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Thread: April Frugals!!!!

  1. #21
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    Went down to Costco on the first of the month and used my rebate check from last year. Got $143 worth of needed stuff for an out of pocket expense of just $16.65. When we go to that city about 30 miles away to visit Costco we also hit all the thirft stores there. Went to 2 St Vinnies and it was their free clothing and shoes weekend. Since it had started the day before they were pretty cleaned out but found 4 pairs of shoes between the 2 stores. I may keep one pair but the others are up on Ebay. Before you chide me for taking free stuff from them to sell remember that this was the last day of the giveaway and the racks were nearly empty. I figure everybody else had plenty of time to get those items if they wanted them and the store just wanted them gone. I've already sold one of them.

  2. #22
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    Almost forgot: toward the end of last month we went to a sale at the grange hall in a nearby town. These sales are run by the local antique consignment shop, cleaning out unsold stuff. Most items are just 50 cents because they really want to move them. I found a vintage board game in pristine condition and sold it within a week for $50 plus shipping on Ebay. Hubbie found a new in box rotisserie for an outdoor grill which sold last week for $24 plus shipping. Found a few other things that are still looking for buyers such as a brass knuckle goth purse, a pair of Orthaheel boots and an unopened can of Bill Clinton Cola (I never knew there was such a thing!)
    The same day of the Costco trip we went to a church rummage sale in that town and came away with several items for $8 total including a new in box dart board which retails for $60. I've got it on Craig's list instead of Ebay because it weighs 18.5 lbs! Found some other goodies there including a nice pair of Clarks shoes and a food mill that has already sold for more than our entire investment at that sale. Also got a White Mountain puzzle still in the shrink wrap, a great mid century fish platter and a new set of 8 horse training books. At last the long winter with no rummage or yard sales is ending and I can get my ebay business humming again!

  3. #23
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    I haven't contributed anything this month because I have not been frugal. I seem to have this "loosening of the purse strings" syndrome, where purchases lead to a cascade of purchases, and I have trouble shifting my mind-set to "all done for now." I needed some new clothes for work, so I waited until Talbot's was doing a 25% off deal and I had my 15% off birthday month coupon, so I got 40% off my purchases. That was certainly better than paying full price, but I bought a suit, a jacket, and 3 pairs of pants, so that was kind of a lot. I have at least so far resisted the siren's call of cute shirts. I also bought 4 pairs of shoes, which was definitely a lot, but I actually dislike buying shoes so that should hold me for a while.
    I am getting rid of a lot more than I am taking in. My goal is to have a smaller wardrobe of all the right things. I've requested a bag from Thred Up to see if I can sell some of my stuff. I figure that it would be great if I get anything at all, since I was going to donate these things anyway.

  4. #24
    Places I interviewed with are contacting me now weeks later for offers/second interviews but I am letting them know I already started elsewhere. The procrastinators all have lower compensation packages, and while the work would probably be more interesting I am thinking not just of my current wages but the fact that how much I collect from Social Security down the road will be based on my earnings.

  5. #25
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    If someone can come up with a cure for emotional eating I would spend far less. I get so so so tired after very long days at work......and I don't cook. I want to eat what I don't make at home.

    Not a frugal post but am open to help, wisdom, what worked for you if you do it too!

  6. #26
    Gardnr, I buy food from the deli section for times like that - things like taboule, grape leaves, hummus, bean salad - that don't require cooking. Or things that are microwaveable but still whole foods like Goya plantains.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yppej View Post
    Gardnr, I buy food from the deli section for times like that - things like taboule, grape leaves, hummus, bean salad - that don't require cooking. Or things that are microwaveable but still whole foods like Goya plantains.
    That's a GREAT idea Yppej. Eating out without the pricetag!

  8. #28
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    Lord help me I almost fell back into the convenience ATM habit today. I didn't want to take the extra walk to mine. But then I started thinking about how much catfood the fees would buy, and how much of a haircut, and... and... It kept my mind occupied while I walked.

    One walk, one giant leap for mindset.

  9. #29
    Good for you Meezer-Mom. Cooler weather is keeping me from clothes shopping since I have more wintry than summery outfits. I am also working on paperwork to lower my medical insurance premiums. I need to prove I had a physical within the past 2 years which should be easy but I am dealing with bureaucracies in both HR and medicine.

  10. #30
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    I've been wanting to take a class but reluctant to spend the money. Just found out it's tax deductible based on my job, so, nice " discount" on the class.

    staying under on the grocery budget so far on the running total I started March 1. Should get easier later in the year when the garden comes in, but then there will be "stock up" investments like apples for canning and berries to freeze.

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