View Full Version : Time To Get Things Back in Order

7-20-13, 10:23am
Hi to all, I've not been back on this sight much since I got back from my vacation a few weeks ago. Just been too busy getting back into the swing of things! However, it is high time to regroup and settle in to how my affairs are going to be played out until the next time I get to go on a road trip!

First things first: I am taking the plunge once again and getting another house mate. I have been trying to think of all ways I can increase my income stream so I can get out from under my car loan ASAP, and having a house mate is one of the easiest ways. This time I am charging $325/month and I had all sorts of people on CraigsList chomping for this room! I sifted through a lot of scams and spams, and have settled on the friend of a friend who is a musician as well but has a regular day job, goes to school, has a girlfriend AND is in three bands! So he'll hardly be here at the house, which will work out just fine. Since my rent is only $485, plus about $35 per month in electric bills, this is a HUGE help!

Another income stream that I may do as long as I am healthy enough to do it is sell my blood plasma - I should find out in August when I go back to be re-interviewed (I had to wait for six months after I had my routine colonoscopy before they would let me come back, because it is an invasive procedure). That could potentially be another $150/month, which is my car payment!

AND, my jewelry is starting to sell! More on that later!

So that is what I have been up to - still working at the deli counter at WF's, getting occasional bonuses, labor pool payouts/surpluses (their version of profit-sharing).

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I have a solo music gig in a few weeks that is going to pay $100 too!

7-20-13, 6:42pm
Wow, you have been busy planning. Don't overdo the plasma donation but you know that. What are you doing for fun to keep your morale up and life enjoyable to balance all the work?

Zoe Girl
7-20-13, 8:58pm
Very good plan, I like that you have some buffer on the rent by charging more than half your rent. That will cover things like utilities or if you do yard work without the hassle of working out nit picky expenses.

Keep us updated on the roommate deal, I have 'roommates' who are my children as teens and young adult and it is not easy even though I am related! Any roommate deal has issues,

Blackdog Lin
7-20-13, 9:21pm
You go girl! It's good to hear from you, all energized and all. :) Hope your vacation was as awesome as you'd hoped it would be.