but gradually ... well, you know. Gradually. Sloooowly I turned, chip by chip, pound by pound ... :~) Trimming carbs is probably where I will start with the food-related part of this, since it was effective. After tonight's chocolate tart and champagne, of course. :|(

12-31-15, 4:55pm
If you don't mind, I would like to lose another 10 -15 lbs. Last year I came down from 230 to 185. Over the holidays and with my back issue I have eaten more and exercised less. So I'm back to 195. I would like to sit at 180 as all my clothing is very comfortable at that weight.

It it will have to be focusing mostly on eating less.......and sugar is my weakness. The empty calories just put on unecessary flab. I have been shipping out all the extra cookies and chocolate wih every one that visits. Now tomorrow I have an ice cream cake for my sons birthday. Just one small piece and then I will get on the wagon.

12-31-15, 5:00pm
I like that tomorrow is the start of a new year. Great time to do this. I am not sure what I am doing yet, but it may involve wheat-free, since that is what my allergist said to do.

I have more to lose than you guys; I am aiming at 65 pounds less, as that is what I weighed 17 years ago when I got married to Husband number two, who is an excellent cook. (Not blaming him, just saying it is harder when you live with someone who has the metabolism of a whippet and thinks about food all day long.) But I can do this!

12-31-15, 5:12pm
I will make a big effort to do this. I had thought to lose 5 a year and did that, but last year I lost nothing...so need to focus. I had set 20 as a reasonable amount in a year. I'm at 202 now so that would put me around 180 which I managed many years ago...Fortunately I am healthy, no issues due to my "roundness", but that contributes to apathy about losing more. But, I think my best bet is limiting carbs. I am convinced that the alcoholic gene and carb gene are related...the people in my family who are not alcoholic or recovering are fat! All craving and indulging in carbs.

12-31-15, 5:18pm
I've lost about forty pounds over the last few years without beating myself up or starving myself. I'm accountable only to my Fitday PC app, but I'd be happy to provide support. I might try another Whole 30 in January.

Float On
12-31-15, 6:02pm
it is harder when you live with someone who has the metabolism of a whippet and thinks about food all day long.)

Ha! Love this!

My goal for 2015 was to maintain....but I failed and gained some. Will work on that in 2016!

12-31-15, 7:09pm
I'm in too. It helps to have the accountability. fwiw, I have a co-worker who is a middle-aged male and who lost 35 lbs over a year by eliminating only 2 things: bread and cheese.

1-1-16, 8:27am
Yessss I am here with you all...I weigh in at a TOPS meeting on Tue evenings but maybe one more support group will help

I have lost 25 lbs over the last couple of years but, as of two weeks ago I still needed to lose 12 lbs
the bad part like I am sure too many people it is now as of this morning 15 lbs.
I like your method rodeosweetheart of 0/15.

I lost the rest of the weight by eating better and less sugar, less meat and fat but adding (more veggies, whole grains, lentils, beans)
What I don't do is get regular exercise so my plan is to accept that I need that to lose the last 15lb.
Plan is to do some walking, 1 to 2 aqua fit classes a week and turn of the music instead of the TV...that always makes me move...lol

Best wishes for a Healthy 2016 everyone!

1-1-16, 9:52am
I'm a guy so I could care less about recording my weight for all to see. My wife of 32 years has never revealed her weight to me, so I understand and the weight ratio works nicely. This morning I check in at 193 looking to get to 180.

I am going to stick with what brung me here. Limit my sugar intake. Coffee...no sugar or cream. Fruit juice...not a corn syrup concentrate. No doughnuts, Christmas cookies gone, no chocolate candy. No ice cream.

Also liquid fasting after 7 pm until the next morning. Combined with as much walking as my back can tolerate and I think this can be accomplished in just a few months time.

1-1-16, 11:18am
I started the day with a jar of strong coffee and three ounces of heavy cream. No sugar. Pretty much the usual...
I'll probably have (leftover) pork ribs, cabbage, carrots, and onions for lunch.

Zoe Girl
1-1-16, 11:29am
I am in the maintain zone. I have heard that sometimes after you go through the full menopause that you can lose weight easier then. I have gone through stretches of watching calories and increasing exercise and my weight has not changed over the last 2 -3 years. Very demoralizing. I have made tiny bits of progress on exercise and a couple times a year a virus will trigger some asthma stuff and I will get out of it again.

So my goal is to exercise on any day there is not my regular work schedule (which includes a fair amount of walking) and to watch the Dove dark chocolate bars :). I think my diet is pretty good and is balanced with bringing my lunch daily at work, home cooking and all that.

1-1-16, 11:44am
I started out thinking 20 but am now thinking 10 and any more is a bonus. A pound a month is nice and slow for this 67 year old body. I maintained last year- no loss, but no gain. So- adding more vegetables and putting a star on the calendar for every day I eat 6 vegetable servings. Fruit isn't a problem- an apple or blueberries every morning and a banana. Back to at least 7000 steps a day- have been slacking off horribly the last 2 weeks. So, today 0/15. I love to read everyone's plan.

1-1-16, 1:07pm
1/1/16, 11:00 am, post-breakfast pre-lunch and nekkid (damn it's cold in that bathroom) 0/20. I'm at the same weight I was pre-christmas, but this is after an unfortunate, er, spicy chili incident, so I wouldn't be surprised if reality is more like 0/21.5. On we go!

My work for this week is to get my fitbit working again (step counter), and keep a food and step log. I think my breakfast - protein powder in coffee with milk -isn't terrible, and I usually have a salad for lunch and tomato juice in the afternoon. It's dinner and post-dinner snacking that gets to me, lots of calories and lots of carbs, so I think I'll start with A. 2 non-starchy veggies instead of a veggie and a starch, and B. a modification of WilliamSmith's suggestion; a limit of 1 piece of fruit or 1 hard candy after dinner. For some reason having something sweet signals the end of the eating to me, otherwise I get into the popcorn. And no alcohol this week, except I do have an upcoming celebration, I'll allow myself a toast when it happens.

1-1-16, 6:46pm
Hi all, I'm in, too.
My number: 0/30.
Over the past several years I've lost 51# on Weight Watchers and I still attend, weighing in on Thursdays. This thread will be an even greater accountability tool.
My weakness is sweets as well, and my workplace is a minefield, candy bowls and people bringing in baked goods continually. It takes all of the little will I have to resist it all.
I have a Garmin VivoFit device, and I've become pretty good at ignoring it...time to reacquaint myself. I find myself in the late afternoon in wonderment how I've spent the past 7 hours at my desk rarely getting up. That has got to stop. No one cares if I go out for a brisk walk!
I also attend water aerobics classes 3x/week.
So....we're checking in how often?

1-1-16, 10:51pm
I still weigh too much, but eating a whole food plant based diet sure makes it easy to keep the weight off. A lot of people find that when they change to this lifestyle they get a lot of food and lose a lot of weight. Just my 2 bits.

1-2-16, 11:37am
Jasmine tea for breakfast (because I didn't want to go to the store for cream). Got on the scale to find the damage from the holidays was only four pounds. Planning on a brunch of eggs scrambled in butter with cheese, and bacon--maybe with sauteed cabbage. Dinner will probably be turkey and a salad with homemade Roquefort.

1-2-16, 11:47am
I'll try also.... 0/25. Will use my new Inspiralizer more to get more vegetables!

1-2-16, 1:02pm
KayLR, it's up to you, I will post whenever, but I'm only going to weigh in once a week, on Fridays.

Yesterday I recorded everything I ate, surprised at the number of carbs in my typical "low" carb diet. Although I forgot to subtract grams of fiber from the total carb count, so maybe it was a little better than I thought. Did fine on the calories, no alcohol, and took 3000 steps, not exactly a marathon but better than nothing.

1-2-16, 1:23pm
I have to say that the single most helpful thing I do when I'm actively trying to lose weight is to log my food in Fitday. It seems to make the difference between losing and maintaining.

As far as carb count goes, Fitday says I'm at 73g carbs 13g fiber, on average.

Teacher Terry
1-2-16, 2:24pm
A year ago I set out to lose 35lbs. I bought a fitbit and made sure I walked `10,000/steps/day and made sure 30 minutes were fast. If by the end of the day I didn't have enough steps I ran in place in the living room while I watched TV. I also only ate 16oo calories a day so I was at a 600 calorie deficit everyday except for my 1 cheat day. On that day I still walked but ate what I wanted. In 10 months I lost the weight. When I was young I could lose it in a few months but at 61 it took time. I weighed myself daily but that was a personal choice-it really does matter. Good luck to everyone:)

1-3-16, 1:36pm
Interesting article in today's paper about daily weigh-ins being most effective. College freshmen who did this avoided gaining the 5 lbs that their non daily weigh-in classmates did.

1-3-16, 2:29pm
Interesting article in today's paper about daily weigh-ins being most effective. College freshmen who did this avoided gaining the 5 lbs that their non daily weigh-in classmates did.

That's interesting because I just read one the other day which stated daily is too much, bordering on obsession, that once weekly is optimum.

1-3-16, 2:31pm
Yesterday I went to a health and fitness fair at my hometown. I participated in a PhatHoops class and committed to a 30-day hooping challenge (this is hula-hooping, basically, with fitness [weighted] hoops). I have two at home. They claim that others who've finished the challenge have trimmed anywhere from 1-4 inches from their waistlines.

1-4-16, 5:41pm
I may weigh in more often, I'm just making a promise to record it here once a week. For me, while I'm trying to lose I'm very conscious about what I'm eating, and when I have a day where I have unfathomably "gained" two pounds, no matter how much I know that's not real it gets to me, it's just one more little thing that did not go well. I do think that weighing in often after I'm in maintenance mode is a good idea, because that's when my diet and exercise ceases to be a focus.

1-5-16, 8:16am
I am going with everyday with the same caveat as kib, but we did order a better scale, and i may need to reset my numbers once it arrives. It also has body fat so I will monitor that, too.

Not sure WHAT I am doing with the food, other than just trying to eat less and move more, during week 1.

1-5-16, 10:31am
I weigh myself every few days; that seems to be my happy medium.

1-5-16, 10:53am
For me there is a social component to it, but the older I get the less I care what I look like, the 'hottie' ship sailed a few years back. But I really don't like the way I feel, physically, when I'm over my comfortable weight. I hate it when I sit down and my thighs touch each other no matter how far apart my feet are. I hate it when I'm lying on my side and my belly is lying there like a cat curled up next to me. I hate it when the sleeves of a blouse I love are suddenly strangling my upper arms. If this were my natural shape I guess I would embrace these parts of me, but I know what my normal feels like, and that isn't it.

Conversely, when I feel like I'm mostly muscle, not only without all those extra squishy parts but actually strong and firm, that feels really good. Like the old AA prayer says, I'm changing the things I can.

1-5-16, 11:05am
I'm not going to be deterred by someone who says "you know, you don't have to do this". :) Of course I don't have to, but I want to, and I'm pleased that I do. Making change and staying motivated is hard enough in the face of real-life critics of one's goals, so please, positive support here! TIA.

