Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
IL, I just want you to know that I got up early on my day off to get educated about what is going on in St. Louis as I feel really bad that injustice has slipped by myself and many other activists in the 85006. From what I am reading so far I side completely with the protesters and not to be difficult, I'm respecting your mayor thus far for her stances, especially her anti-police take after their behavior. It looks like St. Louis really is a powder keg, Ay Carumba, I thought Phoenix was bad given DACA and the Arpaio years but it seems as if St. Louis is the worst of America on an even higher plane than Phoenix.

I will be getting in touch with other activists to see about calls and emails that we can do on a long distance basis as we did in the case of the African American man not long ago in Edina, MN who was hassled by police there for no other reason than committing the crime of walking down a street as a black man in an upscale white area. I don't know if we can send some protesters out to St. Louis as we have to Salt Lake City.....most the folks with the time and some money to travel (partially helped by a couple of neighborhood car washes before the weather became so difficult) are in Salt Lake City or were there and have since returned. But I'll see what I can do - we of the 85006 deserve to live in a better country than that one we currently do in which this officer in St. Louis walked free. No negotiation on this one will you find in the 85006 once everyone's up to speed on the issue I'm afraid - human rights matter in the 85006 with no equivocation - that's another reason I am so proud to live in this zip code. At least here people matter and this goes beyond skin color.

At any rate, I'm getting verbose and veering off the point, sorry, this was not meant to be an advertisement for how great my zip code is. My point is that I am on it - at least I can get some long distance activism delivered for you'all out your way. I'll do so with pleasure.....I have no other choice as i have to look in the mirror at myself every day and live with what I see, and I saw America for what it is many years ago.....realistically I have no choice - very similar to my need to cross the border for health and dental care - there really is no other choice.

I'll close with I realize my stance here may not be going over so well with you - I still wish you and your neighbors safety. Be safe as best you can, IL - I'll grant right here and now I am not familiar with the politics and the ins and outs of your area, but it does seem like a powder keg - is this much an accurate take? Be safe, maybe stockpile some food while you can in case things get really crazy and have a plan to get out if need be. None of us can know how far the government will go to keep protest down and to attempt to miniminze the media portrayals of the protesting to the world beyond US borders. Keep safe as best you can from any government representatives including police - there is no guarantee the police - especially imported police not of your area that don't know you - will understand that you are not on the side of the protesters and allow you safe passage out of the area if things come to that. Just try to be safe from the government as best as possible is my advice. Hopefully the government will not escalate this to levels beyond Ferguson but you never know, and of course letting this officer walk free is completely inexcusable and unforgiveable and the protesters rightly see America as it really is and have the anger such vision imparts on one. Ick. Hang in there and be safe.......Rob
oh gosh, well. Thanks. I guess. For being " on it."