Constantly learning new ways to save money. The way I have been doing it:

1. Pay $30 for a contact lens appointment/subscription at my local college.
2. Order two years worth of contact lenses on line to avoid having to get a yearly subscription which appears to be required if buying in US.
3. Comparison shop the different companies
4 Look for a rebate from the company for the eye appointment cost.

5. The latest I have started doing as of today: buy from CANADA online. Company I use has free shipping, no other surprise "handling fees" or other add-ons, gave me 10% coupon for first order, and price is cheaper even without that. BEst of all: no requirement for a yearly eye exam, so saves me that cost. Just look at the box of contacts and fill in what you need on the order form.

I plan to still have a checkup at the local college clinic every two or three years.