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Thread: What is wrong with people, reality check

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    What is wrong with people, reality check

    I was just told today that i have to move all my program materials from the stage where i store them. This is all the materials to run 20 programs serving over 200 youth. I have 3 rolling carts, 2 trash cans that hold all the sports equipment, a wagon with laundry baskets that are required by licensing and a book cart. have a small office for my assistant and I with one outlet and as much as we can fit for supplies in the room. I literally sit on the floor when i need the printer. I have not been offered any new space, just sympathetic looks as i plan on putting things in a hallway where they are often stolen.

    The reason, the music teacher needs to protect the integrity of the stage by having no storage even behind the backck curtain. Most of this is coming to me in roundabout ways, such as passing a message through the office staff or talking to my assistant. The music teacher did finally talk to me, and when i asked for a time when i need to move by (i bave 3 camp days of 12 hours each) she said that i should talk to the principal because someone was going to move them. Such wonderful understanding, oh yeah, i pay for her choir. Takes balls to look me in the eye and not be willing to compromise and then hand me her time sheet. I know that after school programs don't have a lot of status, but i also considered her a friend.

  2. #2
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Space wars can be vicious. My sympathies!

  3. #3
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    Zoe Girl, do you have a central office and someone in charge over all of the afterschool programs at all of the schools? If so, if I were you, I would be emaling that person. It should not be up to site managers (like you) to find space- or have to negotiate for it- for your program on a school site. If a principal wants it at their school, they should provide you adequate space. If it is a district central office decision, and the principal disagrees (which is kind of what this sounds like) central office needs to know you are literally getting pushed out. I'm picturing your carts, etc. being put out on the playground in the winter weather! Enough!! Make a fuss! The kids deserve it! YOU deserve it!!

    I taught in public schools in California for 31 years. I know there is a lot of s**t that goes on, but I've never heard of anything as bad as what you are dealing with on a week to week basis. I know your heart is with the kids, and you are very dedicated to stick it out. 99% of people would have been gone long ago. Good Luck to you.

  4. #4
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    I discovered nothing says “this space is mine” like a live goat.

    ok, I know that isn’t helpful, trying to inject a little humor. I vote for toss the problem upstairs. “I have been informed that the site does not have appropriate storage available for our program materials.”

    but mostly - find a new job! I’m still hoping for you.

  5. #5
    Can they get you a big utility cabinet that locks to put in the hallway? If it is too narrow a space, can you say if things are stored in the hallway it is a fire hazard?

  6. #6
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    Thanks all! I agree this is an issue to escalate. I am going up 2 levels since i think that person will be better at the negotiation than my boss. His boss has a lot of experience and is over 30 ish schools. My boss had only one school and they loved everything so he hasn't done something like this before.

    And humor is helpful! I don't have access to a goat but my sister has chickens.

    My one staff missed work yesterday again, she had to see the dr for results of blood tests. I pushed to see if she couldn't have an appointment the next morning but she said they had to see her that day. She texted me later and saud she has lupus and sould be in today. I just answered that i would see her, later i got a text about my lack of empathy. Feelling a little defensive but still will just apologize and see if she is okay.

    And looking for a job, i am so over my head and don't get breaks like teachers. I do have a week scheduled off in December so i can do more then. So far haven't seen anything really

  7. #7
    Senior Member razz's Avatar
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    ZG, can you separate yourself emotionally from the work situation and see it as a stranger encountering the issues. What would you advise them? It is not you facing it. It is confusion caused by lack of parameters expected and tolerated.

    Get yourself out of the picture and present the issues with a sense of detachment. Easier said than done, I know.
    As Cicero said, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”

  8. #8
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    As someone who has been on stages as a musician, I sympathize here with the choir director, as anything blocking safe egress for the children is a fire hazard. I don't think a stage should be used to store the necessary program materials, and you have the right to ask them to find a safe storage place for your course materials, not your office, as what you describe is a safety hazard for you and your assistant.

    The hall does not sound great either--anything that blocks safe movement of children and employees is NOT GOOD and you are right to point that out. IMHO.

    I sure would not get angry with the choir director, who has the same problem you do.

  9. #9
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    I think I am generally taking myself out emotionally, I just am dealing with it as a problem that needs to be solved but not getting into the stories about how afterschool programs are not valued or about the people and personalities. I just don't think I am the person to solve the problem, the school principal and FM need to figure out where I can store materials since they know the bigger picture. So I told the FM this morning that I don't feel that it is my place to ask around the building for space on my own, I was asked to do this programming here so I need the basic space. If I need to do some things different that is okay, just tell me.

    The stage thing I half understand. Nothing is blocking any exits, I would be very concerned about that. It is all on the back of the stage, mostly behind the back curtain, and I move anything I need to for performances. I have always worked well with the choir teacher, paid her, got her an assistant for choir, paid for transportation for her events, helped any child who could not afford the shirt. So yeah, I did have an expectation of at least working with me on the time.

  10. #10
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    "So I told the FM this morning that I don't feel that it is my place to ask around the building for space on my own, I was asked to do this programming here so I need the basic space. If I need to do some things different that is okay, just tell me."
    That is a brilliant approach to problem!

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