Quote Originally Posted by Chicken lady View Post
Oh Catherine! I clean bathrooms, bake something, and try to clean the kitchen. Then I sweep and put clean sheets on the beds! Nothing you mentioned would have been on my list.

last time ds and future dil came I asked if they were bringing the dog so I would know if I had to clean the stacks of paper off the dining porch floor.
The trim was in my bedroom. Years ago it used to be red, then we repainted it green, but we didn't do a good job, and some of the door jambs still had red peaking through. Plus I no longer like the green trim. So I white-washed it. My windows really didn't look great at all--maybe I've been influenced by my Scottish MIL who used to say "Scottish folk like clean windaes." I'm glad I tackled kitchen nooks, because at one time we had mice. We got rid of them, but didn't realize they had set up house in that weird space you can never get to in the L underneath the sink. It was pretty gross.

At the end of the day, I was able to really feel that even if she winds up being a bit of a fuss-pot (which I think she is) I won't be caught in an embarrassing situation. And I can enjoy the next two weeks before my next project in a nice clean house!