I read two articles: one yesterday. I was going to post about it but decided not to. Then today, I read this one, so the first one didn't seen as one-off as I had thought. Wanted to know your opinions.

The first one is an op-ed piece from the WSJ. No need to say that the WSJ is highly respected, mainstream, intelligent journalism. I think its writing is among the very best. I read it every day with the NYT to get a bit of a balanced view of the news and trends. So I was surprised at the extreme view of this piece. It reminded me a little of the discussions we've had about our natural tendency to want to "stick with our own kind" and whether mixing with other "tribes" is natural or forced. The comments.. well, you know how comments on the internet are. But this is the WSJ, for crissake, not Breitbart.

The subject of the second one was surprising for its audacity. I live in my little liberal Northeast bubble, I know, but I really have a hard time fathoming that a person running for political office in Washington (not just the local town council) would post a billboard like this and get away with it.

I feel that there are so many disturbing, incendiary feelings and beliefs that Trump has taken a lid off of, and I just don't know how it's going to end. I truly am not looking for opinions about what side of these issues you all stand on here. I'm just am curious if you think, like I do, that the whole opening up about this issue is a tinder box that's not going to end well.