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Thread: ready to be a support/nag

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    ready to be a support/nag

    I heard the best thing ever on Christmas Eve, my oldest is ready to start taking care of herself better. Both she and her boyfriend realize they need to start really taking care of themselves. She is 27 now, started smoking at 16, and I can't imagine the impact of this on her body. In fact all of my kids smoke, I told my son's girlfriend today that I am going to support them all to quit. So this is an opening, and I risk being a nagging mom. It is time, for all my kids, to get less of mom accepting anything they do and more of supporting them to lead healthier lives.

    Challenges: if you have been around awhile you know that this daughter has had some trauma in her life, she has not had a lot of support.
    * Denver is so expensive it is hard to get beyond survival level
    * my daughter is a serious introvert and has a history of not talking to me a lot in times of difficulty
    * personally trying not to get caught up in my goals

    Advantages: she said she is ready!
    * I have been through this, and can offer things like nicotine replacement products
    * they were raised super healthy hippy, at least for the first years

  2. #2
    It's great you are supporting her. Is anyone else trying to quit with her? I know some people have a quit buddy even if it's only via phone.

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