View Full Version : What do you do to improve your immune system?

9-23-11, 3:21am
Last year I had pneumonia and am feeling run down again. I take a multitude of vitamins but seem to be slipping backwards again. I just made (not ready to try yet) a natural antibotic that, hopefully, will help me. Wondering what others do to keep the bugs at bay?

9-23-11, 3:39am
We have one glass of orange juice every morning and add a bit of Vitamin C powder to it. We also take a multi-vitamin pill each day.
Other than that, we love to take walks, even in cold weather. I walk app 3x per week for 40 min during lunch hour, as my office is right next to a nice park.

9-23-11, 6:08am
My daily regimen is : mostly whole foods (though I do have a sugar weakness), a multivitamin and fish oil, exercise 5+ times a week, getting enough sleep.
In the fall I add: a month's worth of probiotics (just buy one bottle), and body brushing to get the lymph moving (lymph attacks invader cells). When I'm feeling rundown, its extra sleep and elderberry syrup. I also drink a lot of ginger and/or spice "tea" to warm the body up on the inside, or other warming herbs like catnip.

Oh and I'm vigilant about always washing my hands the minute I come in from being outside the house.

9-23-11, 7:43am
whole food, anti-inflammatory diet; regular exercise, indoors when necessary; regular sleep. Also wash hands regularly, especially after being at DD's school.

Mrs. Hermit
9-23-11, 8:48am
High protein diet, elderberry syrup/liquor/tea (whichever is available) when I feel run down. Lots of sleep if I can get it. Vit C, D. And LOTS of garlic--preferably with chicken and butter on pasta....

9-23-11, 9:03am
Daily exercise, a daily multivitamin, daily flossing and frequent handwashing.

9-23-11, 9:44am
Recently, I bought a juicer and started making fruit and vegetable juices every day. It's brought my energy level up and I haven't gotten the cold that's been going around for the past two weeks.

9-23-11, 9:52am
Wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables. If I don't eat enough of these things, I'm more prone to colds and my intestines also clog up... not nice.

I dislike eating anything that contains added sugar that shouldn't contain sugar also, e.g. cereals, juice. Sugar in staple foods makes me feel run down.

9-23-11, 10:34am
Interesting.... I do many of these things too. I usually eat an orange rather than juice and use my own elderberry tincture. I will try the Probiotics and check out to see what body brushing is. Thanks for all the ideas!!!

9-23-11, 10:40am
Sigh, just wrote a long post and it got deleted! Anyways here are some things I do:

1. Whole foods, whole grain diet with minimal refined sugar. (refined sugar weakens the immune system!)
2. Eating lots of fruits and veggies with the seasons.
3. Vitamin D supplements in the winter for kids and adults (recommended by my pediatrician last winter and it really seemed to help)
4. Lots of garlic and honey (raw unfiltered honey and garlic have antiviral/antibacterial properties).
5. When I do feel like I am getting sick I do the following:

Take echinacea/elder supplements 3x a day
Make a honey/garlic/lemon tea and have 2-3 cups a day with some mullein leaf extract
Up my vitamin C intake and get lots of rest

I did this last weekend when I started getting sick Friday evening, I was better by Sunday evening!

9-23-11, 11:05am
Vitamin C, water, and sleep. So far I'm not going all the way into being sick. Two of the guys I work with felt they were too important to the job here to stay home when they were very sick, and now it's rippling through the rest of us.

Float On
9-23-11, 12:37pm
The only year I ever got perfect attendance in school was the year I ate a clementine every single day. Which is saying a lot since that was also my worst year (4th grade) our teacher didn't want to be a teacher - I think she kept us in all but 5 recesses the whole year, our room was over the kitchen (hot), no AC.

9-23-11, 1:07pm
Frequent hand washing doesn't improve your immune system, but I think its effectiveness in preventing bugs from entering the system cannot be overestimated.

My husband is intentionally immuno-supressed (transplant recipient) and he hasn't gotten a single cold since the transplant (will be 2 years in December), whereas he used to get sick 3 or 4 times a year. He is a vigilant handwasher, and he won't even shake hands with people if he can avoid it (he has a good excuse :)). He is also careful not to touch his face.


9-23-11, 1:48pm
I normally eat plenty of protein and fat--protein particularly is good for boosting immune function. I monitor zinc intake and take extra if I feel like I'm trying to come down with something. I take supplements, including 500 mg. of vitamin C (Green peppers are a good source of vitamin C if you avoid sweet juice drinks.) and cod liver oil for vitamin A. Mostly, I eat whole foods, wash my hands, and hope for the best. If you're a daredevil, I think the best way to keep your immune system robust is to expose it to lots of pathogens; a sterile environment--particularly for children--is counter-productive.

