View Full Version : over-spending support groups?

5-27-12, 4:01pm
Howdy folks!

I've been making progress in smplifying my life and one thing I've noticed is that, while I'm pretty good at getting rid of all the unnecessary clutter I've accumulated over the years, but I also need to learn to stop generating more... perhaps more than anything, I want to learn to consume less and stop wasting so much money on 'unnecessaries' on a day-to-day basis...

So I'm wondering have any of you guys (or girls!) come across any support groups in this regard? I now Debtors Anonymous is popular with people with money problems, but my concern isn't so much debting as it is just leading a wasteful lifestyle with too much unneeded expenditure...

Thanks all!


5-27-12, 7:28pm
Hey Luke, I think for a lot of us, the Forums are our support group. The frugality and organizing forums sound particularly relevant for your stated concerns.
I'm not the first to say that being a good gatekeeper in terms of what you bring into your home is essential in controlling clutter and has a positive impact on the bottom line as well.

5-27-12, 7:30pm
It has been suggested here a number of times that you choose not to bring in an item unless you first remove one. Have you tried that?

Blackdog Lin
5-28-12, 8:35am
I agree with rosarugosa, in that THESE forums are my support group.

Back in the mid/late 90's we found we had gotten ourselves into too much debt, and these forums (in their earlier incarnation) were invaluable to me. The cheerleading for debt reduction, the ideas for simpler living and frugality, the concepts on "stuff" accumulation, and how to be content having less: all these things I learned on these Simple Living Forums. It was a journey - well, I guess it's a journey I'm still on - that I can't imagine traveling without these forums and all the good people who post on it. My daily reading on here has always been a necessity to help keep me on "the straight and narrow", you know?

5-28-12, 4:38pm
Thanks guys for your responses... making more use of the forums themselves sounds like a sensible idea! I'm going to take a dig about and try to come up with an action plan on my spending... talk soon!

5-28-12, 6:23pm
Thanks guys for your responses... making more use of the forums themselves sounds like a sensible idea! I'm going to take a dig about and try to come up with an action plan on my spending... talk soon!

Hi Lucas, how about starting a thread that stays up each month on what people did that day to avoid overspending (or unnecessary spending.)

Or is there already one in frugality?

5-29-12, 4:14pm
Aha! Thanks rodesweetheart... frugality here I come!

5-29-12, 6:26pm
Actually I have. My son was in an addiction recovery center for a few months, far different than over spending for sure. But they treated everything there and I mean everything. There they used a 12 step program for Over Spenders, kinda like addiction of every other type. Daily 12 step meetings and support for Overspending. I bet if you search recovery centers they offer free 12 step meetings for spending.

6-2-12, 4:49pm
I second the suggestions to use these forums to get support for over-spending--at least until you can find an in-person group. People are very supportive here, and many of us are on that continuum between extreme over spending and no over spending.

6-2-12, 7:22pm
It helps me to wait a few days and see if I still want the purchase. Most of the time, if it's not a need, I don't. This is a great place for support in cutting your expenses. You can also use google to find people who are living on less and changing old patterns. The Millionaire Next Door is a great book. It really opened my eyes and shifted my habits.

Blackdog Lin
6-3-12, 9:11pm
lucas: post your monthly budget, what you spend on on necessities, and what you spend on (~) essentials, and then disposables. I promise you this group of people will give you the best ideas on how to change your ideas of essentials to necessities to disposables and then "stuff I can do without".....