View Full Version : Soil to put in herb pots?

8-6-11, 4:48pm
I just bought basil, parsley, lemon thyme, and lemon catnip (will plant catnip outside) and wondered the best potting soil to use? One site said 2 parts potting soil to 1 part perlite (or coarse sand). I plan on shopping/potting tomorrow. Your advise is appreciated!

8-6-11, 6:23pm
I use Pro-mix, which is a horticultural grade product. I find it at Agway, a farm supply store. I like it because its light, lots of air spaces for the roots, and it drains well, so I don't get damping off disease. I find potting soil too heavy for herbs in pots.

8-6-11, 7:46pm
I should think that adding the perlite will help to keep the potting soil loose. Remembering that most herbs aren't too picky about the type of soil, so long as there are a few nutrients, I wouldn't go to the trouble of buying the expensive Miracle Grow soil. I'd get just regular potting soil, mix in perlite, and put the pots in a sunny location. I have both basil and parsley in pots. They seem to like getting a bit dry before I water them. Only not completely parched.

8-7-11, 1:27am
By the way, I asked the nursery about reusing potting soil because I got tired of buying and going through the stuff. They said it could probably be reused if you mixed 2/3s old potting soil with 1/3s compost. I have not yet tried it.

8-10-11, 3:47pm
Thanks so much for the great advice! I was unable to buy the soil and perlite or Pro-mix at a reasonable price in the town I live in so... I went to the "big" city where the choices were far better. I found exactly what I needed! Thank you! Thanks ANM... I have been discarding my potting soil as well, thanks for that info. I will try it next year too!!!!!