View Full Version : What makes you happy?

7-11-13, 3:45pm
Some days ago I started the thread http://www.simplelivingforum.net/showthread.php?8548-How-do-you-enjoy-life, many said they liked to think about it and to read what others wrote.

Today I found this nice new lens (page) on squidoo.com about how to be happy and enjoy life: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-be-happy-and-enjoy-the-life, I share much ideas with this guy and I think he made a good job. What do you think?

And most important what makes you happy?

Looking forward to many answers;)

7-16-13, 12:19pm
I feel happiest when my mind, heart, soul, and body all agree that whatever it is I'm doing, it is the right thing.

I love to hike, but sometimes I feel guilty that I'm neglecting other things.
I write fiction, and most of the time I enjoy it, but sometimes I think "this is garbage, what a waste of time, I'd rather go swimming..."
I like my job, but a LOT of time I think I'd rather be somewhere else.
I love to read but often think "you should be getting exercise, cleaning house, doing something USEFUL!"

I can feel happy and joyful, for a moment, anytime, just by being mindful and sensing my prana. But that doesn't last long.

Then there is a different kind of happiness that comes from having a child; it's always there humming away. But that's more of a humbling sort of gratitude, an eternal Thank You to the universe.

7-18-13, 12:44am
Thank you very much Gardenarian for this wise words!

It seems when you are doing something, you are thinking on other things you should do. Like that you can enjoy what you are doing? Why feel guilty?

I think when you are for example reading a book, then just read the book and don't feel guilty that you just enjoy the book. And don't think too much on other stuff you have to do. I know that is sometimes not that easy. But I think I can handle that very good.....

7-18-13, 7:58am
Good topic. I am content 100% of the time with fleeting moments of happy. I don't know what exactly it is that makes me happy, I don't stive for it, I'm not conscience of it, it just happens....I will suddenly stop and realize that I am happy. I have found, however, that when I eat healthy and exercise regularly that the moments of happy happen more often, not sure if there is a connection but it is something that I've noticed.

7-18-13, 8:09am
I am lucky to have a high happiness "set point." So I like to flip the question over.

So, for me the question is, what are my triggers for falling out of "the zone"? Usually the same idea: am I trying to please others at the expense of what I feel is right for me? Am I afraid of some particular outcome? Am I betraying my values? Am I surrounding myself with spiritual energy-suckers? Am I out of the moment?

Basically, I believe that seeking happiness makes it more elusive--it usually comes when we are in alignment with what we are meant to be doing--as Gardenarian said. I think "seeking" happiness is like dusting off all the crap inside and recognizing, not finding, happiness. Kind of like what Dorothy said, "I know that if I ever go looking for my heart's desire, I'll never go any further than my own back yard" (backyard being inner kingdom)

7-18-13, 10:13am
It seems when you are doing something, you are thinking on other things you should do. Like that you can enjoy what you are doing? Why feel guilty?

I think when you are for example reading a book, then just read the book and don't feel guilty that you just enjoy the book. And don't think too much on other stuff you have to do. I know that is sometimes not that easy. But I think I can handle that very good.....

Sven - you are so right! Thank you for pointing that out; I really do need to appreciate what I am doing at any one time.
I don't know where I got this idea that I have to be doing something productive every minute of the day, making every second count - because it really backfires, and like you say, I end up not enjoying what I am doing. I need to work on this.

7-23-13, 4:17pm
I don't know where I got this idea that I have to be doing something productive every minute of the day, making every second count - because it really backfires, and like you say, I end up not enjoying what I am doing. I need to work on this.

I think that is because our society always wants to see results. So everything we are doing must make results and be important. Which I think it's not truth! We need to learn how to relax and just do nothing. This can sometimes be more effective then everything....

7-23-13, 4:21pm
! We need to learn how to relax and just do nothing. This can sometimes be more effective then everything....

Yes, exactly. I need to learn how to let go and just be.

7-23-13, 8:36pm
Watching my young adult sons grow into who they are. The things that catch their interest regularly surprise me. It's fun to watch them find those things that light them up. I had no idea I'd enjoy this phase of life so much.

7-24-13, 11:32am
I am happy when laughing with DH. And when someone is listening well to me or I to them. When TTouching my dogs and parrot. When what I'm eating both tastes good and is good for me. When discovering something new by looking through someone else's eyes. When seeing people be kind to others. When setting aside more money into our emergency fund, which we only started last April.

7-24-13, 2:59pm
Yes, exactly. I need to learn how to let go and just be.

Practice Yoga or Qigong, that very helps to just let be and relaxing.

Just found that page about Yoga, tips and tricks. Maybe it can help: http://yogatipsntricks.com

7-24-13, 3:00pm
Watching my young adult sons grow into who they are. The things that catch their interest regularly surprise me. It's fun to watch them find those things that light them up. I had no idea I'd enjoy this phase of life so much.

That sounds very nice! Thank you very much for sharing.