ETA: Also, as a matter of course, I eat few sugars or starchy carbohydrates. Dr. Barry Groves explains here why that's a good idea:

9-24-11, 9:43pm
In addition to the above, I have removed things from my life that compromise my immune system. This effort includes things like:
--Getting rid of chemical cleaners and cosmetics (including the nasty mass-marketed soaps, perfumes, shampoos, and moisturizers chock full of chemicals).
--Eating organic wherever possible
--Getting lots of good quality sleep
--Sunshine and fresh air
--And tops-tops-tops on my list is stress reduction. Many people, I've noticed, carry around ridiculous amounts of stress -- from job stress to stressful relationships to suppressed anger, guilt, frustration and fear. When I'm stressed, I'm far more likely to get sick.

I have been sick only a few times in the past 10 years, and almost always during times when I was "living mainstream," including the chemicals and the stress.

9-24-11, 11:13pm
Eating healthy and maintaining a positive outlook.

In addition to the above:

Vitamin A.
Vitamin B12.
Vitamin C.
Vitamin D.
Vitamin E.
RxOmega-3, Pharmaceutical Grade.

9-29-11, 8:47am
I am the mother of a developmentally disabled daughter who I was caring for until 2 years ago. After we moved her into her group home I thought I would bounce back pretty quickly but really that was kind of unrealistic. 30 years of sleep deprivation and stress and all. It took me most of a year to be able to sleep more regularly at night. But I still wasn't feeling good. I very rarely got sick over all this time but just not feeling good.

When I tried to give blood quite often I was deferred because my iron level was too low. So I started taking Bifera iron supplements. To my surprise I started to feel better. Less achy, etc. But still not quite good. It has to be the bifera not any of the ferasols.

Last winter the Gyn recommended 2000 iu of vitamin d3. Again a little better. This summer I started taking Krill oil for the omegas. What a difference! My mood definitely lifted. Then I started feeling energetic again. It's such a great feeling.

I take calcium. And a magnesium/zinc supplement.

I also eat a clementine every morning along with the iron. Or an orange when the clementines are unavailable or too expensive. In the past I have not had a good reaction to vitamin c supplements.

Recently I have not done it because I'm resting my feet trying to heal some plantar fascitis, but I normally walk 45 minutes a day 5 days a week no matter what the weather.

I guess that is not exactly what you were asking lol BUT I have not been sick in ages.

9-29-11, 1:58pm
I bought this $8 brush from amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Yerba-Prima-Tampico-Skin-Brush/dp/B0002JFZDQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top) for dry body brushing. It feels good and my skin is so soft now. This article (http://www.nutritionfriend.com/Dry-Skin-Brushing-Benefits/I36.htm) explains how dry brushing removes toxins.

9-29-11, 2:23pm
It is interesting to see what everyone has done. We all pretty much think the same. Hopefully, we will all be well this winter season!

9-29-11, 4:43pm
I use a neti pot every morning, and then again when I get home from work. Keeps my sinuses free and clear!

I also spend as much time outside as I can, and sleep with my windows open.

9-30-11, 7:33pm
Interesting to note... this morning on my local tv station they were recommending everyone to get a neti pot to clean their nasal passages to prevent spread of germs and for allergies.... now going mainstream!

9-30-11, 9:39pm
Well, I don't get sick, at all. Haven't for 20 years or so. No colds, headaches, flu, you name it. I don't even "feel bad". So I guess I have a good immune system! I'm around people with all those things, and I get nothing.

While the above is true, I do take vitamins, Vit D, eliminate most gluten, eggs, and dairy -- I'm not allergic to those, just "sensitive". Plus we do use stevia/xylitol/erythritol mixture for "sugar". I had all three, and just said "what the heck" and blended them all together. Tastes great. So by doing all that, plus a bit of mild exercise when I feel like it, I've lost about 65 pounds.

By the way, I'm 67. I'm just lucky, I guess.
I have no advice for anyone. But I do worry that one of these days I'll catch something I'm not immune to and it'll kill me. :-D

9-30-11, 10:37pm
After a severe cold and sinus infection last year I started taking astragalus during cold seaon and at any hint of sickness. I have a healthy lifestyle, diet, excersize and take multiple vitamins, but get one of these bad colds every couple of years. After a little research, I added this to my routine. I also take Siberian ginseng during cold season. Like most herbal supplements, there doesn't seem to be a lot of human studies documenting their effectivness, but there is some anecdotal evidence these might help. I have used a netti pot, but think that a nasal steam inhaler is more helpful for sinus infections.

10-3-11, 9:39pm
I've traditionally inhaled--and gargled with--salt water to head off upper respiratory infections, though I have to admit after reading about some poor bloke who died of an amoebic brain infestation after using a neti pot, I'm inclined to boil my water first. (And yeah, I know the salt would likely take care of any menacing amoebas...Not to mention, what are the odds...)

10-4-11, 10:07am
This may seem like an odd tip, but it has really worked for me. I inevitably come down with terrible sinus infections/colds a couple of times a year and since I've started this a year ago I haven't had any. When you feel a cold coming on you put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ears while lying down. You let it bubble away in there and when it stops you can sit up and let it drain out with a washcloth and then do the other ear. Repeat each day you feel the cold coming on until it goes away.

