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Thread: Living Without a Cell Phone

  1. #21
    Helper Gregg's Avatar
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    Macondo (or is that my condo?)
    A smart phone can be a huge time suck if you let it. No different than the machine most of you are probably reading this on. That's operator error, not the fault of the tech.

    I got an iPhone 6 about a week after they came out. I am by no means a phone zombie and only make/receive a few calls on any normal day. What I can do is text my daughter, answer almost any question, read or write in languages I do not know, turn down the stereo, check the forecast for anywhere before I leave on a trip, make a reservation at the kennel, pull up any song or almost any book I want to listen to or read, turn up the kitchen lights over the stove when I'm cooking, turn down the thermostat when I'm cooking, figure out all the details of my next golf shot, lock the garage door, leave myself notes, get birthday reminders a week ahead and on and on... Almost all of that can be done with voice commands. I could even call someone if I wanted to! To each their own, but I love the technology. I'm still on the learning curve regarding the apps I will use in my work, but have no doubt the phone will (FAR) more than pay for itself as soon as I get up to speed.

    The only annoyance I have with any of it is the, IMO, over-use in social settings. We implemented a rule when we entertain. No devices at the table or in the mix-and-mingle areas. I usually have to hand out a few gentle reminders, but that's about it. Works for us.
    "Back when I was a young boy all my aunts and uncles would poke me in the ribs at weddings saying your next! Your next! They stopped doing all that crap when I started doing it to them... at funerals!"

  2. #22
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Cellane View Post
    Classic blaming the technology.

    If two people living in the same house choose to text each other--and it is a *choice*, the phones are not forcing them to text--it is because they prefer that method of communication to face to face speech.

    The phones appear to be the problem. But what's really happening is that the phones are highlighting existing problems.

    And thanks to technology, I can Skype with my brother and his family, who live on another continent. Back when I was a kid, in the 1960s, and the military stationed my father overseas, he had to make an appointment with the phone company to make a long-distance call back to the US on holidays, so we could talk to our grandparents and extended family. Now I can email my brother and get an answer in less than 24 hours, instead of the weeks that sending a letter and a reply would take.

    Thanks to smart phones and tablets, my nephew was able to participate in some school activities when he was home-bound for three months after surgery.

    The technology is not good or bad. It simply is.

    It is how people use it that can be good or bad.

    Yep, I go with this. I have a cellphone. It's nice that it takes pictures, and texting is convenient for quick communication. Other than that, I can take it or leave it. When I work, I leave it in my desk while I'm in the classroom. I don't look at it often, and actually don't like getting messages or calls for that matter. For me, it's just like the landline. It hasn't changed my life other than I can have with me to call AAA if I get a flat.

  3. #23
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    Greg, let me ask you this ettiquette question.............

    Are you on your cell phone when your interacting with others? (cashiers, bank tellers, etc)

    When I run into people I know, and see them at a table in public, with their heads stuck in their phone while with someone, I give them grief and tell them they don't need to text the person on the other side of the table. But I also find it not only rude, but also not to their benefit, to not be paying attention to who they are dealing with. I've seen order that have been wrong (the taker either thought something they said on the phone was part of the order, or the phone user didn't hear the other party repeat back and incorrect order). Seen at both restaurants and the bank.
    I did get a chuckle a couple of times when a casheir (once at a grocery store), just stood their and when the phone user said something, they pointed to us and the line and said we will wait.

    Now emergencies happen (seen someone on the phone when they heard their wife went into labor), and in those cases, I just hope they don't drive (distracted driving isn't good).

  4. #24
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    I have an old flip phone and pay a low monthly amount (no contract). If I'm going on a road trip or out of town for work I'll charge it up, but in day to day life don't have it with me.

  5. #25
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011
    Cell phones are too cheap and good for an emergency to not have one, imo.

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