View Full Version : Day dreaming

Anna Hart
2-9-11, 5:10pm
I live in Ontario. Right now we are covered in snow. Spring seems to be forever away so I decided to make up some day dream gardens. Right now I am planning a lovely butterfly/bee/humming bird garden. I think I will put some lavender and foxglove in it. Anyone else day dreaming the winter away?

2-9-11, 5:17pm
The first snowdrops are appearing, along with crocuses.

Cannot WAIT for the daffodils, daphne and forsythia.

2-9-11, 5:19pm
I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm in So California and it is in the 70s right now and feeling a lot like Spring. Lots of succulents are blooming in my yard and the hummingbirds are all around. I do like your daydream though.

2-9-11, 5:52pm
I think that we will get more snow - it's a given in the UK - the anemones, daffs and hellebores raise their heads and then... BAM!

2-9-11, 6:37pm
Last week we started planting in our greenhouse. Hubby says one of the peas has already started to germinate. *S* Spring is just around the corner - well, kind of, after we get a couple more months of snow. *grin* I love the spring when all the bulbs start popping their heads up. Just hate it when the deer come by and chomp them off though. *S*

At this time of year, my favourite reading material is seed catalogues.

2-9-11, 6:41pm
Anna Hart - When I used to live in Ontario, I also had a butterfly garden. You can buy butterfly feeders to hide in with your plants. Their favourite one was one where you put an old piece of banana on it to attract them. We never saw a monarch until we put that feeder in and then there were lots of them. Soooo beautiful!!!!

2-9-11, 7:20pm
I think that we will get more snow - it's a given in the UK - the anemones, daffs and hellebores raise their heads and then... BAM!
Many years ago I departed Detroit in mid-March in a sloppy, messy snowstorm and arrived in London 9 hours later to beautiful green lawns and vibrant, colorful flowers. I replay that vivid memory over and over in my mind this time or year.