View Full Version : November Daily Expenses

11-11-11, 7:55pm
I am ashamed to admit that I have incured some credit card debit (after YEARS of being debit free (except the mortgage)) I have both a car loan and credit card debit.

Oh, how that yoke rankles! :|(

So--I am posting at my blog daily about what I am spending money on. Please come over and give me direction, encouragement, chastisement.

Whatever it takes to get rid of this beast.>:(


11-11-11, 9:23pm
Hi Fawn. Will be dropping by your blog in the days to come to provide you with encouragement!

Not borrowing from time to time can be a real challenge, especially considering how expensive the cost of living has soared to these days. We took two big unexpected hits (beginning of the year) that set us back big time (like they come as expected, NOT), and only now are we seeing our way clear. Takes forever to hammer even the simplest of things down.

Nonetheless, stay positive (I know that can be hard), but take comfort in knowing you are not alone. (Hugs). :)

11-17-11, 7:58am
I've been following your blog, Fawn. Keep up the great work!!!

11-30-11, 11:43pm
Was just thinking of you tonight, Fawn, and wondering how you were making out? :)

12-4-11, 6:13pm
Mrs M--I'm doing OK. A couple "slips." I've been posting all my spending, with rationalizations for stuff I think is a little iffy.

For example, I paid $90 to have my lawnmover winterized, almost as much as the thing cost new. I bought a latte in a moment of fatigued weakness. When I look at my lapses, most have to do with being tired and wanting to buy my way out of it.

Interestingly, when the next kid leaves for college, expenses will immediately drop $90 worth of music lessons, $10 of cell phone per month. She will be responsible for clothes and toiletries, etc.

I'll still be saving the $1,000/month for the next kid's tuition, but I expect things to get easier and easier from this day forward. ;)

12-5-11, 1:49pm
Yay! Great news, Fawn!!! I've been meaning to drop by your blog for a visit, but time and scheduling have really been working against me. With Christmas right around the corner, I've been busy with shopping, preparation, and house-cleaning. Such a busy and hectic time of the year, but once things settle down somewhat, I'll drop by for a look- see. P.S. I think you are doing awesome!