View Full Version : What's your Myers-Briggs type?

2-24-11, 2:09pm
What's your Meyers Brigg type:

http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp (there are other Meyers-Brigg tests online, you don't need to take this one, if you don't know)

I'm sensing a lot of J, as people are very insistent on things being organized. Me, I'm INTP, a rare type* anywhere (1% of the population supposedly), probably rare here too. Haha, if you know the types you would see my posts almost scream INTP, I think :)

* if types were divided evenly they'd each have a bit over 6% if I'm doing this math right

2-24-11, 2:13pm
I'm an INTP as well. Small world huh?

2-24-11, 2:39pm
I usually veer between INTP and INTJ. My IN part, at least, is immutable.

2-24-11, 3:24pm
I am ISFJ.

2-24-11, 3:32pm
ENFP, and nudging towards J as I age. It's good to re-take this about every 5 years.

2-24-11, 4:08pm
INFJ, although the F and J are "slight". In my 20s and 30s I usually scored as INFP. I think I am getting more orderly and responsible as I age!

2-24-11, 4:25pm
Just took the quiz and scored INFJ...as I have since the first time I took one in high school. At least I am consistent :)

2-24-11, 4:37pm
LOL I think the 1% is all on this forum!!

2-24-11, 5:08pm
INTJ, moving toward INFJ as I get older.

I am not at all surprised by the preponderence of "I"s here. I have a theory that message boards are the perfect interaction style for us.


2-24-11, 6:28pm

2-24-11, 6:50pm
I have changed from an INTJ to INFJ but I am moderate in all except the intuitive.

2-24-11, 8:26pm

2-24-11, 8:55pm

2-24-11, 10:35pm
I just took this test last week and I am a INFP too.

Zoe Girl
2-25-11, 11:23am
INFJ, really a lot of us here considering we are a 1% group. I need to retake since no one believes I am I instead of E these days.

2-25-11, 12:57pm

2-25-11, 1:12pm
INFJ - consistently so for many years :)

2-25-11, 1:53pm
I really don't like this test, considering that many of the questions would garner more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer for me.

2-25-11, 3:30pm
ISFJ here.

2-25-11, 3:51pm
I really don't like this test, considering that many of the questions would garner more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer for me.

Yea for sure, if you expect the answers to fit into absolute binaries they never will because it's usually: "well sometimes I'm this, and sometimes I'm that".

I think it's just supposed to be answered more ahem intuitively, on what is mostly true, what you are more likely to do/prefer etc., and I do find the results that come from these patterns somewhat meaningful. I reckon I'm showing a lot of NP right now :) Meyers Briggs is a closed system see, you can't escape it, your criticism of it will be M-B typed! :)

You might also be very near perfectly in the middle on perhaps many of the variables.

The theory behind this stuff is actually somewhat complex (I said complex, not right, although again I do personally find the typology somewhat meaningful):
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator#Lifestyle:_Judgment_.28J.29. 2FPerception_.28P.29

2-25-11, 5:12pm
I do vary in my results, but mostly it's INFP, as I said above. However, even tho I'm definitely "I", most people think I'm an "E". Most of my jobs have been in government public service (which I love, and which I am very good at), but left to my own devices I'm a hermit. You have to know how to fake it convincingly ... [:D]

2-25-11, 5:35pm
Yea I think INFP is a closely related type to INTP (actually it is as the P determines which part of the personality is outwardly visible which is the N/S part not the F/T part for Ps). Have once scored INFP and once scored INTJ. IN never varies, but the majority of times I get the letters INTP, and have both the first time I took it in my very early 20s and the most recent time I took it now in my mid 30s.

I think my type is pretty rare among women which might be another reason I often feel male in some way that's hard to describe (I'm not talking sexual orientation which is mostly hetero, nor that I want to become a transexual - LOL!, just in some purely mental way). Of course males always were the powerful ones growing up too, and ruled the world, and did everything truly worth doing, so who wouldn't want to be them?

2-25-11, 9:27pm
ESTJ, although the 'E' is maybe 20% over the line, so I identify with those who like to call themselves "extroverted introverts" or "introverted extroverts."

2-25-11, 10:00pm
I've always been INFP, but I'm going to take the test again and see what happens!

