View Full Version : Pomodoro Technique

9-12-13, 1:13pm
One of my friends just told me she is trying out this technique, and I had never heard of it before. It's quite intriguing, but I'm unsure whether I could be successful with it during a work day (too many interruptions). But during my weekend and evening domestics, I think I may give it a try.

Have any of you ever heard of it/used this method before?


9-12-13, 2:23pm
I read it over quickly...I'm going to go back to it when I have more time. Sounds like an interesting way of approaching tasks in the old familiar "small bites" philosopy.

9-12-13, 2:46pm
Thanks Kay - This is great for me. I have the attention span of a fruit fly and can get WAY into something, but it's in SPURTS and then I have to do something different in about that amount of time, 25 minutes.
Looks like a great way for me to 'structure' my natural tendencies and quit beating myself up! Love that!

9-12-13, 2:51pm
Here's a cute little movie I found on it:


And I just put in request for book hold at my library


Thank you for posting about this - I am going through some schedule changes and realize how terribly unproductive I've become, perfect timing on this post for me!

9-12-13, 4:49pm
There's an AP for that...

9-12-13, 4:50pm
There's an APP for that...

9-12-13, 5:44pm
I have used, and still use, the Pomodoro technique! In fact, it's common parlance around our house now for DH or me to say "I have to do a tomato's worth on that project today!" Highly recommended!

9-12-13, 9:08pm
Thanks for posting about this Kay, I really could use tis right now!!! On Amazon the book is only available through used sellers. Only one posted. Will look into picking this up as I need this! Chris

9-12-13, 10:13pm
I unknowingly use this technique all the time, with varying degrees of success. I'll be doing the dishes after breakfast and see something that needs to go in the bathroom, so I take it in there. And I see a couple of things that need to be done there: counter cleaned off, etc. -- and notice some clothes in the hamper that need to be washed, so off I go to load the washer. And there are dry clothes in the dryer, so I take them to the bedroom to fold them and before I can put them away the cats start whining to be fed, so back to the kitchen I go to feed the cats ... and lo and behold ... still dishes to be finished! And a couple of times in there DH wants me to stop what I'm doing and come and see something he's built ...And now it's time to fix lunch ... and ... and ... and ... did I ever actually get anything DONE?? Just bits and pieces ... :D {sigh}

9-12-13, 10:35pm
If necessary, you can also get a lot done in 10 minute increments, especially with picking up things in a house. Spend 10 minutes in each room picking up items and putting them away. In Room 1 put anything that doesn't belong in Room 1 in a basket.

Go to room 2. Put away anything in the basket that goes in room 2. Put away items in room 2. Add anything that doesn't go in 2 to basket.

Go to room 3. Repeat.

If you ever wind up helping someone whose house is in serious disarray, it can be easier to have 4-5 baskets/bags:
Items to go in another room

If you have multiple people, they can each have a separate bag and task. If the laundry and dish people lead, they can go to the laundry room or dishwasher as soon as they have enough for a load and start it.