1-5-16, 11:21am
Yep, I thought this thread was for those who want to lose, and others could just keep on scrolling. I'm not ok with my weight--I could be lazy and not try to make any changes to my relationship with food and activity, but I choose not to be. I want to be healthy and active as long as I can.

I have made exercise part of my weekly schedule. It helps me de-stress, not the opposite.

1-5-16, 11:58am
Okay, I did not mean to harsh anyone's mellow. I deleted my above comment.

I too am trying to lose about 25 elbeez because I likely have sleep apnea. I also feel like a slug much of the time.

Good luck to you all. :)

1-5-16, 12:07pm
Thank you, Ultralite. Good luck to you too, and you are always welcome to give (or receive!) support here. :thankyou:

1-6-16, 4:39am
Okay, I did not mean to harsh anyone's mellow. I deleted my above comment.

I too am trying to lose about 25 elbeez because I likely have sleep apnea. I also feel like a slug much of the time.

Good luck to you all. :)

I encourage you to have a sleep study and find out about the sleep apnea. Use of the cpap machine can make a difference and can actually help,you,lose weight. But I predict the addition of the machine, mask and parts will cause you to push back because we know how you feel about stuff.

1-6-16, 6:38am
I had my appt. with a sleep specialist yesterday. She said roughly the same thing as my family doctor:

"It is unlikely that you have sleep apnea; but it is highly likely that you are fat." lol

But I am doing a sleep study. Her reason for having me do it comes down to one issue: I have a long history of feeling drowsy while driving. Very drowsy.

My theory behind that problem is that I don't like driving. I never have. I also don't like math classes. Never have. So I'd be sleepy in those too!

But something she did not factor in is that the vast majority of people pound coffee and sodas all day. I do not consume any caffeine. So what would probably make others drowsy does not because they are hyped up on a stimulant.

Anyway, my appt. is in 8 weeks. She wants me to lose 15-20 elbeez in that time frame.

1-6-16, 12:27pm
I can't speak as an expert on long term weight maintenance because I didn't, but I do know two tricks that helped me that I could easily have made part of my ongoing effort with no quality of life sacrifice. 1. Drink a full glass of no-calorie liquid shortly before dinner (my worst time for over eating). 2. Serve myself a smaller portion than I think I'll want, on a small plate, eat it mindfully, and then go back for seconds after 15 minutes if I'm still hungry. About half the time i decided I was still hungry, but once the edge is off, it's easier to be rational about it.

1-6-16, 12:30pm
Forgive me if you think this does not fit in to this discussion. I will delete it and go elsewhere.

But here is my question.

What about joy? Let me go deeper.

I find that will all the work I do at a job I dislike and then all the chores -- laundry, dishes, etc. and all the driving around I don't have much time to enjoy life. So eating yummy food is enjoyable and pretty darned easy.

Without eating yummy food in large portions, where does easy joy come from?

1-6-16, 12:59pm
I generally eat food that tastes good, and a satisfying amount. I'm no martyr.
With a nod to bae, I donated my hair shirt to the Goodwill.

1-6-16, 1:01pm
Oh Ultralite I feel your pain. Joy in food. May I suggest joy in laundry....that is something I LOVE because I put the load of dirty things in, go upstairs and have a cup of coffee and read the paper, then in 40 minutes put CLEAN things in the dryer and TA DA in 40 more minutes I have fresh, clean things. It makes me joyful. Dishes, not so much which is why I love the dishwasher machine. Driving....put music on? Do I sound too Pollyanna ish? Having struggled with beyond obese most of my life I look for joy anywhere I can find it. Often food, but often something else. Good luck. 15 lb. in 8 weeks sounds too ambitious....and frustrating- the reason why I am still obese.

1-6-16, 1:07pm
I generally eat food that tastes good, and a satisfying amount. I'm no martyr.
With a nod to bae, I donated my hair shirt to the Goodwill.

You two just cannot stand hairshirts!

Teacher Terry
1-6-16, 2:08pm
UL: the tips Kib gave you do work-I have used those. Also when you are young it is much easier to lose weight. Back in my 30's I could drop 30lbs in 2 months. Now it took me 10 months. I know you don't like things but the Fitbit helped me to get 10,000 steps/day-no fooling myself. Good luck!

1-6-16, 2:13pm
Oh Ultralite I feel your pain. Joy in food. May I suggest joy in laundry....that is something I LOVE because I put the load of dirty things in, go upstairs and have a cup of coffee and read the paper, then in 40 minutes put CLEAN things in the dryer and TA DA in 40 more minutes I have fresh, clean things. It makes me joyful. Dishes, not so much which is why I love the dishwasher machine. Driving....put music on? Do I sound too Pollyanna ish? Having struggled with beyond obese most of my life I look for joy anywhere I can find it. Often food, but often something else. Good luck. 15 lb. in 8 weeks sounds too ambitious....and frustrating- the reason why I am still obese.

My dad has remarked the same thing: "Without food, what joy is there in life?"

He is morbidly obese and suffers a multitude of health problems relating to it -- heart attack, diabetes, etc.

I think it is important to have things you love to do in life so that food is for fuel more so and less so for pleasure.

1-6-16, 2:28pm
My dad has remarked the same thing: "Without food, what joy is there in life?"

I have been working for the last six months on market research in the area of diabetes, talking to both patients and doctors, and there is a sizable segment of the patients with diabetes who expressed the same sentiment--not surprisingly. They despaired of having to change their diet, complaining, "There's NOTHING to eat!" Of course, that's not true--it was just that there was nothing that they liked that they could eat.

My team consisted of a Indian vegetarian and a behavioral psychologist among others, and during our debriefs they marveled at that attitude--they couldn't believe that the patients felt that way, given what they like to eat is killing them. I admit to not being a foodie, myself. I eat as if I'm checking off something on my to-do list for the day. Some days I forget to eat because I'm busy. So I could see where my colleagues were coming from, but I could also understand the patients.

I think you're right, UL--there can be a lot more to enjoy in life in addition to food--maybe that should be part of therapy for diabetics--exploring the fun side of life without food.

Mary B.
1-6-16, 2:32pm
I find that as my eating habits have changed over the years, my sense of pleasure from food has changed too. A lot of foods that used to be my go-to snacks (especially potato chips and such) seem way too salty -- tongue-shrivellingly salty -- now that I don't add much salt to things. I get great pleasure from the sweetness of fruits and find a lot of rich desserts kind of unpleasant.

1-6-16, 2:34pm
I have been working for the last six months on market research in the area of diabetes, talking to both patients and doctors, and there is a sizable segment of the patients with diabetes who expressed the same sentiment--not surprisingly. They despaired of having to change their diet, complaining, "There's NOTHING to eat!" Of course, that's not true--it was just that there was nothing that they liked that they could eat.

My team consisted of a Indian vegetarian and a behavioral psychologist among others, and during our debriefs they marveled at that attitude--they couldn't believe that the patients felt that way, given what they like to eat is killing them. I admit to not being a foodie, myself. I eat as if I'm checking off something on my to-do list for the day. Some days I forget to eat because I'm busy. So I could see where my colleagues were coming from, but I could also understand the patients.

I think you're right, UL--there can be a lot more to enjoy in life in addition to food--maybe that should be part of therapy for diabetics--exploring the fun side of life without food.

You might be onto something.

I am better during the warm months when I go fishing, canoeing, dog-walking, cycling. But even then, I am not that good. haha

I get off work -- just having sold 8 hours of my life doing something that squelches everything good about me (creativity, humor, etc.) -- so I just want to eat some pizza and space out.

1-6-16, 2:48pm
I get off work -- just having sold 8 hours of my life doing something that squelches everything good about me (creativity, humor, etc.) -- so I just want to eat some pizza and space out.

yea, it's not even exactly about joy, it's about pain, and how to make it go away. I got home from work yesterday and wanted to eat some junk to try to deal with the suckiness of the day as well (and was the day particularly bad? no, it was just the usual boredom beyond all weariness). So I had maybe 1 1/2 cookies and some crackers with cheese. Is that meal going to make the list of world's healthiest foods? Nope, it's not. But I didn't eat massively too much or anything. That was dinner, needlessly to say.

Since my obsession with my weight is nearly 100% about looking like some idealized female image, which us females get pounded into us every stupid day of our cursed existence, and has very little to do with needing to lose weight for health (and I'm not diabetic/pre-diabetic either), why even care really? But I didn't greatly overeat really, I was fairly careful, even if it was junk food and a few calories I didn't need in an ideal world.

There's lots of wonderful things in life to enjoy. Yes in theory I agree. But in reality most seem unavailable after a long day when your tired. You like reading let's say. But your too tired to make the mental effort at the end of the day. Much is like this. One would probably be better off using some of the conventional escapes. Have a favorite t.v. show or two they look forward to every week, or keep a list of movies they want to watch after work. Get some joy in buying things (but truthfully I really don't believe in this one). Etc.. Caffeine is a conventional drug that works well, not for boredom, but to wake up in the mornings, when I tried to give it up I just used more sugar to compensate for the energy boost, hardly an improvement.

1-6-16, 2:54pm
yea, it's not even exactly about joy, it's about pain, and how to make it go away. I got home from work yesterday and wanted to eat some junk to try to deal with the suckiness of the day as well (and was the day particularly bad? no, it was just the usual boredom beyond all weariness). So I had maybe 1 1/2 cookies and some crackers with cheese. Is that meal going to make the list of world's healthiest foods? Nope. But I didn't eat massively too much or anything. That was dinner, needlessly to say. Since my obsession with my weight is nearly 100% about looking like some idealized female image, which us females get pounded into us every stupid day of our cursed existence, and has very little to do with needing to lose weight for health (and I'm not diabetic either), why even care really? But I didn't greatly overeat really, I was fairly careful, even if it was junk food and a few calories I didn't need.

There's lots of wonderful things in life to enjoy. Yes in theory I agree. But in reality most seem unavailable after a long day when your tired. You like reading let's say. But your too tired to make the mental effort at the end of the day. Much is like this. One would probably be better off using some of the conventional escapes. Have a favorite t.v. show or two they look forward to every week, or keep a list of movies they want to watch after work. Get some joy in buying things (but truthfully I really don't believe in this one). Etc.. Caffeine is a conventional drug that works well, not for boredom, but to wake up in the mornings, when I tried to give it up I just used more sugar to compensate for the energy boost, hardly an improvement.

I sometimes think that eating junk food is a socially acceptable way to commit suicide.

1-6-16, 2:58pm
yea, it's not even exactly about joy, it's about pain, and how to make it go away.

Just so dang true. :(:treadmill::(

1-6-16, 3:52pm
I get what you're saying, Ultralite...food is where I get joy, too, but it's not the only source. In fact, now that I think about it, is it really joy? Or just comfort? or is it something else?

I tend to feel like I experience joy usually when I'm doing something or did something for someone else.

