I was working a bit late yesterday when there was an interesting incident with a warehouse worker.

The office is attached to our warehouse so warehouse employees coming and going all the time is nothing unusual. I was walking back from the copier to my desk when a 20ish guy from the warehouse decided it was a good idea to reach out when walking by me and pinchme in the boob. HARD. That was a very bad idea as I went ballistic. Slapped him in the face, then picked up a stapler and threw it, hitting him in the face when he came at me. All the while I'm yelling at the top of my lungs with much use of the F word. Basically, I flipped my lid.

The others in the office were in the nearby conference room for a meeting and came running out when they heard me yelling. The entire incident was on camera and I've got a heck of a bruise on my boob from being pinched.

Guy is Hispanic and at least pretends to not understand English. I asked him if he was legal. No response to that, but a mention of Trump got him very nervous looking and shaking. Idiot deserved it. He claimed I had attacked him, but the video proved him a liar.

He was a temp and supposedly one of the good ones. He was walked out immediately. Warehouse manager was yelling at him in Spanish. I had no chance to call police as he was walked out asap. I did call the cops later, and when HR provided the address they had for him from the temp agency, it wasn't correct. He'd never lived there, at least that's what the people there told the cops.

I didn't know the guy from Adam.

It was actually pretty funny watching me go bonkers on the guy on the video.