View Full Version : Dr E. Alexander- It's Time for Brain Science to Graduate From Kindergarten

1-22-14, 9:30am
I read the book, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, and found it interesting to see where ideas are going. This follow up interview adds more to the mix.

Our attitude, our mind, our consciousness has tremendous power over our health.


2-4-14, 8:16pm
I had a discussion with a small group of like aged folks (let's say later middle age) the other evening and the subject of an afterlife came up. There was a pretty common agreement that what we all had thought of an after life being certain or near certain had diminished as we had gotten older. And that now most would like to believe but accept death as final as a hard possibility. I suppose that will be the great mystery that will unfold for all of this one of these days regardless of what we think. Maybe it is ego-centric but I still have some faith in an afterlife and enjoyed Proof of Heaven as something of a reassurance not just of afterlife, but of a greater and loving source. I've read several books on NDE and this one wasn't a game changer but a good one.

At any rate I enjoyed the additional information. I book marked to re-read the article. It does seem like a huge opportunity for more research not just for spiritual purposes but for practical health applications.

2-15-14, 10:07am
I haven't read the book, but enjoyed the article. Many of the points of discussion fall within my belief system. Thanks for posting.