I en-joy lots of things, like ANM says, like quiet hobbies, herbal tea in the evening...a good baseball game. And experience "satisfaction or contentment" from accomplishing something. But I think real "joy" comes from what I said above, at least for me.

1-6-16, 3:55pm
I get what you're saying, Ultralite...food is where I get joy, too, but it's not the only source. In fact, now that I think about it, is it really joy? Or just comfort? or is it something else?

I tend to feel like I experience joy usually when I'm doing something or did something for someone else.

I en-joy lots of things, like ANM says, like quiet hobbies, herbal tea in the evening...a good baseball game. And experience "satisfaction or contentment" from accomplishing something. But I think real "joy" comes from what I said above, at least for me.

Your distinctions are noted and likely true. That makes sense.

I get some all encompassing joy when fishing. But food -- junk food really -- is comfort. And for me that is usually deep-fried and/or greasy foods. haha

Like: "Sedate me delicious pizza. My day was soul-crushing at work!"

1-6-16, 4:29pm
You two just cannot stand hairshirts!

So itchy!

1-6-16, 4:37pm
Whatever weight loss/get healthy plan you choose (I'm on the full-fat, lots of salt and flavor low carbohydrate plan) should be undertaken with an eye to what you can sustain over the long haul and which foods you like. Otherwise you'll just feel like you've been consigned to one of the lower circles of hell for the duration--which will likely be short.

1-6-16, 4:56pm
I have been working for the last six months on market research in the area of diabetes, talking to both patients and doctors, and there is a sizable segment of the patients with diabetes who expressed the same sentiment--not surprisingly. They despaired of having to change their diet, complaining, "There's NOTHING to eat!" Of course, that's not true--it was just that there was nothing that they liked that they could eat.

I just read of a study out of Germany, in which researchers put terminal cancer patients on a ketogenic diet (similar to that used by children with seizure disorder, or the early stage of Dr. Atkins' plan). Very few of the desperate people stayed on it, even to save their lives. Five of the patients who did had their tumors stop growing or regress.

Food is one of life's simple pleasures, for most of us--and one we need to revisit daily. It may be tricky finding a plan that is both healthful and satisfying, but I think it's worth the effort.

1-6-16, 5:04pm
I am considering lowering my expectations for a pleasurable life even further and simply eating horrible tasting foods like broccoli all the time. haha

1-7-16, 8:39am
Yesterday was my first day of unfatifying myself. What I notice is that I have to maintain a certain presence of mind -- and apply my concentration to what I eat and don't eat.

I kept a food journal yesterday. I think I will keep that going.

1-7-16, 9:40am
Most of this is directed at UltraliteAnlger....but it might be similar for others. Maybe I should have posted it on his post......

I have struggled with over-eating my whole life. Well, not entirely. I do have spells of feeling like I have a "normal" appetite..........but the rest of the time, I just can't get enough. Yes, carbs/sugar create a never ending appetite.....but so do lots of things.
I think there is a huge genetic component in it. And I think there's a whole emotional component. My dear mother told me (when I told her if DD needed to breast feed every 1 and 1/2 hours, I did it)......that when I was an infant, she only fed me every 4 hours. If I cried for 3 hours in-between, then that was okay. That may have set me up for thinking I would starve, if I didn't grab everything when I could. I know POWs who were starved spend a lot of their time being hungry, after they are released.

I think we still have primitive bodies.........and finding a lot of high fat, high salt, high sugar things to eat, would keep it alive...when the next few weeks were very sparse. So we have a lot to fight against.

I know what it's like to be constantly hungry. I hate it. And when I have one of those few weeks when I'm not constantly hungry, it's heaven.

I don't eat hardly any carbs for breakfast.........just protein and fat. That helps to keep my hunger down until lunch. What I started eating for lunch, before the holidays ruined it all, was cottage cheese and pineapple. Then I would have some dark chocolate as a treat. If you can try to eat lots of veggies, salads, fruits when you're really hungry.......you might be able to have just a little of your junk food (a cookie or 2) and be satisfied. I've found that not eating in the evening helps a lot too.

Even though I've struggled with eating so much, I was able to raise 2 kids who are very healthy eaters and are very much in touch with the consequences of eating "bad" stuff. I'm very proud of that. I just wish I could do the same for myself. Pain, nausea, fear of dying, etc., can't seem to stop me, when I'm in a eating binge. It's funny how much I absolutely hate it, but I can't stop it. So I do understand what you're going through.

I think the suggestion to find joy in some other things is a great one. Also......don't deny yourself everything that tastes good..........It can end up making you want it more. So maybe have 1 treat a day, and try to eat less carbs and fat the rest of the day. Can you take a walk every day? And like I mentioned before, if you do have sleep apnea, your body might be putting out lots of cortisol.........which makes you hungry. Just curious........do you wake up at night to pee a lot? That can be a sign that you're putting out a lot of cortisol.

I also think that over-eating can be an effort to be in control. Sounds counter-intuitive, but it happens. NOBODY is going to tell me I can't have what I want!

Good luck to you. For me, I realize that it might be a life-long struggle, and I just have to try to make the best of it.

1-7-16, 9:45am
Most of this is directed at UltraliteAnlger....but it might be similar for others. Maybe I should have posted it on his post......

I have struggled with over-eating my whole life. Well, not entirely. I do have spells of feeling like I have a "normal" appetite..........but the rest of the time, I just can't get enough. Yes, carbs/sugar create a never ending appetite.....but so do lots of things.
I think there is a huge genetic component in it. And I think there's a whole emotional component. My dear mother told me (when I told her if DD needed to breast feed every 1 and 1/2 hours, I did it)......that when I was an infant, she only fed me every 4 hours. If I cried for 3 hours in-between, then that was okay. That may have set me up for thinking I would starve, if I didn't grab everything when I could. I know POWs who were starved spend a lot of their time being hungry, after they are released.

I think we still have primitive bodies.........and finding a lot of high fat, high salt, high sugar things to eat, would keep it alive...when the next few weeks were very sparse. So we have a lot to fight against.

I know what it's like to be constantly hungry. I hate it. And when I have one of those few weeks when I'm not constantly hungry, it's heaven.

I don't eat hardly any carbs for breakfast.........just protein and fat. That helps to keep my hunger down until lunch. What I started eating for lunch, before the holidays ruined it all, was cottage cheese and pineapple. Then I would have some dark chocolate as a treat. If you can try to eat lots of veggies, salads, fruits when you're really hungry.......you might be able to have just a little of your junk food (a cookie or 2) and be satisfied. I've found that not eating in the evening helps a lot too.

Even though I've struggled with eating so much, I was able to raise 2 kids who are very healthy eaters and are very much in touch with the consequences of eating "bad" stuff. I'm very proud of that. I just wish I could do the same for myself. Pain, nausea, fear of dying, etc., can't seem to stop me, when I'm in a eating binge. It's funny how much I absolutely hate it, but I can't stop it. So I do understand what you're going through.

I think the suggestion to find joy in some other things is a great one. Also......don't deny yourself everything that tastes good..........It can end up making you want it more. So maybe have 1 treat a day, and try to eat less carbs and fat the rest of the day. Can you take a walk every day? And like I mentioned before, if you do have sleep apnea, your body might be putting out lots of cortisol.........which makes you hungry. Just curious........do you wake up at night to pee a lot? That can be a sign that you're putting out a lot of cortisol.

I also think that over-eating can be an effort to be in control. Sounds counter-intuitive, but it happens. NOBODY is going to tell me I can't have what I want!

Good luck to you. For me, I realize that it might be a life-long struggle, and I just have to try to make the best of it.

I agree with so, so much of this.

For me, a little treat leads directly to a binge. I mean directly.

1-7-16, 9:53am
Yeah........I know EXACTLY what you mean. :( Other addicts can go without their poison altogether. But unfortunately, we need to eat, and that is the trigger. It would be like telling other addicts....it's okay to have one drink a day.........or just do heroine or cocaine once a week. It's definitely a real PITA to have our addiction be something that is necessary for life.

I have found that if I can go 3-4 days without eating a trigger, then some of the worst is over. But it is always a struggle. :(

1-7-16, 10:02am
Yeah........I know EXACTLY what you mean. :( Other addicts can go without their poison altogether. But unfortunately, we need to eat, and that is the trigger. It would be like telling other addicts....it's okay to have one drink a day.........or just do heroine or cocaine once a week. It's definitely a real PITA to have our addiction be something that is necessary for life.

I have found that if I can go 3-4 days without eating a trigger, then some of the worst is over. But it is always a struggle. :(

Such an excellent point here.

I really think that I am going to have to apply my concentration -- my grit and willpower -- to every situation with food.

This means I will have to move willpower from something else to the food arena. :(

But it also means that I can control it. It is just resource-intensive.

For instances:

Yesterday I carefully made my breakfast of oatmeal -- one serving, with a mashed banana, a small pat of butter, and a cup of milk. I also had a quarter cup of roasted almonds. I had to really focus and will myself not to go overboard, which is what I would usually do. I'd usually have three servings of oatmeal, as much milk as I wanted, a whole bunch of maple syrup in there, and maybe some raisins too.

And for dinner I went to a Mexican restaurant to meet up with a group of friends. I did not eat a single chip from the bottomless chip bowl. Usually I'd pound at least one of those bowls by myself. I had to really focus though. I mean seriously concentrate. Then I got a small meal of huevos rancheros, rice and beans, and a few small tortillas. I was fairly liberal with the salsa.

Concentration. Concentration. Concentration.

1-7-16, 10:10am
White-knuckling it never worked well for me.

1-7-16, 10:13am
White-knuckling it never worked well for me.

White-knuckling it is how I clawed my way out of the working-poor pillbilly town I grew up in. It is how I became a ju jitsu savant in my teens. It is how I made it through college, grad school, etc.

Having slightly more grit than the average schlub is my only talent, if you want to call it that.

1-7-16, 10:18am
Ultralite Angler, have you tried looking at this as a "challenge"? You seem extremely motivated to compete with yourself in other arenas, like spending less, having less stuff, eating on a budget and so on - that sort of experiment seems to make you really happy. How about viewing this as a minimalist challenge? What greater burden than 20 pounds of "possessions" you have to carry on your back every second of your life!

1-7-16, 10:32am
How about viewing this as a minimalist challenge? What greater burden than 20 pounds of "possessions" you have to carry on your back every second of your life!

This is a really good idea. But this is a lifelong thing. And it is something that impacts me in powerful emotional ways.

This would be a challenge like no other I have done before. I am not even sure how to frame it or set it up.

1-7-16, 10:33am
White-knuckling it never worked well for me.

I also think that everything worthwhile in life needs some white knuckles. I just call it "work" and/or "concentration" though.

1-7-16, 10:36am
Is it because it's someone else telling you you have to get rid of 20 things you want to hold onto? This could be totally off track, but you seem almost like a hoarder being told to declutter, with dozens of explanations why that isn't a good idea.

1-7-16, 10:40am
How about if you frame it in very simply, in non-Draconian terms..

