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1-24-11, 2:36am
They say when one meditates one has a higher vibrational resonance or vibrational frequency......higher? What does direction, up or down, have to do with more numerous or less anything?

I was just noticing how we use direction to express counting. We do it with North and South too. North is not up, it's North. There is no top of the world except where you are now. The top of anything is oppositional position relative to a gravitational field.

I had Chinese neighbors many years ago and they pointed out to me that the English language uses the word 'up' for all kinds of things unrelated to the direction: clean up, lock up etc. Even when one "cheers up" one might sit down. When we "get down to business" we might stand up.

If I sing a note in which the vibrations increase relative to time, it is said to be higher. Is it? That note goes in every direction just like the low notes.

This is the same conditioning that relates colors to temperatures: blue is cold and red is hot. I've seen flames look blue and cold cheeks look red.

I learned a couple years ago that some languages interpret "I'm cold" as "I have cold". To me, that is more accurate. A person doesn't become THE cold, the idea or concept of cold, he/she has some cold. I mean we don't say "I'm a cold", we say we have a cold.

So what does this have to do with spirituality?

A good person looks good until he/she is seen to do what seems bad. In the movie Slum Dog Millionaire a character in the story seems good when he offers a coke to a child and later as very bad. Appearances, that is, appearances under the influence of symbols, archetypes, myths and words, are always questionable. They are abbreviations for the infinite and we instinctively know this but chose ignore-ance instead. Meaning that we have allowed psycho-linguistic static to impair or obscure the truth of the eternal now.

I've found that no concept can withstand sustained and honest inquiry and that is liberation from suffering.

3-15-11, 3:03pm
I've found that no concept can withstand sustained and honest inquiry and that is liberation from suffering.

wow ... great post ... I'll be aware all day of what's up, and who's down and that there is no up or down in space.