View Full Version : March Gratitude

3-4-13, 8:50pm
March already (thank heavens...it seems like it's been winter forever....)

...and I'm feeling grateful for my little part-time job at the Denver library. Not for the money so much, as for the community of good, book-loving people I get to hang out with when I work there.

3-4-13, 9:37pm
Grateful that both of my income tax refund checks arrived in my bank account, despite the warning that they may be late due to sequestration!

Mighty Frugal
3-5-13, 8:29am
Grateful for my work bonus which will pay for the 3 weddings we are attending this year (gifting $600 to each) and our mini-vacations we will take in the summer.

Grateful for the delicious La Rocha strawberry shortcake dh bought me for my bday this past weekend. So good! I love the kind with NO custard in the centre. The best part, it was a 'day old' and was 50% off! Still very fresh and tasty.

Grateful for these amazing comfortable tank tops I found at Zellers for half off. They do not cut off my circulation but smooth all my lumps and bumps and allow me to wear fitted tops again!

Grateful that I get a few days off next week to spend with my boys during their March Break

Grateful that the days are getting longer and the promise of spring is just around the corner

3-5-13, 12:38pm
Grateful for my DH, who has turned into a dish washing fanatic!

3-5-13, 2:08pm
Grateful for a working snowblower...

3-5-13, 2:14pm
So grateful I just got to see my middle brother for one night. We don't live near each other and ee travels so much that I don't get to count on seeing him very often. But he stayed at my house last night between traveling down from Seatac on his way to Colombia (flying out of SFO), so I got to feed him dinner and breakfast and catch up. I'm all smiles today! :D


3-5-13, 2:44pm
The last couple of weeks have been pretty tough around here, so I really do need to practice some gratitude!

I am thankful for my family and for a snug and cozy home. I am also thankful for the ability to cook a hot meal on this cold and snowy day. Plus, we always have fresh water to drink, and I have to go no further to my kitchen to get it!

3-5-13, 2:50pm
I am grateful that it is March, and no longer January or February.

I am grateful beyond measure that I have the kind of job that allows me to be flexible in how much I work, and how I work. I am so grateful for the teachers who have helped me to see my own tendency to work myself into a hole so that I get a chance, sometimes, to see the hole before I need a crane to get me out of it. I am grateful for the opportunity to try to figure out my own balance.

3-5-13, 4:19pm
I am grateful for my wonderful daughter, just everything about her.

3-5-13, 5:53pm
I am grateful for my landlord who stopped by to help with the snow removal. It is his responsibility, but he has five buildings in town that need sidewalk clearing and I quite like shoveling snow, so it is no problem to get out there and make sure that I will be able to get out of the driveway tomorrow morning for work.

I do not think that there is an ingratitude thread, so I am taking this opportunity to share that the weather reports that insist that we will have 4 to 6 inches of snow by the time this storm ends early tomorrow morning are so wrong. I shoveled twice today and removed 4 inches the this morning and nearly 8 inches in the past two hours that I was out there. Grrrrrr.

Other than that I am a happy and grateful person. :~)

3-6-13, 10:30am
I'm grateful for the snow (though certainly have to pace myself so I won't be UNgrateful for the backache I get from shoveling :) )

We were so dry last year that by April there were wildfires within 10 miles of me, and I was packing a bugout bag, constantly scanning the horizon, etc. It does not look like we'll have quite that problem this year. Bring it on - let it snow!

3-6-13, 11:10am
I'm grateful that I got a scholarship to an Impact--Santa Fe training in self-defence. It was only four hours but I learned so much and to my surprise since then have felt more like I had a right to take up space in the world than I ever did before--not an easy feeling for me to come by. It had never occurred to me before that I could defend myself from violence of any sort, and I've been near it all my life (family, long-term lover, dangerous neighborhoods (NYC and here), anyone. A great feeling.