What ONE THING could I add to my diet every day that would promote better health?

What ONE THING could I remove from my diet that would promote better health?

Try those two things (one added, one removed) for a month or so, see how it works, rinse and repeat.

1-7-16, 10:44am
Is it because it's someone else telling you you have to get rid of 20 things you want to hold onto? This could be totally off track, but you seem almost like a hoarder being told to declutter, with dozens of explanations why that isn't a good idea.

I have thought of this too. And it is a toughy! haha

Don't get me wrong. I know I need to drop these elbeez. And I know I need to stop pounding so many cals on the daily. haha

I don't have any excuses. I am doing this -- as in, I am going to fight this fatness and win. But I also know it ain't going to be easy.

1-7-16, 10:51am
I understand. I'm just finally really pumped about doing this again after a long period of apathy about it, in part because I love a quantifiable challenge. It's like watching your bank balance go up or your possession count go down; clear, linear progress. And totally under your own control! (Yes I know that's a rather rosy view of weight loss, but it's helping me be determined. :)) I hope you find your way to enthusiasm instead of dread, because dreading change means fighting it even as you say you're working toward it.

1-7-16, 10:53am
I understand. I'm just finally really pumped about doing this again after a long period of apathy about it, in part because I love a quantifiable challenge. It's like watching your bank balance go up or your possession count go down; clear, linear progress. And totally under your own control! (Yes I know that's a rather rosy view of weight loss, but it's helping me be determined. :)) I hope you find your way to enthusiasm instead of dread, because dreading change means fighting it even as you say you're working toward it.

I like your attitude for sure! :)

1-7-16, 10:54am
I understand. I'm just finally really pumped about doing this again after a long period of apathy about it, in part because I love a quantifiable challenge. It's like watching your bank balance go up or your possession count go down; clear, linear progress. And totally under your own control! (Yes I know that's a rather rosy view of weight loss, but it's helping me be determined. :)) I hope you find your way to enthusiasm instead of dread, because dreading change means fighting it even as you say you're working toward it.

Also: I find myself asking: "So if I get skinny again, then what? How is my life appreciably better?"

Do you ask yourself this? Do the answers help?

1-7-16, 10:59am
I love the way I feel when I'm not carrying this extra weight. Get yourself a 20 pound bag of something - ideally something you won't eat, like, oh, sand, or some bricks. Put it in a backpack and carry it around for a day. Then set it down, it's like floating! - I actually mean this literally. At least, find something in your house that weighs 20 pounds and hold it for 15 minutes.

I also prefer the way I look. I don't know that there's a lot of emotional warm fuzzies in being thinner, but I feel more powerful and capable in my body. So for me there is definitely a visible pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

ETA: I have also gone to the grocery store and :|( put 20 lbs of butter in one place and just looked at it. Less volume is a big thing with me, and visually seeing what 20 lbs of fat looks like, and realizing that whether I see it in the mirror or not, that's what I've got on my body, was shocking.

1-7-16, 11:01am
I love the way I feel when I'm not carrying this extra weight. Get yourself a 20 pound bag of something - ideally something you won't eat, like, oh, sand, or some bricks. Put it in a backpack and carry it around for a day. Then set it down, it's like floating! I also prefer the way I look. I don't know that there's a lot of emotional warm fuzzies in being thinner, but I feel more powerful and capable in my body. So for me there is definitely a visible pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I can dig it.

1-7-16, 11:03am
At this point, I'm mostly doing it for my knees. Any additional benefits will be a bonus.

1-7-16, 11:04am
At this point, I'm mostly doing it for my knees.

Amen, sistah! My knees could use less pressure too.

1-7-16, 11:21am
I really think the white-knuckling will be the worst, the first week. Then maybe you'll feel a little bit of difference in your body, and that might be more motivation for you.
Are you planning on losing weight before deciding about cpap? I'm sorry, but I forget......did you have a sleep study yet? I'm just thinking that your weight loss might be easier, once you get more sleep. You can always stop in the future, if you find that it helped you lose weight and maybe then you won't need it.
I know you'd rather lose weight first and see if that helps with your sleep..........But you might be finding it MUCH too hard to lose weight, BECAUSE of your sleep problem. Just something to think about.

1-7-16, 11:47am
I really think the white-knuckling will be the worst, the first week. Then maybe you'll feel a little bit of difference in your body, and that might be more motivation for you.
Are you planning on losing weight before deciding about cpap? I'm sorry, but I forget......did you have a sleep study yet? I'm just thinking that your weight loss might be easier, once you get more sleep. You can always stop in the future, if you find that it helped you lose weight and maybe then you won't need it.
I know you'd rather lose weight first and see if that helps with your sleep..........But you might be finding it MUCH too hard to lose weight, BECAUSE of your sleep problem. Just something to think about.

My sleep study is in 8 weeks. The sleep specialist told me to lose 15-20 lbs. by then.

She seems doubtful that I have it. The only reason she wants me to take a sleep study is that I feel sleepy when driving.

1-7-16, 1:10pm
Such an excellent point here.

I really think that I am going to have to apply my concentration -- my grit and willpower -- to every situation with food.

This means I will have to move willpower from something else to the food arena. :(

But it also means that I can control it. It is just resource-intensive.

For instances:

Yesterday I carefully made my breakfast of oatmeal -- one serving, with a mashed banana, a small pat of butter, and a cup of milk. I also had a quarter cup of roasted almonds. I had to really focus and will myself not to go overboard, which is what I would usually do. I'd usually have three servings of oatmeal, as much milk as I wanted, a whole bunch of maple syrup in there, and maybe some raisins too.

And for dinner I went to a Mexican restaurant to meet up with a group of friends. I did not eat a single chip from the bottomless chip bowl. Usually I'd pound at least one of those bowls by myself. I had to really focus though. I mean seriously concentrate. Then I got a small meal of huevos rancheros, rice and beans, and a few small tortillas. I was fairly liberal with the salsa.

Concentration. Concentration. Concentration.

You were being mindful of your eating---for so many of us with food challenges, this is the problem: mindless eating.

1-8-16, 12:33pm
It's Friiiii-daaaay. :) I'm down two pounds, so 2/18. Feels nice to be on my way down.

1-8-16, 12:46pm
It's Friiiii-daaaay. :) I'm down two pounds, so 2/18. Feels nice to be on my way down.


1-8-16, 12:50pm
Thanks! It wasn't so bad after all. :) The first week is always easier for me, but it's good motivation to keep going.

1-8-16, 12:55pm
You were being mindful of your eating---for so many of us with food challenges, this is the problem: mindless eating.

Mmmmmmm... mindless eating!

1-8-16, 1:00pm
Three here. Almost back to pre-holiday levels. Onward and downward...

1-8-16, 1:01pm
Three here. Almost back to pre-holiday levels. Onward and downward...


Teacher Terry
1-8-16, 1:37pm
Congrats to all the losers:~)

1-8-16, 3:05pm
I am up 2# from before the holidays---back to seriousness now. 0/37

1-8-16, 11:31pm
Friday Jan 08/2016
I am 1/15 slow but sure is the plan I am going for. Aqua Fit today and it felt great.
I would like a little more but, this is progress!

1-9-16, 11:06am
Good job everyone! Hope next week goes smoothly. I'll be away on Friday so I won't be weighing in til Monday 1/18 - gonna be a tough one, a week of visiting parents, but I hope to at least maintain. Not too good with family pressure, at best they show love with carbs and at worst I show myself love with carbs. Maybe I can show myself love with long walks instead. :)

1-11-16, 6:22am
I am still white-knuckling it and doing okay. The food journal helps.

I am about 5 days into the unfatification process now. While I feel a bit less foggy mentally I otherwise feel no upward difference in quality of life yet.

1-14-16, 6:41am
How's everyone doing?

1-14-16, 9:19am
As usual....when I commit to losing, my first few weeks nothing happens or I gain a few. You have to break through that wall and then it seems like it gets easier from there.

1-14-16, 11:54am
...that wall...

I hear ya on that!

1-14-16, 6:16pm
Down about a lb., but that's too small of an amount to know if it's just temporary. Will continue to weigh in.
Been snacking on popcorn which seems to be keeping things moving, so to speak ;) and they always say American diets could use more fiber.

1-15-16, 12:06pm
Down 1# at weigh-in last night...was hoping for more, but I'll take it. I know I do not drink enough water, so will work on that. 1/37

1-15-16, 3:56pm
Down 1# at weigh-in last night...was hoping for more, but I'll take it. I know I do not drink enough water, so will work on that. 1/37

A pound is a pound! Good on you. :)

I can't really tell if there was any change or if it is water-weight or whatever.

But I am still powering through -- have not overeaten or went wild on something particularly unhealthy. Though I am slowly -- very slowly -- working through some pasta I had. The tiny portions of it that I eat are so far from satisfying...so far! haha

I have been eating veggies, fruits, lentils, rice -- for the most part. Though I did indulge in some goat meat a couple nights ago. :)

1-15-16, 6:10pm
Ultralite, Congratulations on the vegetable consumption. As I recall that is a hurdle!

1-15-16, 10:59pm
Jan 15
This morning I was 2/15 feeling good.
And, I have made the decision to join a gym not anyone but one that is 2 blocks from my house..highly recommend for seniors.
It did not seem frugal at first but, if I go to 2 Aqua fit a week and/or any of the other classes it will be the same cost as doing
these at the City Pool and I have to drive to any of these. Of course there is all the machines and a walking track.
So, I will have no excuses.

1-16-16, 8:27pm
Like KayLR, I have joined weight watchers. My goal is 60 pounds. I weigh on Mondays.

Week 1 -4.5;)

I'm opting not give up anything I love. What I am doing? Measuring, weighing and counting those points. Want cornbread with the chili tonight? Sure, I can go into my weekly points. But I did not have a 2nd. I want choices later in the week as well.

I need a lifestyle change and I think WW is going to provide that foundation.

1-18-16, 1:36pm
Lost a pound this week, so I'm at 3/17. I did weight watchers a few years ago and it was helpful, both for support and for structure. This time the fitbit with its step goal, much as I malign it, gets me off my bum and at least jogging around the house a little.

1-20-16, 7:26am
Lost a pound this week, so I'm at 3/17. I did weight watchers a few years ago and it was helpful, both for support and for structure. This time the fitbit with its step goal, much as I malign it, gets me off my bum and at least jogging around the house a little.

If it works, then it works!

1-20-16, 7:27am
Like KayLR, I have joined weight watchers. My goal is 60 pounds. I weigh on Mondays.

Week 1 -4.5;)

I'm opting not give up anything I love. What I am doing? Measuring, weighing and counting those points. Want cornbread with the chili tonight? Sure, I can go into my weekly points. But I did not have a 2nd. I want choices later in the week as well.

I need a lifestyle change and I think WW is going to provide that foundation.

