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Thread: Setting A Decluttering Goal in Units of Time Using Flylady's Timer Method March 2017

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011
    Good for you, early morning!

    I took one small baby step forward today: spent 30 minutes cleaning up our daughter's old sandbox and outdoor play kitchen so that we could hand them down to neighbors. Half an hour done. 39.5 to go!

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2015
    That's a start.

    and good job early morning!

    i spent an hour and a half baking yesterday. So my totals for last week are

    7:45 food
    4:30 pottery

    i really need to make the pottery a priority. I think I need to set specific blocks of time to work on it. If I don't treat it like a real job, it's just going to continue to be a semi-profitable hobby.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    So, new week, new start.

    2:30 working in the studio today - and actually made some things, didn't just clean and organize
    30 minutes planting seeds.

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Yesterday I spent 15 minutes and cleared a large hot-spot from the kitchen. I have no idea why I let it set so long when it took such a short time to clear it out.
    so, only 2.5 to go yet this week...

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Monday was zero.

    yesterday I put in 2:15 in the studio (mostly clay, a little organizing) plus ? In the house in the evening on some finish work. I didn't time the house work, so I'm giving myself another 15 minutes - it was more than that.

    5 pottery
    30 min food

    i decided that if I can get into my classroom an hour away by 9:30 twice a week, I can get into my studio by 10 two other days (tu/th) even if I exercise first. Going to try that tomorrow.

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    Great work, you two.

    Early morning, I totally relate to what you say about that 15 minutes. I learn again and again that the hardest part is getting started.

    Sunday was my five-year-old's birthday and while she was still at her dad's, I did a quick pass through of her room, organizing it a bit. There's more to do, but in thirty minutes it went from relative chaos to relative order. Interestingly, when she came home and saw it, she made a little pile of books that she wanted to give away. It seems like when she can actually see all her stuff, it's easier for her to weed out what she doesn't want anymore.

    Then I spent 30 minutes more decluttering the downstairs. New total: 1.5 hours.

  7. #17
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    i have a really hard time with transitions, so the getting started is a big one for me too. Yesterday I did exercise, and then for some other reasons only partly involving procrastination, I didn't get to the studio until 11. Still put in 4.5 hours and got some work done as well as straightening up. Only pulled a couple of things out, but the "clean as you go" plan is starting to show results.

    Yesterday I wanted to move the cookie cutters closer to the slab work area, and I asked myself "what is in this cupboard anyway?" - answer: craft stuff from when my kids were little. It was a really easy decision to give the partial boxes of ten year old macaroni shapes to the chickens! Other stuff is going to school. I ended up only keeping 10% of the cupboard contents.

    i also trimmed some older work, threw a dozen bowls, mixed the casting slip back to usable, wedged a bunch of reclaimed clay, and tidied up.

    only 20 minutes on garden prep - it got really cold here again.

    9.5 pottery
    50 min food.

  8. #18
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    Hour and a half in the studio - noticing that which area is more successful is very tied to weather.

    also that roughly 12 hours seems to be my window around other stuff in my week.

    i am going to stop logging this because it isn't really the right forum, but it has been an interesting exercise that I intend to build on.

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    WTG, you guys! Chicken Lady, I'm impressed with all you do! And yes, it did get cold, didn't it just! I'm sure I'll be missing this weather soon. I really hate hot weather and the older I get, the more I dislike it. My yard and flowers show it too. I've about quit gardening due to the summer heat, and that's in Ohio. I don't see how people live in the south, I really don't. But - spent two hours today going through stuff, getting rid of stuff, putting away stuff. Baby steps. You'd think that at 60, my baby step days should be far in the past, lol. But regression seems like part of my life, I was so organized and on top of thing when my kids were little - worked full time, went to college, had a garden, raised rabbits for fun and food, had chickens, cooked only from scratch, sewed a lot, my house was always clean -and now! Our house and yard are a mess, when one adult daughter lives at home and helps with house and yard work. We have no meat animals, no kids to drive to meetings/practices/events. I have only one job and no after work classes, and my mother, who took a lot of my time the past few years- is now gone. We eat simple meals because I don't want to cook (but also don't want to buy much frozen pre-made crap). I have gotten so lazy! So it's back to baby steps, I guess. It's better than crawling, right?!?

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    I read somewhere that busy people get more done that people who don't have lots of stuff to do (that they have to do). Nowadays, I try to do marathons of cleaning, but getting rid of stuff is making it easier to clean. I don't have a yard to take of though. It would be nice to have a garden, but it is a lot of work.

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