View Full Version : November Gratitude

11-4-13, 6:30pm
It's snowing, there's a pot of hot butternut squash soup on the stove and a loaf of bread baking. 'Nuff said.

11-4-13, 7:00pm
So cozy, puglogic!

Looking forward to getting home and finishing John le Carre's latest - "A Delicate Truth." And snuggling with the dogs.

11-4-13, 10:12pm
I'm glad our recent power outage only lasted 24 hours. I got some reading done and didn't lose any frozen food. Or trees, though there's a pile of branches in my driveway.

11-7-13, 3:40pm
Brilliant blue sunny autumn day, and I was splitting and stacking firewood as my daily workout this morning. Delightful.

11-18-13, 3:27pm
A friend is recovering from a tough illness, and he sees the world through dark-colored glasses. Everything is threatening, or sad, or just all wrong or doesn't serve him in one way or another. He has always been like this.

His illness has brought out the best in people; visits and well-wishes and support of all kinds from family and from friends he didn't know he had, even friends he DIDN'T have yet, paid time off work to think and write and study and draw, perspective on his life and the promise of a healthy body to live it with. Yet there's not an ounce of gratitude in this man for anything in his life. Everything and everyone warrants complaint or comparison.

I am convinced I would never get better until I was able to at least be thankful for the blessings I have. Truthfully, I am envious of the support he enjoys and ignores!

Today I'm grateful for all of the people who have ever supported me, in big ways or tiny ways. I'm shining blessings back at them.

11-18-13, 5:16pm
Rain expected this week! Huzzah!
We've only had ~2 inches since January....can't wait to smell it hitting the sidewalk.
Coincidentally, I finally washed my car yesterday - first time in months.

11-18-13, 5:55pm
Oh rain! How I wish it would rain here .... :(

11-18-13, 7:05pm
Visited the spectacular Chihuly exhibit at the local Desert Botanical Gardens. www.dbg.org Perfect weather, and there were vendors and entertainers. A really enjoyable day all the way around.

Ahh The Simple Name
11-20-13, 5:41pm
just wrote a post on gratitude - http://www.ahhthesimplelife.com/gratitude-is-not-just-for-thanksgiving/ Gratitude is Not Just for Thanksgiving
included this
My Gratitude Journal for TodayI am grateful for …

The tremendous healing power of the sun. I woke up rather tired and achy this morning. Just a few minutes relaxing in my sunny living room melted the achiness right out of my bones, gave me a sense of well-being, and recharged my energy.
Books. As I sat in my living room, I glanced up at the bookshelves. My eyes fell on three different books that I love: Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1594481571/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1594481571&linkCode=as2&tag=ahthsili-20)http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=ahthsili-20&l=as2&o=1&a=1594481571, The New Laurel’s Kitchen (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/089815166X/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=089815166X&linkCode=as2&tag=ahthsili-20)http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=ahthsili-20&l=as2&o=1&a=089815166X, The Sound and the Furry: A Chet and Bernie Mystery (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1476703221/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1476703221&linkCode=as2&tag=ahthsili-20)http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=ahthsili-20&l=as2&o=1&a=1476703221.

My siblings: two brothers, and one sister. Whenever I think of us as a group, I am reminded of a book from my childhood: The Five Chinese Brothers (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0698200446/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0698200446&linkCode=as2&tag=ahthsili-20)http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=ahthsili-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0698200446. This classic picture-story was written by Claire Huchet Bishop (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claire_Huchet_Bishop), and first published in 1938. Read the plot here: The Five Chinese Brothers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Five_Chinese_Brothers). My siblings and I also each possess unique talents, and we constantly use our talents to help and support one another.

http://www.ahhthesimplelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/The-Five-Chinese-Brothers.jpg (http://www.ahhthesimplelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/The-Five-Chinese-Brothers.jpg)

11-21-13, 12:36pm
It is snowing here today, under 10 degrees, roads icy and drifting, and I'm thankful I have nowhere to be that requires driving! Bundled up in my winter woolies at my desk, looking out at the gently falling snow and (already) dreaming of spring.....

11-23-13, 9:09pm
Grateful to be alive to enjoy this magnificent world today.

11-24-13, 1:16am
I got out of the 4am thing. I got out of it by complaining a lot and afterwards was just dumbfounded that complaining actually worked, since I really only expected to get in trouble for it, but just didn't care much anymore. I was like "can't we automate it etc., doing so would be really easy blah blah", got a better idea from a coworker on how to automate it than the idea I had on how to do so and suggested that, etc. All perfectly logical suggestions but therefore certainly doomed to go nowhere. They were not implemented, of course (again too logical - waste QAs time just to Save Our Sleep!) but due to me continuing to pressure for an alternate solution, the 4am was moved to those who actually are paid to work the night shift. Not us :). I may still be working past midnight and get up the next day at 7, it's not good, it will leave me tired and using some caffeine the next day, but it's *much* better than 4am which would truly *destroy* my sleep schedule.

11-24-13, 6:09am
Windy and cold outside, can hear the trees blowing. I'm sitting next to blazing fire in woodstove cozy and warm. Did all my Thanksgiving food shopping yesterday so don't have to be anywhere today except for maybe a yoga class.

11-26-13, 2:54pm
Grateful I'll have a couple of days off work this week to rest & regroup a little.....

11-26-13, 6:18pm
Grateful to my neighbors for hosting the Thanksgiving potluck. It's so much more festive for the small families and single people on our block.

11-26-13, 6:21pm
Grateful to have returned home safely last night. Went to Ty's jazz band concert an hour away from home. Came home and the steps and parking lot and cars all had a thin coat of ice. It was slow going and the roads did get better as we got closer to Lansing. But it was kind of nerve-wracking for a while there. So I am grateful for safe travel and for my DH driving so carefully.