View Full Version : if we live through this bathroom remodel

4-26-11, 10:36am
Yesterday was the first day of demolition of our 1950s bathroom. We had put it off as long as we could but it was only a matter of time before the tub fell through the floor. Came home to find nothing but studs and no floor - kinda surreal. We used to do home renos ourselves but working all the time and being older, it no longer is doable. The carpenter found a mouse nest in the wall and put all the babies in a bucket. We agreed it was best he take them and feed to his pet snake. He also found an old possum nest and piles and piles of pecans under the floor. Now we will spend the next three weeks minimum washing hair in the kitchen sink and trying to figure out where to bathe since we only have a half bath additionally. I told dh that half the world probably doesn't even have plumbing so this will be a good lesson in gratefulness. I had forgotten though how unsettling it is to turn your house routine upside down. My new mantra: accept change.

4-26-11, 12:42pm
I can relate, pinkytoe! We are currently in week ten of the never-ending kitchen remodel.

I am glad that you were able to hire someone to do the work for you. Hopefully it won't take much longer than the estimated three weeks to get it done. It is always a little scary to see a room after the demo is complete, but your carpenter shoud have it back to you in no time! It will be worth it when it is all done. Until then, bravo for your positive attitude! :-)

4-26-11, 12:42pm
Blessings! Change is the only constant... I appreciate your perspective about gratefulness.

4-26-11, 10:15pm
I also did a complete bathroom gut job about 5 years ago and am still happy I did it. One piece of advice: consider adding insulation, even if it's an interior room. Cuts down on noise and keeps it warmer. Best $300 I spent.

Any way to join a gym or the YMCA for a few months for the showering part?

4-27-11, 4:20pm
Good idea about the insulation. Now if I can just decide on floor and bath tile. So many choices...

4-28-11, 1:53am
We did our bathroom demo on New Year's Eve a couple of years ago. It took probably two months of weekends to get it done--the MYRIAD of decisions were the worst part! And we only wasted one weekend on a fight. All in all, you are wise to get someone to do it....

But I LOVE my bathroom. It may not be the fanciest (when we told some friends about the redo they asked if we had installed heated floors--uh, no). but I really think it's me.