3-6-13, 1:58pm
I'm grateful that I got a scholarship to an Impact--Santa Fe training in self-defence. It was only four hours but I learned so much and to my surprise since then have felt more like I had a right to take up space in the world than I ever did before--not an easy feeling for me to come by. It had never occurred to me before that I could defend myself from violence of any sort, and I've been near it all my life (family, long-term lover, dangerous neighborhoods (NYC and here), anyone. A great feeling.

Lark, sounds like it has really helped in so many ways. What a great feeling it must be to you to feel you are entitled to your space...:). You sure have been through a lot. Sorry to hear you had many abusive relationships...

3-6-13, 2:13pm
Hooray for the rain we had last night! We have had a seriously dry spring, which is supposedly our rainy season.


3-6-13, 2:39pm
Ah...I love the "warm and fuzzy" feeling this thread provides. :)

Today I am thankful for a pantry and freezer full of food. DH and I are headed for some lean times, it looks like, but I know we will be okay.

3-6-13, 3:28pm
Ah...I love the "warm and fuzzy" feeling this thread provides. :)

Today I am thankful for a pantry and freezer full of food. DH and I are headed for some lean times, it looks like, but I know we will be okay.

Glad you are prepared for the lean time that you will go through. Maybe something will change and it won't be so lean. Hope so!

3-6-13, 3:55pm
Grateful for my March raise of 10% and though I don't know how much longer it will last - my Friday work at home days. Grateful for these beautiful, pleasant spring days before the hot stuff starts. Oh and that I completed one whole side of my native plant xeriscape garden myself - design and install - this past weekend. Already I have seen birds flocking to it - hopefully butterflies soon.

3-6-13, 3:59pm
Grateful for my March raise of 10% and though I don't know how much longer it will last - my Friday work at home days. Grateful for these beautiful, pleasant spring days before the hot stuff starts. Oh and that I completed one whole side of my native plant xeriscape garden myself - design and install - this past weekend. Already I have seen birds flocking to it - hopefully butterflies soon.

Hi pinkie, that is so great that you were able to do part of you native plant garden by yourself. Hope you can work from home permantly so you can see you garden more often!

3-6-13, 5:17pm
I am grateful for all of the therapists who have worked so hard helping my Mom after her stroke. Yesterday she wiggled her toes on the affected side and felt movement in her leg for the first time in two months.

3-6-13, 5:48pm
I am grateful for all of the therapists who have worked so hard helping my Mom after her stroke. Yesterday she wiggled her toes on the affected side and felt movement in her leg for the first time in two months.

That is so great Lily B! Hope her progression is upward from here on in...

3-6-13, 9:45pm
larknm, I will have the opportunity to learn some self-defense stuff in a few weeks. I was amazed that such a thing never occurred to me, that I could actually do something, be proactive about keeping myself safe. So, I am looking forward to the training. I suspect that my body issues will not allow me to participate, but I will surely learn lots of helpful things. Osmosis. Gotta love it.

3-8-13, 6:20pm
Hard to find gratitude right now, not a good day today, but okay, here's something: We had a terrible evening last night in the company of an abusive "friend" my DH can't seem to let go of yet. I'm grateful that a) I'm nothing like him, b) I'm a far, far happier person than he will ever be, and c) I'm strong enough to say, "Nope. No more of that."

3-10-13, 9:22pm
Grateful for a warm, sunny, relaxing day today.

3-10-13, 9:33pm
larknm--I think that every woman should take some self-defense stuff...maybe in high school..though I do not want to add one more thing to their mandates....

The first time that I successfully completed a defense block to a face/chest strike was.....empowering. And the men and women in my life are still adjusting. :)

3-12-13, 11:41am
Nice quiet house, snow falling very very lightly outside, blanked over my lap, little dogs mashed up against my legs....and I'm earning an income all the while.

I'm so fortunate.

3-17-13, 1:33pm
I'm grateful to my FIL for booking us a surprise resort condo for a week in Florida. He thought it would make us very happy.

Now I'm heading over to the Peeves thread to grouse about the two thousand dollars we're going to have to spend to fly cross country, get ground transportation, ferries, etc. It all has to go on a credit card and will take a long time to pay off. Sigh.

