View Full Version : Barry Bonds--why should I care?

iris lily
4-14-11, 9:22am
Barry Bond's trial for something (I am vague about exactly what he did, lied to someone) has been in the news for a couple of days.

So, he lied to some jury about being on steroids? I truly do not see why this is anyone's business, why anyone should take him to court--there were, apparently, plantiffs--why I should pay for public servants in the court system for this. Who CARES? He's in the sports entertainment industry. Let him f**k up his own body with drugs. Jesus God who CARES????!!!!!!

To me it's like taking Nicole Kidman to court for lying about having work done on her face.Nicole, you got an Academy Award! Your face is your fortune! How dare you mess with it and don't lie to us about it. I'm suing you.

Well ok if not an exact anaolgy then in the ball park.

4-14-11, 10:18am
Thank you, Lilly! You are right, who cares? It seems this is just another example of our injustice system at it's finest. It gets a lot of publicity, gives every sports program food for fodder and remember it is all "about the children".

God forbid we go after a billion dollar white collar criminal, a corrupt politician, or a K-Street scumbag. That would not make the evening news and if it did the station would be turned immediately. We have decided that our sports figures are our heroes, our role models, again it is all about the children and in this case the sheer excitement of hearing his girlfriend state that his drug use had shrunk his testicles makes it just AWESOME!!

Sex, drugs, sports - you gotta love the US of A!! Did I tell you the one about Willie getting busted again for weed - what? unbelievable? Damn drugs are ruining this country - put prayer back in the schools!!


domestic goddess
4-14-11, 11:49am
Iris Lily, you can count me as one of those who doesn't care.
Really, if I have the time to get all worked up about stuff like this, then I am not doing nearly enough! After all, we have an ex-governor about to go on trial (again) and he can make enough noise for about 3 people; it is certainly more than I can stand. I didn't really pay attention the first time, doubt I'll spend any more time with these issues a second time. Are we going to keep trying him until he finally gets some considerable jail time? At what cost? It seems that this is just more "Court TV". More "entertainment". And maybe that is why these things become such big "news"; to sell more cars or detergent.

4-14-11, 12:22pm
I can't begin to tell you how many times during the "news" that I yell out "WHO CARES????"

4-14-11, 12:27pm
Well, I am a huge sports fan, and I even have a limit to how much I care. I do not watch a lot (actually any) broadcast news, so I don't feel overexposed to the hype. I am aware of the trial going on, but don't let myself become immersed in it, so....

That being said, I am glad he's being tried, because as fans we don't like to be chumped and lied to. Who does? And what he did was a crime, so shouldn't it be news of some magnitude?

And just because sports fans have an interest in this story does not exclude them from also being interested in political and economic affairs, white collar crime,etc., as well. Sports, white collar crime and political affairs are not mutually exclusive. Sports fans are not necessarily one-dimensional. That's a bit stereotypical, isn't it?

4-14-11, 1:11pm
Barry who?

4-14-11, 1:41pm
I agree 100% and am tired of hearing about it, along with hearing about Charlie Sheen who has no class and does not deserve what God has blessed him with................

4-14-11, 2:14pm
As a foreigner I have no idea who this person may be. However, in the UK, it is illegal for athletes to use steroids - is that why there is a fuss?

4-14-11, 3:57pm
Count me in as another person who doesn't give one iota about Hollywood stars/high-profile sports figures.

4-14-11, 4:01pm
I agree 100% and am tired of hearing about it, along with hearing about Charlie Sheen who has no class and does not deserve what God has blessed him with................

I was about to post that I do not care, just like I don't care about Charlie Sheen. DH was a Charlie Sheen zombie for a few weeks...it was ridiculous! "Did you see TMZ? Charlie Sheen just did some outrageous thing!" I caught him watching MULTIPLE shows about Charlie Sheen's downward spiral. I could not believe it. He usually stays away from tabloidy stuff but it just fascinated him. I bet there are enough Barry Bonds scandal junkies to keep it newsworthy...sigh...

4-14-11, 4:07pm
So, he lied to some jury about being on steroids?

I believe the technical term is "perjury". And in front of a Federal grand jury, I believe. That's a crime. I think they convicted him of "obstruction of justice".

Both are felonies in this case.

It's not about the steroids, as such.

Don't lie under oath, kids.

4-14-11, 10:42pm
I don't especially care about Barry Bonds cuz I rarely watch baseball. But the rational behind drugs and taking them is that exceptional athletes who don't want to mess up their bodies and do not use drugs will be outplayed by lesser athletes who are chemically enhanced. Steroids give an unfair competitive advantage to those who take them, and to teams that wink and turn away, and in the world of professional sports, that can mean millions and millions of $$$.

Of course drug usage is so rampant, and users seem to be always one step ahead of the enforcers...

Niclole kidman having 'work' done, does not enhance her acting ability. Of course most people prefer watching people of a specific look.

4-15-11, 11:35am
I believe the technical term is "perjury". And in front of a Federal grand jury, I believe. That's a crime. I think they convicted him of "obstruction of justice".

Both are felonies in this case.

We've established that he lied, give him his year's probation and move on.

Start reducing the federal deficit by letting his disgrace be its own punishment and not locking him up, which would itself be an expensive exercise in celebrity worship.

4-16-11, 10:17am
My complaint is the same that Eliot Spitzer and Matt Taibbi said on Anderson Cooper the other night: why didn't the Justice Dept. spend our taxpayer dollars going after AIG, Moody's, Goldman Sachs and others in the 2008 economic collapse?
-- instead, we have the spectacle of the Feds going after baseball players. Baseball players.