View Full Version : Need a new fence for the garden

3-8-11, 4:24pm
We've replaced our garden fence several times since moving here almost 30 years ago. Its been a patch-work fence for a number of years, but the poor thing is almost dead. Rabbits just hop over it. It was just 3' chicken wire, but seemed to work well for a long time. The garden has slowly shrunk in size. Its now about 30x20'.
Fortunately, the deer don't seem to bother the garden. They're too busy eating our trees and bushes.
I think what we'll do this spring is use 4' utility wire with 2"x4" openings. Unfortunately, they seem to have stopped making the 12 gauge and we'll probably have to go with the 14 gauge, which isn't very strong.

Then we'll line around the bottom with 2' chicken wire. DH wants to put in cedar posts all the way around it, but that's too expensive, too much work, and the animals can climb it too easy. So I just want to use 5' metal posts.

The only problem we'll have is we can't just step over it anymore. We'll have to build gates, and we are absolutely horrible at gates. haha
It has to be a gate that rabbits can't get under. We'll build something impenetrable, but it will be ugly as *@#*. It will be nice not finding baby bunnies in the garden all the time. (or half-eaten bunnies 'cause the stray cats can get in too).

Anyhow. What kind of garden fence do you have, and what does or doesn't it keep out? I've given up on sweet corn. Its just too much work, falls over several times a summer, and I always have to outsmart the coons when its ripe.
Coons can get over any fence.

3-8-11, 6:19pm
We have 2 lines of electric wire fence. One set at 3 inches from the ground and the other at 6 or 8. Very effective, simple to install and rather inexpensive. Go to a farmer's supply place to see it. We turn off the fence when we're in the garden. It won't kill anything bigger than a frog but will make it quite an impression.

3-17-11, 6:56pm
I've recently tried finding 4x4 8ft posts that will last 50 years, to replace my old posts that fail often, no matter what kind of wood or footing, they always eventually rot and blow over in a storm. I'm even looking at metal 4x4-like pieces that are industrial, but they are way expensive.
I've put in nice gates over the years, even though I'm a poor carpenter. It just takes a little longer, and more screws.

3-17-11, 7:06pm
I don't think I would like using these ken, but maybe you wouldn't mind............How about that composite stuff they use for decks now, that is supposed to last a really long time? Do you just prefer the look of the 4x4's, as opposed to the metal stakes?

P.S. Welcome to the 'hood Ken!

3-18-11, 9:53pm
Thanks for the welcome, Cathy; I've been mostly lurking for the past 3 years, and I've been slow to get posting since the switch.
I don't use the narrow metal stakes because I can't take any bendyness - also I have to connect a wooden picket structure on them.
I have looked at composite lumber, but I can't remember at the moment if there are 4x4 8 footers to choose from.
Also, it's very expensive and not very stiff

3-18-11, 10:10pm
Hi Ken,

The metal stakes come in a very heavy variety. They are the ones that farmers sometimes use. You could put them closer together than the usual 8'.

3-18-11, 10:22pm
We have a rabbit and deer fence. Chicken wire buried and to about 30 inches, then a strong deer netting that is stretched over metal posts and tied. We made a gate from 1x1s and chicken wire, and it is hinged to the wooden fence on the side of our yard. Bricks under the gate so rabbits can't dig under.