I have heard many good things about WW! Now... if they just had one for men. haha

1-20-16, 9:59am
If it works, then it works!I know you're not into having extra stuff, but you might consider a simple pedometer. The fitbit is too gadgety for my taste, but it was "free". Maybe it's just me, but having a very straightforward goal - I will walk 6000 steps today - and then a very easy way to see my progress, is very satisfying.

1-20-16, 10:02am
I know you're not into having extra stuff, but you might consider a simple pedometer. The fitbit is too gadgety for my taste, but it was "free". Maybe it's just me, but having a very straightforward goal - I will walk 6000 steps today - and then a very easy way to see my progress, is very satisfying.

I will think it over.

6000 is mucho!

1-20-16, 10:12am
I will think it over.

6000 is mucho!Actually, I think it's the American Heart Association that recommends 10,000 steps per day. That's about 4 miles (for me, I take small steps). I was sort of surprised at how few steps I was taking in a day, sometimes less than 2000, so this is by no means killing me but it does require making some changes.

1-20-16, 10:13am
There's also this: http://hundredpushups.com/

It's a challenge to get yourself to be able to perform 100 standard pushups (in one set). So far I can do about 15 "pushups" on my knees, but I've been much stronger in the past and I believe I can get there again. I figure if I could do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and run 2 miles, I've covered my major muscles and probably boosted my metabolism significantly.

1-20-16, 10:15am
There's also this: http://hundredpushups.com/

It's a challenge to get yourself to be able to perform 100 standard pushups (in one set). So far I can do about 15 "pushups" on my knees, but I've been much stronger in the past and I believe I can get there again. I figure if I could do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and run 2 miles, I've covered my major muscles and probably boosted my metabolism significantly.

I am working my way up to some kind of physical activity on the regular. ;)

1-20-16, 10:22am
Just remember, sex is not exercise. :~)

Me too, as far as more regular motion. It's getting easier as I get more enthusiastic and in a little better shape. I just get overwhelmed with exercise routines that include 50 different things, I like having a few simple goals / moves, and I like that these goals involve a minimum of expense and equipment.

1-20-16, 11:10am
Apparently doing "the plank" is also a good strength builder, building up how long you can hold the position. I use a pedometer and for 3 years it has motivated me. Since November...not so much but I am still using it and recording my steps every day.

1-21-16, 6:53pm
Just remember, sex is not exercise. :~)

Two minutes is not enough for me to reach my target heart rate. !Splat!

Teacher Terry
1-21-16, 6:59pm
Yes the Heart Association says you need 10,000 steps to be healthy. I can't remember if I posted it in this thread or another but if I find my steps lacking I march in place or jog in circles in the living room when I watch TV at night. If I am watching something live then I run around during commercials. Walking my dog for 30 minutes gets me 3,000. I also lost 5lbs this week.

1-21-16, 7:06pm
Two minutes is not enough for me to reach my target heart rate. !Splat!

My hubs and I like doing challenges. Someone mentioning planking reminded me one time we did a plank challenge. I imagine you could find it by googling. You started out at 15 seconds or so and worked your way up to some # of minutes. I was able to do it, with some effort, I recall.

Now I am in a hula hoop challenge. Now THAT'S work!! We started at 5 minutes one way, and it progresses in a month to 15 minutes each way. (By "each way," I mean hula-ing in opposite directions; you have a dominant direction of hula-ing, just like your handwriting is dominant in one hand.)

1-21-16, 7:21pm
Another irritating fitness gadget was our Wii, but it did have some fun stuff, including hula-hooping. I was amazed at how hula-inept I am when going counter clockwise, my rear would stick out in one direction and I'd just about fall over. That probably used twice as many calories! Maybe I should drag that out again, since we've got it anyway. 30 minutes of hula, that's A Lot. Good for you.

Teacher Terry, five pounds, way to go! I'm wondering how tomorrow will go, I just weighed in on Monday and I feel a little lighter but we're about to go out for dinner. Bringing my doggie bag, but I can hear a baked potato calling my name from here.

1-22-16, 12:20am
Drat, up the pound I lost last week, back to square one. I think menopause is my greatest enemy. I mean, geez, I have to be absolutely 100% good, not even 1/2 cookie or I will not lose. I go to the gym/pool 3x/week and walk at lunchbreak. WTH! 0/37

1-22-16, 10:26am
Down another pound, which means I'm at my lowest weight in years. Slow and steady for the win.

1-22-16, 10:30am
Down another pound, which means I'm at my lowest weight in years.


Slow and steady for the win.

I agree with this strategy. :)

1-22-16, 11:01am
Drat, up the pound I lost last week, back to square one. I think menopause is my greatest enemy. I mean, geez, I have to be absolutely 100% good, not even 1/2 cookie or I will not lose. I go to the gym/pool 3x/week and walk at lunchbreak. WTH! 0/37 :( I love the rush of a good week, but I so know how this feels. When I was into daily+ weighing, I would have fierce arguments with my scale several times a week. " WTF, I weighed in, went to the bathroom, went to the gym, took a shower and drank a 4 oz glass of water and gained half a pound? Are you kidding me? Am I absorbing air? " Hope next week is better for you. I'm going to weigh in after my shower, will report then.

1-22-16, 12:20pm
Still the same from Monday, 3/17. Considering the traveling and dinner out, I'm not thrilled but not really surprised either. And my face is looking tired and my boobs are heading south, so there's that! >8)

In seriousness I feel less bulky and a little stronger, so, shrug, I think my scale is slightly delusional. Onward and downward.

1-22-16, 12:23pm
I do not have access on the regular to a functioning scale.

So I am mostly going by how I feel and -- eventually -- how I look in the mirror.

Teacher Terry
1-22-16, 12:27pm
1 1/2 years ago it took me 10 months to lose 30lbs and i have kept it off. One of the things I did was what a personal trainer told me to do and that is to have 1 day a week that is a cheat day. You eat what you want within reason and it confuses your body because you are consuming more calories then normal. Frequently you see a weight loss right after a cheat day. Also we were doing water aerobics for a year and working very hard and lost no weight. A few people tried to tell me that the water counteracts the calorie loss by slowing your metabolism down but when I finally looked it up they were right so we quit doing that and took up walking which has worked. This is all hard work-ugh!

1-22-16, 12:34pm
1 1/2 years ago it took me 10 months to lose 30lbs and i have kept it off.


1-22-16, 1:14pm
1 1/2 years ago it took me 10 months to lose 30lbs and i have kept it off. One of the things I did was what a personal trainer told me to do and that is to have 1 day a week that is a cheat day. You eat what you want within reason and it confuses your body because you are consuming more calories then normal. Frequently you see a weight loss right after a cheat day. Also we were doing water aerobics for a year and working very hard and lost no weight. A few people tried to tell me that the water counteracts the calorie loss by slowing your metabolism down but when I finally looked it up they were right so we quit doing that and took up walking which has worked. This is all hard work-ugh!

It's a process, isn't it? I don't find it hard at this point, but I've been doing it for years, making mistakes, self-correcting, discovering what works and what doesn't, and experimenting. I have a "free day" every week or two, but I find I'm eating more judiciously even then. I'm not interested in depriving myself; I've done that, and it didn't work for me.

1-22-16, 1:30pm
I'm not interested in depriving myself; I've done that, and it didn't work for me.

Here is something I have found interesting.

Over the past several days I have noticed that I am not feeling deprived. There have been a couple brief moments -- like once I really wanted one of those little bags of Salt & Vinegar chips from the gas station. But I think about it and I get to eat pretty well -- steel cut oats with organic milk and a banana for breakfast (I stir a little pat of butter in and it makes it feel decadent) or apples with all natural peanut butter. I also enjoy lentil or goat curries, salmon fillets, and some small amounts of whole wheat pasta with red sauce and grated Romano.

I still begrudge the veggies. But I don't really feel deprived now. Maybe the feeling will come back in full force. For several days now though, I have not been feeling it much to speak of.

The Storyteller
1-22-16, 6:19pm
Weigh day (although I weigh daily)
190/181 so far for month of January. Taking it easy, exercising (well, walking a lot), and just eating right. Not a lot of sacrifice. Good so far! My actual resolution is to just eat healthy and exercise. The weight loss is just an inevitable side benefit.

My first goal (milestone?) is 178, then 173, followed by 168, then 163, then eventually 156 (that one is for my cardiologist, and coincidentally my top boxing weight as a young man). I find having easily attainable milestones to be helpful.

I'm 5'11", medium build.

Last blood screening in October...
Blood pressure: 95/62
Blood sugar (nonfasting): 105
Cholesterol: 119 (goal is under 100)
HDL cholesterol (good): 40
LDL cholesterol (bad): 55
Triglycerides: 118

Not bad for heart attack survivor.

Thanks for starting the thread! I've been following it for several days and it is so helpful to me. I love the spirit of encouragement!

The Storyteller
1-23-16, 1:41pm
Drat, up the pound I lost last week, back to square one. I think menopause is my greatest enemy. I mean, geez, I have to be absolutely 100% good, not even 1/2 cookie or I will not lose. I go to the gym/pool 3x/week and walk at lunchbreak. WTH! 0/37

Okay, an observation from someone who weighs daily...

As I'm losing, I notice my weight fluctuates on the way down. I noticed this a few years ago as I was dropping 60 pounds. It would say down 2, then the next day back up 2, then next down 1, back up .5, then down 1.5 to what it read 3 days earlier (the lower weight). Then, it would seem to level off a couple days at that lower weight before it did something similar. Overall, though, it was a downward trend until a few weeks or months later, I could see/feel/weigh less.

Today for example, I weighed 183.5 (two pounds up from yesterday) this morning (I always weigh first thing, before eating or drinking anything, so it isn't reflected in my weight). Did I gain 2.5 pounds in one day? No! I just have more water or food from last night or whatever. In a couple of three days I will weigh 181 again and not go back up.

I'm NOT suggesting you weigh daily. You should do what works for you, and that doesn't work for most people. I'm only saying, don't get discouraged! There is no way to know if that just happened to be your "up" day, for whatever reason, on your downward journey.

So, keep on doing what you should be doing. It will come. I have read that it is harder for women to lose than men, so they need to be even more patient with themselves. Just eat right, whatever that means to you, and exercise. It will come with time. Just know for now, you are getting more healthy with every change you make to your lifestyle.

Keep it up! :)

Teacher Terry
1-23-16, 2:22pm
UA: when I want to eat chips I count 10 out into a bowl and only eat those. That way I am getting what I want without a lot of calories. ST: I find the same thing because I weigh daily. It goes up and down and then finally down for good. Good job!!

1-24-16, 11:13pm
As of Jan 22 Friday 2016
2.5/15 I am doing it very slowly but, hopefully slow and steady wins out.!!

1-25-16, 9:12am
My experience with daily weigh-ins is that when I'm trying to lose, I anticipate a lower number, I use that as motivation to keep going. I tend to be very mindful of my calories and exercise when I'm actively engaged in meeting a weigh goal. When I don't see a loss I'm left deflated - sort of like waiting for a check in the mail and the mailman comes and not only no check, but a bill I wasn't expecting. I do better if I wait til I'm sure I must have lost at least a little. However, after I've reached my goal weight I find it important to weigh in often, if not daily. At that point a gain is a warning that I need to remain more mindful of what I'm doing and scale back.

