View Full Version : After Something Big . . .

5-23-12, 10:43pm
I always have a hard time after something big ends. I had it happen after every term in college. I am having it this week after hosting three parties in May with our open house being the biggest and most work just last Sunday. It's a feeling of not knowing what quite to do with myself and feeling lost. Initially there is glee at making it through the something big and then not a depression but kind of a low, and then I come out of it and get busy with all the projects I put off during the something big. Am I alone in this?

5-24-12, 12:16am
Not at all. A drop after a big event, even a Happy event is normal. Your body has been on ALERT for some time and now it's swinging the other way to balance. Give it a few days and don't expect any major effort on your part and you'll be fine.

Good Job on the Open House!


5-24-12, 6:34am
High alert is a good way to describe the intense feeling and then the letdown. Give yourself some recovery time first and then pick up the threads of your life.
This made me think about the police and other agencies who have to go through this feeling of high alert and then letdown on a regular basis. There must be skills that one develops to manage such feelings or one would go bonkers.

5-24-12, 6:53am
I experience the same thing.

5-24-12, 7:23am
It's normal. I feel a sense of relief and satisfaction after such an event, ready to get back to normal but I think revving up to an event and the euphoria or stress/eustress of it can lead to the feeling of letdown so in my opinion it is certainly normal.

5-24-12, 8:35am
Thanks, all. Rainy/dreary doesn't help much, either. But looking forward to a long weekend with some sleeping in and some North Shore time and hopefully all will be right in the world again. Plus once the weekend gets here I'll know hopefully for sure what my job situation is for next year, or at least will be closer. That will help, too.

5-24-12, 8:44am
Hubby always teases me about planning the NEXT vacation, on the last day of the current vacation, because I hate that empty "nothing to look forward to" feeling as well.

5-24-12, 4:33pm
Yes, I feel exactly the same way. Rainy weather doesn't help, as I think getting outside and spending some slow time observing nature is the best way to reconnect.