View Full Version : Hello from Decatur, Georgia

4-18-12, 8:57am

I've been a lurker for years and thought I'd finally introduce myself. My DH and I live in Decatur, Georgia with our 8-year-old DD and 3.5-year-old DS.
13 years ago when DH and I got married, I heard the average wedding cost $16,000 and thought, "You've got to be kidding me!" That's when my baby steps toward simple living began.
I was 24 years old when I signed up for my first credit card to charge part of our $6,000 wedding. DH charged our honeymoon and I think we even bought some furniture on credit.
$8,000 in debt, I decided consumer debt was not for me and paid it off within the year. Then I paid off my car and student loans the following year.
I went back to school while working full-time, so I was able to pay for grad school and received my master's degree with no student loans.
Then we had kids and decided to adjust to 1 income. The thought of debt makes my stomach hurt and helps keep me on the straight and narrow.
Still, there's certainly room for improvement. I spend WAY too much money on food. I go back and forth between feeling very grateful for all of my blessings and feeling like our house is too damn small :-)
I've always found lots of inspiration and encouragement from this board.

4-18-12, 2:16pm

4-18-12, 2:18pm

4-18-12, 3:18pm
Welcome ashem37

4-18-12, 6:06pm
So glad to see you come out of "lurkdom." Looking forward to learning more about you! Welcome!

4-18-12, 8:38pm
Thanks! Fidgigirl, I love your house blog! We have a 1922 bungalow. I adore old houses.

4-18-12, 9:31pm
Thanks! My DH would have preferred a bungalow, I think - REALLY likes Arts & Crafts period - but ours was just too wonderful to pass up :)

4-19-12, 6:50am
Welcome, ashem37! Good for you for being so smart to get out of grad school debt-free! :)

4-20-12, 12:59am

4-20-12, 1:05am
Look forward to chatting with you...