I have a new staff person, well in December she started, who could use a little therapy. She has asked me many times if she is losing her job, and every time I say NO! If there is a problem she will know about it and we will work on it. There are other things, but the calling at night thing. So one time I was off on a Friday and something very upsetting happened so I said she could call me that night. I have seen other missed calls (sooo glad I only gave her my work cell number). And then last night while I was at meditation my phone started to vibrate and I saw she left a message. I texted back at the break and told her I was busy so she said she would talk to me today. Geez. She told me earlier that she needed to leave an hour early on Friday. I am off and out of town on Friday so I gave her 2 options to take care of it herself. She figured it out okay, but I didn't fix it for her. I take care of staff taking time off when it is in advance, when no one else has the same time off, or if they are sick and contagious.

Then I had a parent call the work cell at 4:30 ish, kids were out on the playground at that point. She wanted to talk to one of my staff, she tends to monopolize the staff while they are supervising kids and does not notice things like that. So I told her my staff was supervising kids and couldn't be on the phone but that they could call her back after project time. I feel good about that one, and we are trying to get her to talk to me rather than the staff more, slow progress there.

BTW one of our most (legitmatly) upset parents gave my new assistant a starbucks gift card because she has seen such an improvement in our program and her child. That guy who was not working out talked to this mom once and she went home and cried. Dad had to tell me and I promptly told my staff he could not talk to the parents and made my best effort towards more training, so I have been concerned about repairing that relationship.