View Full Version : CB towers

1-8-13, 1:13pm
In our new house there is a neighbor across the street that has pretty high CB towers. Do you think these are giving off electromagnetic pollution? Thanks...:)

1-8-13, 1:21pm
That's probably ham radio rather than CB. The only RF pollution it could possibly emit would be during radio transmissions and I would think that would be no worse than other, less visible sources such as microwaves, cell phones, wireless internet connections, power lines, etc.

1-8-13, 1:27pm
Thanks Alan for answering my question. What is ham radio I have never heard of it. Also heard that power lines emit a very strong EMP with people possibly getting cancer from living close to them? Thanks again...

1-8-13, 2:21pm
"Ham" is a corruption of the word "amateur". Ham radio is a kind of non-commercial broadcasting done among individuals on specific radio frequencies. Here's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ham_radio) the Wikipedia link about it; even the first few paragraphs are a good introduction to it. My dad was in ham radio for many years. I also had a ham license a long time ago (as well as an FCC commercial radio license) but doing anything with it always got pushed down the list of priorities.

As for the power lines, I think the evidence on that is inconclusive, with some studies showing that the EM forces cause cancer and others showing no effect and all of them having enough flaws as studies to leave the question open. Living near high-voltage transmission lines would not be my first choice for accommodations, but for all the good electricity does in our lives, I don't think there's enough evidence to outweigh having the power available.

1-8-13, 3:19pm
Thanks a lot Steve, I understand it more now! :)