10-4-11, 12:27pm
i feel like i've been just barely fending off a cold for about a month ... it's been probably the most stressful month of my life, so the fact that i haven't succumbed is, i think, a big deal!

like jane, i mostly stay away from starchy carbs and sweets. i did just take a weekend off because i took a last minute trip to NYC and had to get some ramen ... but usually, it's meat and veg and eggs and cheese and nuts and that's about it. (and ramen itself is so healing. the salty broth and green onions! nom!)

when i feel my sore throat cold feeling starting, i have a hot toddy. not sure how my fella makes it, but i think it's a load of whiskey, some honey and lemon and ginger and ginger ale, all heated up. drink it down fast and get in a hot bath and go to bed. next day i'm good as new again.

drinking a lot of water seems to help, and a lot of hot tea. miso soup. getting a good 9-10 hour sleep at least once a week.

finally, i started meditating again, which helps a HUGE amount with stress. i mean, there's still a lot of stress in my life but i feel more able to be in it without getting it all on me and in me, if that makes any sense. when i meditate, it seems like i gain the ability to deal with objective reality without getting all emotional about it. LET IT GO is my mantra. let it all go.

10-5-11, 1:27pm
1. Sleeeeeeeep ssssllleeepppyy sleep sleep
2. Change my toothbrush - this one works for me almost every time.


I know that seems obvious, but some of us (ahem, me) need to be reminded. ;)

San Onofre Guy
10-5-11, 4:38pm
I found that great sleep and a limited amount of processed foods to be the key.

We typically go to bed between 9:15 and 9:45 and wake without an alarm between 5:30 and 5:45. I tend to sleep a bit later on the weekend but it is rare that I sleep past 7:00.

During the past year I have given up most meat to the point that I eat meat perhaps two meals per week and that is ussually fish. I have also given up most dairy and that consists cheese but not that much.

Recently we began juicing a recipe that is 80% vegetable and 20% fruit and includes ginger which is an immune fighter. We drink 8 ounces daily and up that to 16 ounces on the weekend days.

With the better diet has come weight loss, more energy and a decrease in cholesterol and blood pressure.

pony mom
10-7-11, 11:35pm
Acorn, I do the peroxide in the ears thing too! I read it online years ago and as soon as I get that itchy/scratchy feeling in my ears and/or throat I do it and it keeps whatever it is away!

In massage school we were told that diaphramatic breathing keeps you healthier. Most people are upper chest breathers. Singers and woodwind instrument players usually breath correctly (I played the flute for years). It must work because I'm rarely sick, even when everyone else around me is suffering.

Studies say that 75% of all disease is caused by stress and tension.

10-14-11, 6:44am
Interesting research results on green vegetables and their impact on the immune system:

10-14-11, 12:37pm
Can a person stay on probiotics in an ongoing way? Is that a good idea?

10-14-11, 3:56pm
Thanks Rosemary... interesting article.

10-25-11, 7:44pm
Can a person stay on probiotics in an ongoing way? Is that a good idea?

Ive been taking them for decades with no apparent problem

10-26-11, 12:39am
I eat a lot of live-culture yogurt - same beasts as are in the probiotics! Kefir is another good source, as is non-pasterized sauerkraut.

10-26-11, 11:38am
I thankfully can not remember being sick in years over 10 years,,,,,then last April flat out flu/cold for 4 weeks, what was that about??? I do what most have mentioned workout too much maybe, I am a veggie and try to eat well, vitamins and supplements. That was how I attributed my long string of no sicknesses to.

10-28-11, 6:12pm
I have been having a sore throat and then it started hurting up my ear channel. I made a "natural antibiotic" in September just in case. I have been taking it for a few weeks and feel ok but when I stop the ears feel weird again. So... yesterday I went to the doc and explained my homemade antibiotic and that I was concerned that I was not over this yet and that I had pneumonia last year. She said there was fluid in my ears (indicating that I was indeed sick) but my lungs were clear. She told me to CONTINUE DOING WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING!!!!! She felt it was greatly helping. Vindication of home remedies!!!!!!

10-28-11, 7:52pm
frugal one.......how do you make your own elderberry tincture?

10-29-11, 1:46pm
CathyA... There are a number of ways to make elderberry tincture. I have made using dried elderberries and also fresh. If you google elderberry tincture you will come up with a variety of way to make it. Here is one way.... In a quart jar add 4 oz (1 cup) dried elderberries. Fill jar to top with vodka. Set aside in a cool, dark place (I put in the basement). Shake every week or two. In a month it will be ready for use. You can drain the berries at this point or let them stay and get even stronger. I use 1 T as the dosage. HTH frugal-one

domestic goddess
10-29-11, 11:30pm
I have to say that I really don't seem to have much problem with my immune system, or at least I get sick very rarely. This is a good thing, since I am exposed to so much. I don't really do anything about it.