View Full Version : Have lost all motivation

7-26-11, 6:36pm
In the past 8 mos or so - I have lost all motivation to "succeed." I don't feel depressed, but I don't feel much like doing anything either. I have this novel I am writing that I am 80% finished with and can't seem to get it done bc I just don't feel like working on it. I used to do improv - and perform in sketch shows across Chicago but I have lost motivation to do that as well. It's hard to believe now that I was once quite a stitch on stage, had dreams of being on SNL - and now - so suck and bllaaahhhh. I hate my job, but don't know what else to do - so I just keep working it - even though it has to be one of the most boring things on earth. I am just so bllllaaaahhhhhhhh. I think maybe I am just so burnt out from my boring ass job.
This is my week: Monday - Thursday.
Wake up at 7a: weigh self. 710a: walk dog 740a - lift weights 8a- breakfast. 830a - shower. 9a - work. 530p- off work. 530p-7p - huge enui sets in. No TV to watch. Make dinner. 7p - eat dinner while I watch TV. Yay! TV! 10p - bed. Rinse and repeat.

Thursday nights I have an improv class. and Friday nights I get drunk - sometimes Sats - though not usually- and sometimes Sunday.

Blllaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh - bleeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr

Has anyone ever felt like this? Does the motivation ever come back?

7-26-11, 6:48pm
I think it is unrealistic to expect us to be driven to "success" (whatever that is) from birth to retirement, 24/7, 365 the whole time.

In my experience, life goes in cycles and you are probably in a "winter" cycle. That is just fine. Motivation will come back (maybe not the same kind of for the same interests, but it will in some way). I would say to take care of yourself. Maybe your body is trying to tell you something? If it seems you need to relax and stay low, do so. Maybe take more naps, plan less activites, do more baths or massage or quiet walks or just light reading? Don't beat yourself up. Embrace your winter. Cause when summer comes, you won't be able to do your winter activities anymore. Embrace them.

Often, if you fully embrace where you are at and what you are in, then you will more quickly move on to the next thing if in fact you are not liking the current way.

Again, it is unrealistic to expected roses every day, 365. It irritates me that we are "expcted" to be motivated constantly. What is the point of achieving if you can never realx to enjoy the so called "achievements"? Perhaps because no achievement is actually worth all it. Well, some are. But it has to be what YOU want.

7-26-11, 8:52pm
I love your answer heydude! It is so true...why are we always fighting ourselves. We don't need enemies...we have ourselves. I would just make sure that there is no physical reason involved...and if not...I would pamper myself for awhile and just take care of me. If months go by and things don't seem to be changing, I would consider trying to find out if I was clincally depressed. Good luck...and take care!

7-26-11, 10:22pm
Depression can take many forms so please don't rule that out as a possible cause.

Getting drunk is often self-medication that doesn't work as the problem is not diagnosed and therefor not treated to be able to move on.

7-27-11, 1:55pm
Maybe you could try switching your workouts until after work rather than before---maybe the endorphines could carry you through that blah evening period, give you some needed energy. Or pursue some hobby you've wanted to try. Just do it---anything---to disrupt the rut.

7-27-11, 9:52pm
I have been there many times in my life. For me, depression usually was masking some anger I was directing at myself for not making a change in my life that I really needed to make. Not that that is your situation, but ill-fitting jobs (or relationships) and my resistance to acknowledging how unhappy I was led to all sorts of depressing, isolating, and even self-harming behavior. Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" is a very useful, hands-on book for not only breaking through artistic blockages, but also for just clarifying where the heck you are at, at this juncture in your life. Also, Pema Chodron writes about this in "When Things Fall Apart," for different take on it.

I really sympathize with you...lingering states of ennui, feelings of futility, or having a lack of meaningful direction in one's life are very, very hard to grapple with. I wish you the best during this uncomfortable period! Fortunately, many people have experienced this as well, and it is possible to use that discomfort to discover whatever "it" is that you need to do next to come alive again.

7-28-11, 2:00am
In the past 8 mos or so - I have lost all motivation to "succeed." I don't feel depressed, but I don't feel much like doing anything either. I have this novel I am writing that I am 80% finished with and can't seem to get it done bc I just don't feel like working on it. I used to do improv - and perform in sketch shows across Chicago but I have lost motivation to do that as well. It's hard to believe now that I was once quite a stitch on stage, had dreams of being on SNL - and now - so suck and bllaaahhhh.

Maybe you just don't actually care about those things anymore. Ok to drop them, you don't have to write the great American novel or even be on SNL.

I hate my job, but don't know what else to do - so I just keep working it - even though it has to be one of the most boring things on earth. I am just so bllllaaaahhhhhhhh. I think maybe I am just so burnt out from my boring ass job.

Well could apply for other jobs of course, but yea I know that takes motivation ;). Yea you may be burnt out from your job, it is possible. Take a vacation?

This is my week: Monday - Thursday.
Wake up at 7a: weigh self. 710a: walk dog 740a - lift weights 8a- breakfast. 830a - shower. 9a - work. 530p- off work. 530p-7p - huge enui sets in. No TV to watch. Make dinner. 7p - eat dinner while I watch TV. Yay! TV! 10p - bed. Rinse and repeat.

Thursday nights I have an improv class. and Friday nights I get drunk - sometimes Sats - though not usually- and sometimes Sunday.

This reads as very lonely. Now I don't know maybe there's a significant other in this picture that wasn't mentioned. I'm only saying it seems lonely from the lack of such mention or mention of hanging with friends (except perhaps when getting drunk) etc..

Sure could also be low level depression, but that's almost too broad a diagnosis to be of any use, although there are always meds I guess, but if you don't even think you are depressed meds seem like overkill.