View Full Version : What Would Jesus Buy

12-2-11, 7:15pm
Just saw this documentary and loved it. I realize that we would all be members of the choir if it were possible. Very clever performance art geared to stop people from buying so much. Please see it and get everyone you know to see it and take back or create a simpler christmas. Can I get an alleluliah? The shopocalypse is coming!:idea:

12-2-11, 11:39pm
Merski I saw your post earlier and watched the movie on netflix. I loved it! It reminded me of The Advent Conspiracy. (http://www.adventconspiracy.org/)

12-21-11, 9:31am
I'll have to check this out.

12-21-11, 11:28am
DH and I watched this movie sometime in the past year and really enjoyed it. It's one of those movies that makes me want to sit everyone I know down in one room to watch it all at once. Oh, the conversations!
