View Full Version : Favorite refashioning websites

5-17-11, 7:46am
What are some of your favorite websites for refashioning clothes into other clothes, other textiles into clothes, or clothes into various household items?

5-17-11, 1:59pm
I'm not into the refashion thing, but check out this site and the cute little baby cardigan fashioned out of an old shirt. Aren't the roses simply adorable!


Float On
5-17-11, 2:34pm

This one took over after wardrobe - refashion blog quit.

5-19-11, 4:59pm
This isn't a site, but today I visited the Blue Hanger in Austin, Goodwill's outlet store and picked up 3 all cotton dresses...1 blue and white seersucker, 1 pink and white seersucker and 1 vintage looking floral print. I came home, washed them and cut them into fabric pieces that I can use for my next baby quilt. I also bought 2 like new cotton tops for me...total price for it all $2.00!