Welcome, Storyteller! You sound like you're making great progress, any tips?

1-26-16, 10:44am
UA: when I want to eat chips I count 10 out into a bowl and only eat those. That way I am getting what I want without a lot of calories.

I have done something very similar with chips and salsa now. I used to just pound them though!

It isn't a perfect system, but it really does help -- doesn't it?!

1-26-16, 10:45am
I feel better. I don't know if I am dropping any elbeez, but I do feel better -- like more awake.

Today I am actually feeling more ambition than normal. So I am going to apply for a job after work tonight. :)

1-26-16, 11:52am
I sometimes use the treat foods as ... accent pieces. Like, I'll have ten tortilla chips but also four big celery sticks with the salsa. Then I've got a nice big snack that fills me up and I don't feel deprived because I've had yummy chips, but I've actually also done something good for myself.

Zoe Girl
1-26-16, 12:38pm
I feel better. I don't know if I am dropping any elbeez, but I do feel better -- like more awake.

Today I am actually feeling more ambition than normal. So I am going to apply for a job after work tonight. :)

OMG, you just reminded me to apply for a job! nothing to say about weight here

1-26-16, 12:39pm
OMG, you just reminded me to apply for a job! nothing to say about weight here

I have just felt so sluggish for such a long time that I couldn't muster the grit to apply for jobs after work.

Zoe Girl
1-26-16, 3:14pm
I have just felt so sluggish for such a long time that I couldn't muster the grit to apply for jobs after work.)

This is in my department so not totally starting from scratch with researching the position, however I go home and nap or even take a nap in my car in the middle of the day when I have to be at the early program (6:15 am) then have the middle of the day free and back to 6 pm. Sometimes I bring 3 meals to work!

The Storyteller
1-27-16, 2:39pm
Welcome, Storyteller! You sound like you're making great progress, any tips?

Thank you! Well, I can only tell you the tips I learned through reading (I have a large Kindle library of health related books) and watching food docs. By far the best advice I heard in all of my reading and watching and listening comes from Joel Fuhrman (he seems to orient toward vegan, though I've never seen him use the V Word) in either "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" or "Food Matters"...

"If you eat enough of the good stuff, there won't be room for the bad."

So.... lots and lots and lots of plant related whole foods, very little if any highly processed foods, a little meat here and there as I wish, usually in the evening (see the book VB6, by Mark Bittman).

Other stuff I learned in my reading that I apply...
Size matters (so I use small plates, tall thin glasses and cups, small spoons, etc)
Eat slow
Do portion control on any calorie dense foods, be they carb, fat, or protein
Read labels
Drink water
Make big salads and eat them first
Track my food (I use MyFitnessPal)
Exercise (I got a FitBit for Christmas from my son and I'm wearing it out)
When eating out, choose places with low lighting and quiet atmosphere (there's a reason so many places are loud and bright... we eat faster and more) and decide as soon as your plate arrives how much of it you are going to eat (which is almost always half or less, given today's portion sizes!)

That's all I can think of right now, but I'll keep thinking.

The Storyteller
1-27-16, 2:44pm
On the size thing...

If you ever get a chance while visiting an antique store, check out the typical size of dinner plates from the 50s or before. They look like saucers! About half the size of today's typical dinner plate, one of the reasons we weigh more today. We shopped and shopped until we found some plates about that size. It ain't easy! :)

1-29-16, 8:11am
Happy Friday! Lost a pound, I'm at 4/16 (4 down 16 to go). A little movement, yay!

1-29-16, 8:36am
Happy Friday! Lost a pound, I'm at 4/16 (4 down 16 to go). A little movement, yay!


1-29-16, 2:22pm
1 1/2 years ago it took me 10 months to lose 30lbs and i have kept it off. One of the things I did was what a personal trainer told me to do and that is to have 1 day a week that is a cheat day. You eat what you want within reason and it confuses your body because you are consuming more calories then normal. Frequently you see a weight loss right after a cheat day. Also we were doing water aerobics for a year and working very hard and lost no weight. A few people tried to tell me that the water counteracts the calorie loss by slowing your metabolism down but when I finally looked it up they were right so we quit doing that and took up walking which has worked. This is all hard work-ugh!

Terry, if you can find where you read about that, I'd really appreciate reading it too. Thx

1-29-16, 2:29pm
Weigh-in last night: down 1.6 for the week, -51.8 since I started.
28.8 to go.

1-29-16, 2:32pm
Weigh-in last night: down 1.6 for the week, -51.8 since I started.
28.8 to go.


1-29-16, 6:46pm
I follow a particular diet for neurological damage. I lost weight in the beginning and since becoming vegan it is coming off slowly, but bit by bit. I am sticking with it. This is what I eat in a typical day, and it is a lot.

B - big bowl of steel cut oats with berries, a sprinkle of walnuts, ground flax seed and almond milk and a tiny bit of maple syrup.

S - fruit

L - big tortilla with kale, yams and mushrooms with a small spoon of Vegannaise with a big bowl of brocolli on the side. A home made banana bread slice (oil free)

S - Big green smoothie

D - rice and beans and more veg.

S - golden milk (almond milk, turmeric and spices)

S - maybe raisins or a banana.

I am full.

1-31-16, 10:38pm
Sorry to be late posting....no excuse just late...not unusual for me these days....lol
3/15 on Jan 29,2016
As I mentioned I joined a gym with a pool last week and have been a few times already, thinking
I am really going to like it. I have a consultation on Tues. on how to use the weight machines, looking forward to that.
At my age I am not looking to being thin, just wanting to be well and fit/stronger. I am feeling a lot less strong these days
and that can not be a good thing in an aging person or anyone for that matter.
Will check back in next week....good luck to you all..

The Storyteller
2-1-16, 8:13am
178.8 lbs this morning (it was a very good weekend), down from 190 on the first of January. Lost a little over 11 pounds in January.

Less than a pound to go for my first milestone. Progress!

The Storyteller
2-2-16, 3:09pm
Weigh-in last night: down 1.6 for the week, -51.8 since I started.
28.8 to go.

Excellent. You made progress, after all! I was worried because you were so discouraged after that brief stall, you might leave us. Glad you are persevering. :)

2-2-16, 3:12pm
I am enjoying reading everyone's updates.

I am still sticking it out and controlling my portion sizes. I am still avoiding the worst offenders in my food realm. haha

And I ain't had a slice of pizza since Jan. 5th -- when Ol' Sawbones told me to get skinny.

Teacher Terry
2-2-16, 6:49pm
Kay: I am sorry but I don't remember where I read it since it was 3 years ago. YOu should be able to Google it and find some info. Congrats to everyone!

2-2-16, 7:51pm
I finished February down four pounds. OK by me.

2-2-16, 8:28pm
And a month ahead of everyone else! :D

2-3-16, 8:34am
Haha. I noticed that. Make that January. At least I'm writing 2016 on my checks...

2-5-16, 6:56pm
Friday weigh in, 1 pound lost, so 6.5 down, 13.5 to go.

2-5-16, 11:16pm
Feb 05, 2016

3.5/15 as of this morning...it feels good.

2-6-16, 9:13am
Storyteller, how fun! I've taken 8 steps on the Camino Frances. Looking forward to Spain. :~)

The Storyteller
2-6-16, 9:13am
Woohoo! 177.6, down from 190. Milestone #1 reached. Next stop 173! My comfy weight.

I mentioned my Fitbit. There is this cool site I was turned on to yesterday called Walking 4 Fun. It can actually work with any tracker, but Fitbit ties into it and updates automatically. Others you have update progress manually.

Anyway, you can virtually hike many of the world’s great trails. It looks at your mileage for the day and posts pictures of your trail along that walk, plus maps.

I started the PCT yesterday, humming El Condor Pasa as I walked. Beautiful.


The Storyteller
2-6-16, 9:19am
Thanks, Kib. I tried to edit my post for a typo, but deleted it accidentally. Fortunately I could find it again. :)

How long have you been on W4F? I should probably have started on a more reasonable trail, but I'm from CA and miss it's beauty some times. And I was really inspired by the book and film Wild.

2-6-16, 9:24am
Oh, I've been on it for about five minutes. Haven't even gotten out of my armchair yet. :D Thank you for the link, I think the whole family is going to find this entertaining. I live in AZ so I figured the beginning of the PCT would look a lot like home. I hope they keep adding, I'd love to "hike" some places I'll never go in person.

And good job on the weight loss, you sound like you're on a roll - a small whole grain roll without butter, of course.

2-8-16, 10:48am
Hey amigos! How's it coming along?

Teacher Terry
2-8-16, 1:34pm
I have found that my Fitbit really helped me lose weight last year. I couldn't lie to myself about how much exercise I was getting and couldn't go to bed until I had 10,000/steps/day:~)

2-9-16, 7:41pm
I'm at 10.9pounds. I'm good with that. Weight Watchers is about lifestyle and I'm doing well with the changes.

2-12-16, 4:40pm
Well I'm at the same weight I was last week, but I ate a really big meal last night so I think it just needs to work its way through and I should be back on a downward curve. How's everyone else doing?

The Storyteller
2-12-16, 5:25pm
Progress report: 88 miles on the PCT, so far. Stage 4: Scissors Crossing to Warner Springs.


The Storyteller
2-12-16, 5:35pm
I have found that my Fitbit really helped me lose weight last year. I couldn't lie to myself about how much exercise I was getting and couldn't go to bed until I had 10,000/steps/day:~)

Well, as I said... I LOVE IT! I'm now up to averaging 25k+ steps per day. And if the other calculations are correct (I find myself doubting it), burning over 3,000 calories a day.

The Storyteller
2-13-16, 7:46am
Okay, I was away from my scales yesterday so I didn't report. But this morning...

176.6 lbs

Down a pound for the week. Progress!

2-13-16, 8:17am
12.9 pounds since Jan 1. I am a believer in Weight Watchers. I can eat ANYTHING. I simply have to make choices each day. Sometimes I go over my points. Life is meant to be lived. I am on a downward trajectory so I am a happy girl:cool:

2-16-16, 11:17am
My weight loss deadline is 2 weeks away. I am not close enough.

I think the initial losses are tapering off. I need to take more drastic measures.

2-16-16, 1:31pm
Don't do drastic, UA...make "a" moderate change and see what happens. Baby steps, man.

I had a non-scale victory: My pants were too large, so went to the thrift store as I didn't want to buy new while losing weight. Alas, I couldn't find any work-style ones I could use. So, bit the dust and went to Old Navy. One size lower, still too big. Ended up 2 sizes smaller than the ones I'd been wearing!

Even though I'm not losing a ton of weight, I am exercising, so that must be the difference. And the hula-hooping!