But it's nice someone had our happiness at heart, even if he didn't think it through.

3-18-13, 9:31am
Grateful I have gotten out of my own way and am now on DAY 8 of being smoke-free! And I have been sleeping somewhat normal hours too!

But I still wake up with hellish circles under my eyes....sigh...

3-18-13, 5:37pm
Grateful I have gotten out of my own way and am now on DAY 8 of being smoke-free! And I have been sleeping somewhat normal hours too!

But I still wake up with hellish circles under my eyes....sigh...

Hi Siouz, great for you that you have been off of cigarettes for some time now. Give your body a little chance to detoxify and your circles may get better! :)

3-18-13, 5:43pm
I'm thankful for the truly valuable talk with dh yesterday. He and I both realized that so much of his way of dealing with family comes from working with rock bands (he is a musician) and that the way bands work is not a good model for us (or for for anyone, in my opinion. In dh's experience, the people who come out top in bands are either diva dictators or whiny "do it my way or I'm leaving" types.)

Extremely grateful for the warm weather - doors and windows open and the wind sweeping all the cobwebs out of the house and our minds.

Grateful that dd's cough has finally cleared up.

{Keep up the good work SiouzQ!}

3-18-13, 6:56pm
Grateful that I have the kind of personality that can work one-on-one with people training them, and they feel "seen" and heard and appreciated, so they have me back. I don't know how a dreadful childhood translates into being a compassionate person, but it somehow did, and I'm so glad.

[way to go, SiouzQ]

3-18-13, 7:23pm
I am thankful that I have a reliable, paid-for van with a lift for my scooter. Without these I would be housebound. With them I can lead a more normal life.

3-18-13, 9:35pm
Grateful for having 2 fun days with a friend and her dtr who are in town. Dtr just turned 21 two months ago and we took her to her first casino visit ever. Just beautiful weather and lots of laughs for the past 48 hours.

3-18-13, 9:52pm
I am thankful that I have a reliable, paid-for van with a lift for my scooter. Without these I would be housebound. With them I can lead a more normal life.

Very glad for you Florence...

3-19-13, 10:20am
While I am not grateful for having too much to accomplish this morning than I have morning to do it in, I am thankful that my life is flexible enough to make it all work without any catastrophic results later today.

3-22-13, 7:53pm
I saw my first Robin today! And the last of the previous snow piles are slowly melting away...

3-23-13, 2:09pm
Today I am grateful for good friends -- some old, some very new -- who support me wisely and lovingly as i navigate an unexpected breakup. I am thankful for sweet, affectionate cats. I am thankful that I have enough, and not too much more.

3-23-13, 3:17pm
It's been snowing like crazy here ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKqaYQwX9VA ) , but I'm grateful for a warm house, for a schedule that lets me stay home rather than have to venture out, and a very strong body that doesn't mind some slow, meditative shoveling. And snuggly dogs, hot tea, and kale salad in the fridge.

3-27-13, 2:35pm
Spring Break!! Starts for me at 5:00 p.m. today. Woo hoo!

The first draft of my novel is almost finished! I will finish on Monday - April Fool's day. Printed out the first 350 pages yesterday.

Already have novel #2 spinning away in my head.

Blessed be!

3-29-13, 11:24am
Yay, I have graduated out of PT and am back to no restrictions at work! Alas, I am going to try to pay better attention to my body and ASK for help when lifting things that I think may be too heavy for me at work. I am a little leery of my propensity to do things myself because I think I should be able to. It shouldn't be a problem, as we have three guys on my immediate team out on the front counter who are 6' tall or taller! The only downside is that I will be probably be going back to the same crazy schedule as I had before...I'll see how my body tolerates in now that I have been able to get more rest, have quit smoking, and am almost off caffeine. If I start having a problem I still have my letter from my doctor I can give them.

I am grateful for the Worker's Comp system (other than not being able to recover my lost wages) I received. The PT was quite helpful, and I have new exercises to add to my morning routine.