View Full Version : recycled plastic dishes?

2-19-11, 8:56pm
Due to illness, my hands are no longer okay to lift our regular pottery dishes. I'm looking for cheap, available-in-my-town dishes to eat out of. A bowl and a big cup is what I need.

Anyway, I found these: preserve, powered by leftovers, made in USA from 100% recycled plastic including take-out containers, BPA free, melamine free, reuse forever. Website preserveproducts.com.

Do you think plasatic without those two things is safe to eat out of, three meals a day every day?

2-19-11, 9:03pm
P.S. These are #5 plastics. Where I live, in Santa Fe, NM, only 1 and 2 are recyclable, but I know that some other places #5 is. I intend to reuse them for many years, but I want them to be safe to use. The tape on them says they can be reused forever, or return to company and they will.

2-19-11, 10:15pm
#5 is polypropylene, which is what is used for most food storage containers.
See http://www.care2.com/greenliving/safe-plastics-for-lunchboxes.html# for details about food-safe plastics.

2-19-11, 11:09pm
According to "Slow Death by Rubber Duck", here's how to remember which plastics are safe, don't contain BPA, etc.

"Four and Five, One and Two......all the rest are bad for you".......

SDBRD was written by two Canadian environmental scientists and is readable, funny, and full of useful information on such things, as they experiment on themselves using various plastics and household products, testing their blood before and after, and it's amazing how many things show up in the bloodstream VERY quickly......

Your #5 plastic should be fine to eat from, but like any plastics, I wouldn't heat food in the microwave in it, just as a precaution.

Sorry to hear why you can't use your pottery, but hope this eases your mind a bit, as #5 plastic seems to be a safe one.