2-16-16, 1:36pm
Don't do drastic, UA...make "a" moderate change and see what happens. Baby steps, man.

I had a non-scale victory: My pants were too large, so went to the thrift store as I didn't want to buy new while losing weight. Alas, I couldn't find any work-style ones I could use. So, bit the dust and went to Old Navy. One size lower, still too big. Ended up 2 sizes smaller than the ones I'd been wearing!

Even though I'm not losing a ton of weight, I am exercising, so that must be the difference. And the hula-hooping!

Congrats on your victory!

And what I was thinking was this:

I normally have about 2 servings of grains/bread with each meal. Would I really notice if it were just one serving of grain/bread per meal?

That'd be a certain way to cut some serious cals out of my daily intake.

2-17-16, 10:07am
Down another pound after a short plateau. I really need a tracker.

Teacher Terry
2-17-16, 12:58pm
So happy to see everyone doing so well!! I am mostly maintaining after losing 35 lbs. I still use my Fitbit, watch what I eat and weigh daily. It really has just become a way of life.

2-17-16, 3:08pm
When I went to a low sat fat plant based diet I lost quite a lot of weight. Now I just drop maybe 1/2 lb a month (I am guessing) and continue to get healthier and healthier. For me the long term gain in health is worth every bit of this journey.

The Storyteller
2-19-16, 8:07am
Weigh day!

174.8, down 2 pounds for the week and 1.8 from my next goal. I was beginning to think I plateaued, but that was before a very active couple of days (yesterday I walked 2 hours before work and an hour during lunch).

I have also started moderate strength training, after finding a vegan bodybuilding site and FB group. I'm not vegan, but getting closer by the week. I'm getting most of my protein from plants now. I was a non-competitive bodybuilder during the 70s and this is helping me to rekindle that old flame.

Hope the rest of you had a great week.

2-19-16, 11:08am
Wow storyteller, you're on a roll! I think I'm back in the swing again, lost 1.5 this week after stalling out for a while.

2-19-16, 12:02pm
Was down another "elbee" last night at WI. At this rate I'll be at goal in 33 weeks. Almost sounds like a pregnancy, LOL!

2-19-16, 12:46pm
Was down another "elbee" last night...


... sounds like a pregnancy, LOL!

Congrats again!

2-22-16, 9:45am
I keep thinking how eating reasonably-sized portions saves money!

For instance, this past weekend, I took my girlfriend to Reethika (delicious Indian food restaurant here in Columbus). Normally I would have pounded the entire meal along with an appetizer (pakora) and bread (naan). Now, keep in mind that the masala is a generous portion and the rice is almost mountainous.

So I ate half the masala and half the rice. I did not order bread or an appetizer.

After half the masala and half the rice I heard that little voice in my head say: "You're full."

I listened, packed up the 'tovers, and had them for breakfast in the morning.

2-22-16, 10:39am
Good job, Kay!

UL, I totally agree. we eat out quite a lot, and one of my strategies beyond ordering things that are better for dieting is to bring a tupperware container and put a good percentage of my meal in there right when I get it. How much depends on the portion size, but it's often half what I'm served. I then clean my plate and don't feel deprived one bit, AND, as you say, I have another yummy meal for the next day.

Teacher Terry
2-22-16, 12:05pm
I often ask for a to go box when I order the meal and put half in right away too. I lost 8 lbs in 24 hours-how did i accomplish this feat? I got a horrible flu :|(early Sun am and by this morning weighed in. I know a lot of it was probably water weight. I am still sick today but nothing like yesterday. UL I might have missed it but how much weight have you lost?

2-22-16, 12:08pm
I often ask for a to go box when I order the meal and put half in right away too. I lost 8 lbs in 24 hours-how did i accomplish this feat? I got a horrible flu :|(early Sun am and by this morning weighed in. I know a lot of it was probably water weight. I am still sick today but nothing like yesterday. UL I might have missed it but how much weight have you lost?

I have lost about 9 elbeez, I'd say.

So not a lot. :/

The Storyteller
2-22-16, 2:08pm
I keep thinking how eating reasonably-sized portions saves money!

For instance, this past weekend, I took my girlfriend to Reethika (delicious Indian food restaurant here in Columbus). Normally I would have pounded the entire meal along with an appetizer (pakora) and bread (naan). Now, keep in mind that the masala is a generous portion and the rice is almost mountainous.

So I ate half the masala and half the rice. I did not order bread or an appetizer.

After half the masala and half the rice I heard that little voice in my head say: "You're full."

I listened, packed up the 'tovers, and had them for breakfast in the morning.

Nice job! My philosophy exactly. I eat half or less of whatever is served. I decide how much of it I am going to eat as soon as it is set in front of me, sometimes even taking my knife and separating it.

There are hundreds of little tricks like that we can use. I highly recommend the books Slim by Design and Mindless Eating, both by Brian Wansink, and The End of Overeating, by David Kessler.

The Storyteller
2-24-16, 8:09am
Okay, I know it's not weigh day, but I just gotta shout...

173 lbs this AM!

Goal #2 achieved. Next stop, 168, then 163. Down from 190 Jan 1.


2-24-16, 8:51am
Okay, I know it's not weigh day, but I just gotta shout...

173 lbs this AM!

Goal #2 achieved. Next stop, 168, then 163. Down from 190 Jan 1.



2-26-16, 6:50am
15.4 elbees since Jan 1:cool: My goal is 60. I am already 25% of the way!!!!! I am really really liking Weight Watchers. I've had a few burgers/fries. I've had clam chowder. i've had bread w/butter. I eat some dark chocolate nearly everyday. I have my vodka/cran nearly everyday. I still have irish cream/coffee on my nonwork days about half the time.

I go online and investigate how many points in what I really want. Then I plan the day's intake around said wanted item. Sometimes I go over my points. I say "oh well" and get right back on the horse-no self flagilation. It really is a lifestyle I believe I can live by. I can eat ANYTHING I want. That is huge for me as denial diets don't work or I would not have yo-yoed 1000 pounds off/back on in 40 years right?

The Storyteller
2-26-16, 3:42pm
15.4 elbees since Jan 1:cool: My goal is 60. I am already 25% of the way!!!!! I am really really liking Weight Watchers.

:+1: :treadmill: :D

2-26-16, 5:18pm
Good job everyone! i got a new scale so it's hard to tell what's going on, yesterday it seemed like it was weighing heavy, today like it's weighing light. Guess I'll just go with what it says ... theoretically I lost 1.5 pounds this week. I felt really fat today, and then I realized I was wearing a pair of jeans that didn't fit at all at New Years, so yes, starting to feel a difference.

3-1-16, 9:31am
So today is my weigh-in with Ol' Sawbones. We'll see how that goes. :treadmill:

I noticed that since I started eating reasonable portions, no pizzas, and avoiding some of the other worst "food" offenders I have acquired this taste for salty stuff.

I was putting salt on everything! It is crazy!

And apparently this is bad for you now. haha

Now I have to kick my salt habit. Argh!

Teacher Terry
3-1-16, 1:42pm
The thing I like about counting calories is that I can eat whatever I want but just not to much of anything. I have lost 10lbs in a little over a week. Usually I only lose a lb a week but being sick jump started me again.

3-1-16, 1:49pm
...just not to much of anything.

You lost me here. haha

But congrats on the 10 elbees!

Teacher Terry
3-1-16, 3:00pm
Portion control UL. I can eat whatever I want but just not too much of it. So I have no taboo foods.

3-1-16, 4:24pm
As it turns out, I only lost 6 pounds in the past 8 weeks. Ol' Sawbones is not happy.

Neither am I...

3-1-16, 4:49pm
Take the win- in a year you will lose 45-50 lb. if you keep on the way you are. Big picture.

The Storyteller
3-1-16, 10:41pm
No weight loss to report, but yesterday I earned this on Fitbit.com...


The Storyteller
3-1-16, 10:42pm
Ultra, keep in mind the adage pounds lost slowly are pounds lost for good.

The Storyteller
3-1-16, 10:54pm
And if it isn't an adage, it should be.

3-2-16, 1:37am
6 lbs in 8 weeks is good. Old Sawbones might not actually know much about losing weight. Do it slowly and surely.

3-2-16, 7:27am
Ultra, keep in mind the adage pounds lost slowly are pounds lost for good.

I hope you are right!

And nice job on all those steps. That is impressive! :)

Teacher Terry
3-2-16, 12:20pm
It took me 10 months last year to lose 30lbs although when I was younger I could lose it in 3 months. But the studies do show that the slower it goes the more likely it is to be gone for good. Just keep doing what you have been and by the end of the year it will be a new you.

3-2-16, 12:22pm
It took me 10 months last year to lose 30lbs although when I was younger I could lose it in 3 months. But the studies do show that the slower it goes the more likely it is to be gone for good. Just keep doing what you have been and by the end of the year it will be a new you.

That is my plan -- just keep on powering through!

The Storyteller
3-4-16, 8:41am
174.8 lbs, up almost 2 pounds. Still eating below 1500 and burning 3k+ per day.

But I've started strength training, drinking protein shakes, and taking creatine supplements, so I'm telling myself it's muscle gain. ;)

3-4-16, 11:24am
I was down 1.8# last night at weigh-in. Very happy! That makes me 30 lb. from goal.

3-4-16, 11:26am
174.8 lbs, up almost 2 pounds. Still eating below 1500 and burning 3k+ per day.

But I've started strength training, drinking protein shakes, and taking creatine supplements, so I'm telling myself it's muscle gain. ;)

Have you measured yourself? You may be surprised! Even though you had a gain, you may have lost inches from your workouts. IMO, if you're only counting pounds, fat pounds and muscle pounds still weigh the same.

The Storyteller
3-4-16, 12:01pm
Actually, yes. I noticed my belt was on the last notch and it hadn't been there for a while. Plus I can see it in the mirror.

And there is the water. Part of why creatine works is it infuses the muscles with water, which helps them to recuperate more quickly after exercise. And why I'm so thirsty all the time! lol!

Right now I'm in the "loading phase", which means I'm consuming a pretty high dose, which increases the need for water even more.

3-5-16, 6:50pm
Losing 1-2 pounds a month at 2200-2300 calories (and 10K steps) a day. Down 50+ pounds since mid-2014, and would like to lose another 20.

3-7-16, 8:13am
Down 3.5 elbees this week. That's 18.4 since Jan 10.:cool: Yes, I believe weight watchers is the lifestyle for me. Eat what I want-by planning for it. I design the rest of my eating day around what I really want to eat.

I've had burger/fries x3. I have dark chocolate or WW ice cream bar every night. i have a vodka/cran nearly every evening. I have bread/butter, potatoes/sr cream.....the only thing I used to eat that i haven't had yet? onion rings. Love 'em. Maybe I'll have a plate of those once I reach my goal weight????

We've eaten out a very few times. It's eating out that brings out the noshing and eating of very high calorie items. I order out what I don't make at home.

And when I really really really want to nosh.....there is a popcorn endorsed by WW. i pop a microwave bag of that and eat the whole dang thing. I've done that twice and called it dinner.

