View Full Version : This weekend in the garden I...

7-11-11, 2:36am
Sowed some carrots and turnips in the space left when I harvested the garlic last week

Tied newspaper collars around the stems of my celery plants. They are supposed to be a self-blanching variety that doesn't need earthing up, but there isn't much sign of self blanching so far!

Sowed 10 modules each of Kale, Mizuna and Kailaan in the greenhouse, which I will plant out in late summer to fill the 'hungry gap' in late winter to early spring next year

Dug up the first of the new potatoes for dinner on Saturday

How about you?

7-11-11, 9:04am
This weekend in the garden I...

Harvested some tomatoes and a cantaloupe. I also picked a few flower heads to be used later in a dye project, popped those heads in the freezer. I work Sats and Suns so not much was happening but my upcoming weekend of Tues and Weds will be spend doing a lot of cleanup.

Float On
7-11-11, 9:06am
Harvested a couple of tomoatoes, checked the beets (need to pull the rest of them out), and I cried over the squash - this is the 2nd year in a row that I've lost the entire squash crop to bugs.

7-11-11, 9:06am
Sowed some sugar snap peas, romano beans, kale, collards, and cauliflower for an early fall harvest.
Picked lots of black raspberries and red currants, and a handful of the first sugar snap peas.
Did a lot of weeding and cut back the red raspberries that were encroaching on my other plants.

7-11-11, 12:26pm
planted the pepper and basil we picked up on a significant end of the year sale (the crop cheaper than the retail price for the veggies currently ripening).
buried half of the poly tubing for the faucet extensions I'm putting around the yard.
picked my first alpine strawberries (not a fan)

iris lily
7-11-11, 9:54pm
This weekend in the garden I...

walked right by that sad, sad, bed of iris that is covered with nut sedge and other impossible weeds. I ignored it, did not look at it.

And after doing that, I didn't even visit my tiny house with the big irisliliy garden. It is chock full o'weeds.

Instead, I pulled weeds at my home garden and made most of it looked neat and tidy. I put 30 buckets of mulch down. I staked all of the blooming lilies. If you visit me at my home you would think I have everything under complete control. ha ha.not.

7-12-11, 2:28am
Mmm, lots of activity, sowing and harvesting, weeding and digging!

We have alpine strawberries here, which have spread themselves all around the garden. A previous resident put them in, and I wish they hadn't. Our dog quite likes them, but we can take them or leave them.

7-14-11, 9:43am
OK, so I had my official weekend.....and this weekend in the garden I cleaned up a raised bed and "put it to sleep" for a few months. Dug out two finished tomato plants, harvested the rest of my eggplants, harvested more tomatoes, mowed the back yard and cleaned up the front yard, cleaned up some of the lavender plants. As my summer gardening season is coming to its conclusion I'm starting to think about fall with not only what to plant but the moving of a raised bed and perhaps planting a tree.