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2-9-11, 11:45am
Hi is any one here dealing with Emphysema just learned i don't have astma but emphysema.sure don't need that right now.

2-9-11, 8:49pm
I have moderate emphysema. I stay away from every kind of smoke (cigarette and woodstove), get at least 30 minutes hiking exercise every day, more when weather permits, don't eat burnt food (bad for lungs).

2-9-11, 9:05pm
Hi Larknm my dr said i have very mild emphysema.Says there's nothing they can do but maybe slow it down a bit.does hiking help?he gave me some breathing excersises thats it.Just when I'm coping with DH stroke right now.

2-24-11, 10:43am
Anita, I dont' know if the hiking helps--I just know my lungs givbe me trouble if I don't hike--like the next day. I know that some alternative practitioners can help by softening the stiffness in the lungs. I heard this from Gary Storkan in Los Alamos, NM. Look him up on Google and ask him about it.

2-24-11, 6:28pm
I think that any exercise that gets your heart beating and makes you puff a bit works. I know that I have to get that 30 minutes a day to keep the emphysema at bay; my favorites are aerobics and bike riding, but brisk walks work, too.

2-24-11, 10:14pm
The first thing I thought of was magnesium supplementation. I found this on Medicalhealthguide.com:

"Magnesium deficiency may be associated with an increased risk of developing emphysema and other lung diseases. Sometimes, intravenous magnesium (that is, magnesium delivered through a vein) is part of the treatment for a COPD flare-up in the hospital. The doctor will determine if this is necessary or appropriate.

It is not known whether eating foods rich in magnesium or taking magnesium supplements will reduce your chances of developing emphysema. Such foods, however, including legumes, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables, should be a regular part of a healthy diet anyway.

Some clinicians recommend checking your magnesium level (a simple blood test) if you have COPD and taking magnesium supplements if your levels are low."

4-27-11, 7:53pm
My father suffered from emphysema, and as a kid I didn't understand why we had to wear an oxygen (http://www.homehealthmedical.com/c/Respiratory/) tube all the time. Frankly, he was not active and continued to smoke so the effects got worse. I do know that when he was active one day, he felt better the next. I think that we would all feel better if we had a little more exercise in our lives, but I do know that staying active is important for keeping this under control. I also know that there are a lot of medicines out there that can help control this now, which weren't available to my dad.