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Thread: Fierce at 50, When You Are 20 Or 30

  1. #1

    Fierce at 50, When You Are 20 Or 30

    I'm waiting on my chair delivery and wandering around the interwebs today. Here's something else that I enjoyed and that really resonated with me. I'll be 50 soon and this makes me glad I was a bit wild in my younger years.

  2. #2
    Senior Member razz's Avatar
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    I found it an odd article. What has she done with her life up till now?

    OK, I am 73. About a year ago, I was invited to a neighbour's cosmetic demonstration to show the 20-40 year-olds present as well as me how to prevent wrinkles. Eventually they asked me what I had done all my life as I had the skin that they wished to have. I had a hard time understanding why they were into using $100 tubes of wrinkle preventive per month but I was very quiet and discreet in my comments.

    At age 53, i had a royal battle with governmental and professional bureaucracy that were inhibiting me from freely providing needed oral healthcare. After 7 years I stepped back after many others stepped up and within 3 years, the legislation changed. Today these types of service are taken for granted.

    I never wore spikes or tight pants as I think they look silly now and did then even in my 36-26-36 figure. I had better things to spend my money on like paying mortgage, groceries, children's figure skating, piano and swimming lessons etc.

    I have done more travel in my 40's and onwards than earlier as I was simply too broke with the basic costs of living a wonderfully interesting life.
    with family, a farm, volunteering and satisfying my curiosity.

    I do agree with the dieting and exercise comments though.
    As Cicero said, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”

  3. #3
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    I made it through the state Fire Academy at the age of 50. I'm just getting started...

  4. #4
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    I liked about half of what she had to say. I weighed 98 lbs for most of my adult life, and never did tight pants or high heels because they are uncomfortable. I like to be comfortable and dressing comfortably would be on my list of things that thou shalt do. In fact, we live in an amazing era which offers things to wear (even women's shoes!) which are both cute and comfortable.

  5. #5
    I wore the heels and am glad I did because now it hurts me whereas then it didn't. This past week I lost 2 pounds and am aiming for more to take the pressure off my ankles and feet, but I don't expect to ever go back to anything high. And the stretch pullup pants with no buckles or zippers look increasingly appealing, but I am not willing to give up my jeans etc. (yet).

  6. #6
    I experienced a rebirth at age 51. I don't do things the way I did at 20. I don't bear hug up trees and hunt from 30 feet high anymore. I pretty much wear the same clothes. Jeans, shorts and t-shirts and polo shirts. I live a slower lifestyle which fits me. Yes, I have less hair, I have to watch what I eat and force regular exercise but all in all, the 50 years have been good to me and I have adjusted to a back that is broken.

  7. #7
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    If I were that 50 year old talking to my 20-30 year old self, I would stress the sunscreen part. I'm one of the ones who went out in the sun with my baby oil and aluminum foil-ed record album cover--and being Anglo/pale skinned, I know I did myself no favors at all.

    I agree that it's fun to follow the trends when you're young, and to explore your style. Why not?

    I admire young women who can tolerate 4" heels during their workday. I never did that, and I have no regrets. Not something I would tell my young self I should do.

    Sensible eating is, of course, smart no matter what age you are. I have never had an issue with weight, really, and still don't. I don't sweat the slight creep up in weight.

    Travel: Yes, I would definitely encourage that, at any age.

    In summary, I would tell my young self to not only be fierce, but fearless. You'll find enough reasons to be fearful later on. If you put off those decisions to do something a little "wild and crazy" when you're young, you'll probably never get a second chance.
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  8. #8
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    I kinda cracked up, I am 50 now. Yes on the sunscreen, but I still like getting a little tan. I was so brown in the summer my school photos were always weird in fall. I just had someone guess my age 5 years younger, would have been younger than that if my hair was not white. I used ivory bar soap on my face and a decent basic lotion, oil of Olay is really good. And I relax my face in meditation every day.

    So the heels thing, and follow the trends. Well no heels but punks did wear skinny pants. I had some great outfits, various types of black. Not sure anyone else thought I looked cool.

  9. #9
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I did wear high(er) heels sometimes for work, but never spiked heels. Still,
    I have the bunions to prove it. I like "kitten" heels (although the name is stupid) they are easy to wear and still dressy.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    I agree that it's fun to follow the trends when you're young, and to explore your style. Why not?
    because it's boring (hard to imagine much more boring than following fashion trends) and demoralizing to be so superficial (yea focusing on one's looks is demoralizing for many women no matter age or appearance.). So for the original article: focusing on one's looks too much (I'm not saying one must be a complete slob) at any age is mentally unhealthy, I don't think this is good advice for women. Women would benefit far more from actual old school feminism than this garbage IMNSHO. Nah it doesn't mean they have to themselves become firefighters if they don't want to , there are many paths afterall it's just ... an article that tells women to focus that much on their looks wtf you know (yea not all the points relate to that, not travel, but TOO MANY do).

    And if anything I'd rather spice it up when old, it' more transgressive as in "i dont' give a f, I'm old and so what":

    "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
    With a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me"

    although really following trends seems kind of stupid at any age.


    I have always believed wearing heels is probably the major reason women have foot pain when older (no of course not the only reason), I have never worn heels, I like my feet, flat sandals are cuter anyway .
    Last edited by ApatheticNoMore; 8-6-17 at 1:29pm.
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