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Thread: Good Day to you all!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    London, UK

    Good Day to you all!

    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Julia, I am a 26 year old Canadian currently living in London. I am rather new to but very interested in the concept of simplicity in living, how it shapes community and how it impacts the way we see and value life.

    In the interest of full disclosure, I thought that this space would be the best place to explain myself, and possibly gain some assistance. I am currently a Masters student at the London College of Fashion, and am in the process of completing my dissertation. In my research I am specifically looking at how perceptions of authenticity play a role in they way people construct their identity, and how they see sustainable fashion. As part of this I am looking to do some in-depth interviews with people who follow lifestyles of voluntary simplicity, to gain insight on their perspective into the subject.

    If this sounds at all interesting to you (or you know someone who you think might be interested), I would love to connect with you and arrange an interview. You don't have to know anything at all about fashion, and although London locals would be preferred I am willing to travel.
    If you have any questions or interest at all, feel free to sent me a message.

    Thanks so much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you!


  2. #2
    Senior Member razz's Avatar
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    Julia, while I admire the effort that you are making, the question that you have posed is, IMHO, so vague that it will be difficult to answer. I studied Cultural Studies at one point and did a paper on fashion visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum later to my great delight. I focused on the Romantic Period in my paper.

    You will encounter huge variances in simple living due to generational eras, geography, materials, culture, age, $$$ and so on.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Kestra's Avatar
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    It sounds interesting, but I'm not sure how many people you'll get in the London area. We certainly have international members, but primarily North Americans.

    Also what do you mean by sustainable fashion? Sustainable, as in environmentally friendly, or that you can keep wearing the same clothes a long time?
    I'm all about authenticity and know nothing about fashion, but would be happy to talk with you if you'd like, (but I'm in Canada so it would have to be Skype/email.)

  4. #4
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Hi Julia,

    My expression of simplicity as regards to clothing fashion is simple: I shop at Goodwill thrift store for clothing items that cost $3 - $4 each. I choose items that are largely cotton because that's a comfortable fabric. By choosing cotton, I avoid many fashion trends, at least in my opinion. Here in the States I think most trendy cheap clothing is non-cotton.

    But I don't much value "sustainability" so I don't know how that fits into your premise. I buy thrift because I don't care about being on trend and I want to save money for items I *DO* care about.

    I am also old, 61 years old, and so am well past the age of fashion being interesting.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    London, UK
    Thanks for your interest everybody. My study is limited to those living in the UK, so that does put restrictions on those who have answered (I should have specified that in my original message, sorry!). If anyone happens to know someone living in the UK who might be interested, feel free to message me.

    I think that sustainable fashion does have multiple definitions and understandings, and this is one of the barriers to the widespread adoption of it. Don't worry, what I am researching is more specific than I put above, but I did not want to bore everyone with the details before generating interest.

  6. #6
    Senior Member IshbelRobertson's Avatar
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    The other side of the pond
    i'm Scots, (do we count in an English-centric UK?!) and one of the areas where I don't practice simplicity is clothes, handbags and shoes! I always buy well-made branded goods, in classic style/cuts/tailoring, which then last a very long time. i try to buy in the Sales. I have zero interest in entering charity shops and I wouldn't buy used clothing.

    My last purchase was a Mulberry handbag, reduced by 40 per cent. Still expensive, but a timeless style and I had lusted after it for a year or so.

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