ETA: Just took the test and i've subtly shifted to ISFP.

2-25-11, 11:26pm
I am an INFJ. I belong to a wonderful email list for my MBTI type. If you search online, you may be able to find online groups, forums, email lists, etc. for your particular MBTI type.

2-25-11, 11:40pm

introverted 56
intuitive 75
feeling 12
judging 44

for what it's worth........

hard to answer some of those yes/no, because it really depends on circumstances and situations, I guess, but I tried.....

2-26-11, 1:13am
I was a solid INTJ on this particular test, and Hannibal Lecter and Hannibal of elephants over the Alps fame are my soul mates.

2-26-11, 2:11am
INFJ here.....Rob

2-26-11, 4:58am
I think you guys are proving my hypothesis about Is and message boards -- the Es are probably all off having interactions with real people, it seems, while us Is are happily hanging out here in the privacy of our own little nests. Or maybe Is like taking the MBTI more than Es? I find it really interesting to think about why the predominance of Is here....


2-26-11, 5:43am
I also wouldn't trust the reliability of the majority of these sorts of tests found online... I guess they can be fun though.

I'm just not down with the whole "self diagnosis" and labelling culture, especially by means of unrealiable online research.

2-26-11, 9:36am
I took the test twice and both times INFJ.

2-26-11, 9:45am
Jane, bro, we is both INTJ!

2-26-11, 12:05pm
Haven't taken this test, but I've tested more formally and on other online tests as ISTP.

2-26-11, 1:20pm
Jane, bro, we is both INTJ!

You, me, and the Hannibals!!pow!!pow!:devil:

2-26-11, 1:42pm
Not sure this was the version I took either, just took *a* version of M-B recently though.

2-26-11, 3:13pm
I'm really kind of surprised at the few numbers of E folks here. After all, there have been a number of heated exchanges here and there.

2-26-11, 4:04pm
INTJ. And it fits me to a T.

2-27-11, 2:03pm
I test as INTJ when sober, and INTP after a glass of wine or two.

3-15-11, 12:14am

3-15-11, 8:53am
What purpose do these test provide? It seams we have enough labels.

3-15-11, 12:34pm
When I first took one, it was part of a vocational battery. I couldn't be more "I," so--for example--I wouldn't make much of a Wal-Mart greeter.

3-15-11, 12:57pm
Me too, first took it vocationally (and they said: no wonder you're failing (getting fired frankly) at all these extroverted jobs! I mean DUH!!!). I got introverted jobs and did much better. Now I am told my existing struggles are from being very P in a very J environment :D. I don't know, you know I don't really expect the ideal, in a job, on this earth. But I do look at other things and how they might fit me better etc..

It can help you understand why you see things differently if you are a rare type.

And really some of us just like to play with models of seeing the world and that may be the main appeal (I love doing so, do you suppose it's because of my M-B type? ;)). And I find this model somewhat useful (the absolute key to everything and as much a science as chemistry? oh gosh no, maybe somewhere in the middle between chemistry and astrological signs!, but a model I find somewhat useful). By the way no type is actually supposed to be better than any other in Meyer's Briggs (some may be more rewarded in any give society - like say extroverts often are). But they all have pluses and minuses.

If we wanted to take other major personality tests we could take those classifying people on traits like neuroticism and so on! But you know even when accurate those tests could really get insulting, the whole DSMV is pretty insulting too. But M-B is just more about how (not how well but how) you process things intellectually etc..

pony mom
3-18-11, 10:42pm
INTJ. At times it seems I contradicted myself when answering some of those questions.

domestic goddess
3-18-11, 11:06pm
ISFP, at least most of the time. I do have my "other" moments, though. And sometimes while I'm having one, I feel like aliens have taken possession of my body, and I'm looking on in amazment. Which I guess is usual for tests of this kind. Still, it is kind of interesting.

3-18-11, 11:45pm
ISFP, at least most of the time. I do have my "other" moments, though. And sometimes while I'm having one, I feel like aliens have taken possession of my body, and I'm looking on in amazment. ....

I think of those pesky contradictions--in myself--as evidence of an "absorbed twin."

3-19-11, 10:00am
ENFJ this time, but it has usually been ENFP in the past.