View Full Version : The debris from Japan's tsunami.

6-8-12, 1:03pm
Wow.......what a bummer to have all that debris coming ashore off the beautiful west coast. Someone said it was worse than any oil spill could be. :(
There was a segment about that huge cement dock that came ashore off Oregon's coast. I'm glad they tested it for radiation. It was negative, but I guess there were tons of algae-type organisms. The concern was that they would become invasive on our continent. So they destroyed them all. I'm glad, because may of the invasive plants we have in our area are from Asia. I guess we have a similar environment, but not the thousands.millions of years to produce natural predators.
I can't imagine all the "stuff" that will still come ashore. What a tragedy that was for Japan......and now the Pacific ocean and the west coast.

6-21-12, 8:02pm
You'll enjoy this (http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/25/11866152-harley-davidson-motorcycle-swept-away-by-japan-tsunami-to-be-preserved-in-museum?lite) story, CathyA.