Quote Originally Posted by razz View Post
It is a big change that is evolving and will take time and reinforcing to find the ultimate solution so hang in there.
You're right, it is a big change and I'm sure it will be difficult to make permanent changes.

Over the weekend, dh's friend Jerry came in to town for a work thing. Dh told him he would not be able to stay here and he booked a room through Airbnb for $70. Dh met him for dinner and they spent a few hours visiting (and probably psychoanalyzing me). The next day, Jerry had his work thing for a couple of hours and then drove home. In the past, Jerry would have stayed with us, he would have brought his girlfriend along, they would have extended the trip into 3-4 days, and we would have fed them the whole time. I would have been washing sheets, buying food, cleaning up after meals, making sure to stay home because of the dogs, etc.... The extra work and toll of being "on" and a good hostess for that length of time would have left me exhausted and resentful. As it was, Jerry's visit had zero impact on my life! Yay!

I'm not sure how DH feels about the whole thing - he says he's fine with it but now I take his words with a grain of salt. But, this is definitely a step in the right direction.