View Full Version : Slightly Special Steamed Broccoli?

6-6-11, 11:47pm
I'm cooking dinner tomorrow night for two very good cooks. I'm making a Moosewood recipe - a chickpea and tofu curry, which won't be too spicy. The cookbook suggests I serve it with steamed broccoli which sounds like a good idea, but also kind of plain. I was wondering if I could season the broccoli in some special way. I seem to remember having really good steamed broccoli which had some kind of citrus on it - lemon juice, I guess?

Anybody have any suggestions?

6-7-11, 12:36am
I like steamed broccoli with a bit of garlic that has been sauteed in flavored olive oil poured over it.

6-7-11, 1:19am
It's nice with some toasted sesame seeds sprinkled on, too.

I also like to steam slivers of red peppers with the broccoli....Adds lovely touch of color and goes nicely with broccoli and dresses up the plate a bit for company.

6-7-11, 7:46am
You could add the broccoli to the curry after it's been steamed. I often do this with my food - my daughter prefers to keep hers separated!

Broccoli is also very good with lemon juice added at the table, and the lemon flavor would likely complement the curry.

6-7-11, 9:06am
i love steamed broccoli drizzled with a little sesame oil and soy sauce and topped with slivered almonds that i've toasted in a pan. nom!

6-7-11, 7:58pm
Sometimes I will put apple cider vinegar on steamed broccoli. I love it but DH doesn't care for it.

6-7-11, 8:07pm
does it have to be steamed? I have fond memories of stir fryed brocc-carrots-onions.

6-11-11, 2:58pm
Belated thanks to you all. We went with the olive oil and garlic and that worked great, but I will experiment with the other ideas for next time!

6-11-11, 3:32pm
I don't know if your friends are Vegan, but if they are, you can just use margarine for this. I put a couple pats of butter in a pan and some sliced almonds and heat it up until its browned. Watch it carefully, as it browns quickly. We have it over steamed broccoli often and its really good.