What adjustments are you making to have what you want and still inch towards your goal?

The Storyteller
3-7-16, 10:23am
I've retrained my taste buds (and tastes) to want stuff that is good for me. Loving it so far. :)

But I track my calories meticulously and shoot for a certain calorie goal, so I guess it is similar to weight watchers in that respect. I can technically eat anything as long as I meet my goal. I just choose not to eat some things that I used to.

For me, health is not just about the weight, but what the food I consume is doing to my body.

The Storyteller
3-11-16, 12:56pm
Weigh day!

Okay, I know it's not weigh day, but I just gotta shout...

173 lbs this AM!

Goal #2 achieved. Next stop, 168, then 163. Down from 190 Jan 1.


172.6 this morning. I skipped taking the creatine for a few days to see if I was correct about the water weight. Appears I was. :)

Not losing much, although looking and feeling much trimmer. And that last notch on my belt is even easier to buckle up.

How's everyone doing? Hope y'all keep checking in, or I'll get lonely. ;)

3-11-16, 1:21pm
I did not do well this week---too many social occasions. I was up one elbee. >:( BAck to tracking every single bite.

3-16-16, 11:53am
Here is some Pavlovian wackiness!

When I get the slightest amount of stress at work I think: "Is it lunch yet?"

And when something more stressful at work happens I really start craving foods -- like chips and such!

The Storyteller
3-23-16, 11:23am
Okay, I'm getting a scale with a body fat feature. I realize they aren't the most accurate, but I need something to give me an idea about progress. I am hovering around 174 now, eating 1650 calories on average, walking 3 hours a day for about 12 to 15 miles, and burning 3,000+ calories a day. I look and FEEL thinner, more trim. My clothes are getting looser (except the chest, arms, and legs). And those love handles seem to have shrunk.

The thing that is throwing a wrench into it is I've started weight training, taking supplements, and drinking protein shakes. I know normally it takes a lot of time for most people to gain muscle weight originally, but I was a non-competitive bodybuilder in the late 70s, early 80s, and rebuilding muscle is easier once you have done it and kept at it for a while.

Supposedly. ;)

That said, weight loss experts like Yoni Freidman say if you think you are losing fat but gaining muscle weight, you're just lying to yourself.

So I just gotta know. Am I losing weight and gaining muscle? Have I plateaued and just need to find a way to break the dam? Or is this just my ideal weight and calorie intake?

I plan to start measuring as suggested, but that wouldn't help for my progress so far. Maybe a measurement of my body fat would give me an idea of whether or not I'm in a good place. Plus, track my progress in the future.

So how about the rest of you? How has it been going lately? This thread has been pretty quiet. :)

3-23-16, 11:42am
Plateaus are inevitable for some of us. I'm enjoying one now. Eventually, I'll lurch downward.

The Storyteller
3-24-16, 12:39pm
Plateaus are inevitable for some of us. I'm enjoying one now. Eventually, I'll lurch downward.

Good point. Thanks for the encouragement! :)

I ordered the scale anyway. I still want to track fat/muscle ratios.

3-24-16, 4:25pm
Finally, another 2.5 elbees. I'm at 21.4 total since Jan 10. My goal is 60. i'm more than 1/3 of the way:cool: I wore a pair of jeans OUT of the house today that haven't zipped in 1.5years. Although I really wanted a burger today for lunch, I didn't because I enjoyed wearing those jeans.

3-24-16, 4:27pm
Finally, another 2.5 elbees. I'm at 21.4 total since Jan 10.


3-25-16, 1:28pm
Was down another 1.25# last night at WI. Feeling good about that because I'm stringing together consecutive weeks with loss in the 1-2# range which, for me, I think is sustainable.

3-25-16, 1:29pm
Was down another 1.25# last night at WI. Feeling good about that because I'm stringing together consecutive weeks with loss in the 1-2# range which, for me, I think is sustainable.

Excellent!! :+1:

4-5-16, 12:02pm
Someone bust my chops! I have developed a problem with potato chips. :(

4-5-16, 12:49pm
On the bright side, I have acquired a taste for salads (even with the pathetically small amount of dressing I use)!

It ain't just iceberg lettuce either. I use romaine and lots of radishes, avocado, purple onion, olives, carrots, etc. in varying degrees. I use a very small serving of croutons as well.

I am still hovering around 188 lbs. in my boxers though, first thing in the morning.

4-13-16, 10:02am
So it seems that my body will find all sorts of loopholes to eat unhealthy foods and sneak in a little bit more day after day until I am overeating.

My weight loss is at a standstill. My current problem is potato chips. I cannot seem to control myself. With tortilla chips, I can stop at a serving or two.

This is my main problem. I need to figure a way to stop pounding these greasy chips!

iris lilies
4-13-16, 11:32am
So it seems that my body will find all sorts of loopholes to eat unhealthy foods and sneak in a little bit more day after day until I am overeating.

My weight loss is at a standstill. My current problem is potato chips. I cannot seem to control myself. With tortilla chips, I can stop at a serving or two.

This is my main problem. I need to figure a way to stop pounding these greasy chips!

do not buy them. Thas what I do. There is no need to have them in your house.

still, i manage to consume excess calories without them.

4-13-16, 11:48am
I have chips occasionally, but I limit myself to snack bag size. Salads are good--homemade dressing, with plenty of fat.

That said, I haven't been paying too much attention to weight, but am hanging in there at my lowest weight for years. It's Spring, so I'll probably drop down again soon. The drawback to eating well is endless food prep.

4-13-16, 12:34pm
Let me guess they aren't even at home but in the vending machine at work. Nearly losing your mind wondering when the @#$ day will just @#$# end already, for the love of mercy end, if there is any mercy in the universe let the agony of the work day end ... and potato chips are there in the vending machine. But since I like the flavored kind it seems, and since they make my whole body ache days afterward with their artificial gobbelty gook, I think I've learned my lesson (until next time ... but they are pretty punishing - a rat would learn it's lesson but these rats in unstimulating cages - I dreamed I died and went to rat park - have become pretty dense).

The drawback to eating well is endless food prep.

no kidding

4-13-16, 12:48pm
The drawback to eating well is endless food prep.

Amen, sistah! So true!

4-13-16, 12:49pm
I remember rewarding myself with nutrition-poor food for putting in another day at the salt mines.

If I were to do it again, I'd do what I did during later high-stress periods--I'd eat (turkey) pepperoni sticks, cheese cubes, and nuts. No prep, didn't require refrigeration, and provided sustaining energy with no blood sugar spikes. The problem with work is that it goes on forever, or seems to.

4-13-16, 12:51pm
Let me guess they aren't even at home but in the vending machine at work. Nearly losing your mind wondering when the @#$ day will just @#$# end already, for the love of mercy end, if there is any mercy in the universe let the agony of the work day end ... and potato chips are there in the vending machine. But since I like the flavored kind it seems, and since they make my whole body ache days afterward with their artificial gobbelty gook, I think I've learned my lesson (until next time ... but they are pretty punishing - a rat would learn it's lesson but these rats in unstimulating cages - I dreamed I died and went to rat park - have become pretty dense).

The chips are actually eaten en route to fishing, mostly. I go fishing usually during dinner time. But to get more fishing time I usually just grab a snack and a bottle of water. The snack is usually a way-too-big-for-me bag of chips. :(

I will also grab a back if I feel blue or worried, like yesterday evening I was very worried about finding an apartment. When I was driving to the park I stopped and grabbed some chips and La Croix on the way.

4-13-16, 12:54pm
I remember rewarding myself with nutrition-poor food for putting in another day at the salt mines.

LOL! I am going to start saying this -- "salt mines." Perfect!

...(turkey) pepperoni sticks...

Whole Foods sells some kind of turkey slim jim type things. They are AMAZING! Though I do manage to eschew them.

4-21-16, 8:11pm
So I have found that my diet revolves around a handful of items:

-Peanut butter
-Steel-cut oats
-Salads (mostly romaine and radishes because those veggies have a tolerable taste to me)
-Bagels (I know... not good)
-Creme cheese (No good either... haha)
-Organic milk
-Organic yogurt

5-6-16, 11:16am
I am not winning at weight loss.

Anyone else having major problems?

I thought maybe we could workshop some ideas.

Teacher Terry
5-6-16, 2:21pm
I lost another 10lbs. What works for me is counting my calories and walking 10,000 steps/day. But everyone is different.

5-6-16, 2:29pm
Another ten elbeez! That is amazing! :)

Glad to hear it.

5-6-16, 5:37pm
My lactose intolerance fluctuates, but right now I can't eat any dairy. I use avocado instead of cream cheese (better for my high cholesterol, too.)

Teacher Terry
5-6-16, 6:11pm
Thanks UL. When I want to eat something fattening I count out how many I am going to eat. So for instance I count out 10 chips, put them in a bowl and put the bag away.

5-7-16, 10:41am
Whole Foods sells some kind of turkey slim jim type things. They are AMAZING!

a side note: I've read that slim jims are a valued food for the homeless, so when I make up my Ziplock bags to hand out to those on street corners I include one of these with a small drink, snack crackers and a few dollars. I only give these out 2-3 x/month so it's not a budget-buster, but the recipients seem glad to get them.

and I'm also stuck with the weight-loss thing. I think as a post-menopausal woman it's so much harder. The advice of "do more or eat less" is true, and I've realized I'm not going to achieve enough of the physical exercise to move the needle so I've decided to try some mini-fasting 2x/week. Going forward Tuesdays and Saturdays are going to be very low calorie days. Have lost about 1 lb. so far, and if I continue that the rest of the year I'll be very happy.

5-25-16, 7:51am
Hey all... I am guessing most of us are in a struggle to drop these elbeez! So I thought maybe some laughter could give us a little bump.

This video parodies the typical people at the gym. And it is hilarious!



6-14-16, 8:53am
We've all given up?

6-14-16, 10:55am
I'm still losing slowly. It's like watching paint dry, though. Not exactly riveting.

6-14-16, 11:24am
I haven't....just kind of lost track of this thread. I lost 1.4# last week...I'll have to look back to see where that leaves me from my last posting. My total loss since beginning Weight Watchers is 53 lb.

7-2-16, 9:10pm
I hate dieting, but would like to lose 10-15 pounds. So I've started making smoothies and substituting them for one meal. And I've cut way back on simple carbs. So far, it's working, I've dropped a few pounds and don't feel deprived.

As I wanted to add more fruits & vegetables to my daily foods, this seems to be a win-win. Have cut way back on dairy, meats and poultry. About 90% vegetarian at this point.

An interesting development is that my sometimes achy joints are not aching. Was this due to the gluten, the additives & hormones in animal products? Don't know, but am pleased.

7-8-16, 10:53am
For the past 3 wks or so, I've attempted to make better choices. Cut out sugar, most bread, potatoes. I am feeling better and have more energy. No more afternoon slumps. I am down to one diet drink a day and want to give these up.