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Thread: questions and concerns

  1. #11
    There's a mean girl clique at my current job ANM so I feel for you.But my interview Monday evening went well. One thing I am unsure about, and the interviewer did not know, is since I froze my credit due to the Equifax breach, will they still be able to do a credit check on me which they require? Does anyone know the answer?

    I do have copies of my reports from all 3 credit bureaus from late last year as well as my Discover statement with my credit score on it.

  2. #12
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Yppej: You will need to temporarily lift the freeze for the credit check to be done. If they make you a job offer, ask them to let you know when the background check is being ordered, and then you can go ahead and lift the freeze.

  3. #13
    Thanks Rosa.

  4. #14
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    I have never been fired, but I am sure it would feel dreadful to be in fear of it. Obviously I don't know what is up, or what is on this supervisor's agenda. I would not assume the meeting is for the purpose of termination, unless this is a established way of doing things around there. To me it seems more likely that your "superior" in the hierarchy wants to assert control of you ... give you a "recognize your mistake" and "don't let it happen again".

    If so, I would imagine the interaction would tend to be aversive. But I believe you can make it less toxic by adopting an attitude going in that
    criticism does not harm you, it makes you stronger and more effective, and
    what you say is not nearly as important as what you do, and
    you do not lack worth because people have "questions and concerns"... rather, your calling (or occupation, if you prefer) is demanding, and
    you are willing and able to improve procedures, and you welcome insights from your superior about how you could improve them.

    De-stress after the meeting. Got a whirlpool you can soak in?

  5. #15
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    ZG, this quote has been attributed to many people, so I'm not sure who to give credit- but I have seen so much in the employment field that I truly believe it.

    Things don't happen to you, they happen for you.

    People sticking it out in miserable jobs, get "fired" and land on their feet in other incredible jobs.

    Doors have to close before others can open.

    ** Another possible scenario is that they have learned that you are actively looking for employment elsewhere, and will make you an offer to stay.I would suggest that you not jump on it, but take at least a couple of days to consider all aspects, if that is indeed the case.

  6. #16
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    Thank you all, I am applying for as many jobs as I can tonight. If I am fired or put on leave I will immediately have to hand over my laptop and I only have a tablet and chromebook myself. There is something that is almost freeing, and then since I already have the deep lurking constant depression of course I am scared of that getting out of control. I would love it if I had a friend to stay with or who could stay with me. I do have one friend who said I can call anytime, my other bestest friend is recovering from a double mastectomy, so not going to tell her much.

    I still am cringing about my mistakes. I talked to the psychologist at school, and the office manager. They both said that I do a great job. I do a great job building relationships, and creating programming, and a lot of things. I have a lot to learn about the business side of this. I just can't take the negative stress level, and any time things go back on him then I run the risk of retaliation. Considering that I got a write up for one email, one day late, during my busiest week of the year I figure that it would be pretty easy to go after me. Is it possible to tell people you just need to be treated nice? There is an aspect of abuse that is simply overemphasizing one negative compared to the bigger picture. I have never had any luck dealing with this type of treatment other than just leaving.

    My mantra, I have always had a job! No matter what I have had a job. I can immediately apply for sub teacher positions in multiple districts, I can apply for weekend jobs, nanny positions, etc.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    To all of you struggling, I wish you well. Nothing else I can say but it is too bad that you are hurting.
    That means a lot IL,

  8. #18

    I know you have a different spirit than me but if it happened....first thing Id do is see an attorney and fight for my job back. Not that I would really want it back but strategically, if you win you will get reinstated and backpay. Then you can quit on your own terms. Also, I’d file for unemployment compensation. The work is there and you want to do it. Unless you are terminated for a criminal act or they have documented evidence of incompetence justifying your can get it. There is absolutely no downside to filing for it as far as I know. You might have to prove you are actively seeking employment but that is little to do in exchange for peace of mind. It’s what you have been paying into UE for all these years. Get the benefit.

  9. #19
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    I do know that I can get 24 hours to consider what to do if they want to fire me. I may be put on a leave and have my computer and phone taken, so I need to prepare for that. I am not sure how they would classify my mistake, I thought an outside provider had the proper documents finished and they didn't. I stopped the class and then they went through another route to run their class at my school without being under my supervision. I learned a LOT and am already making changes.

    I just applied to a job I think I would love, Volunteer Coordinator with the hospital. And if I resign then they need to pay my vacation time out, I have about 30 days. Given the option I would resign, take the vacation pay and immediately work at anything I could possibly get quickly. Lease is up in 2 months,

  10. #20
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    Okay just posted that in the middle of the night everything looks bad, and it has been a bad year. I know someone who tried to fight her termination with our department and lost. I have never known anyone to get very far with that. I honestly made a mistake! A couple people have left our department fired or leaving with the threat of firing and I have not seen get any job.

    Mostly I just need support, friends or family, someone to just be around on a regular basis. If I still have a job there will be no break or massage, I will need to work even harder to fix things and prove myself, even if I plan on leaving and just want to leave on good terms.

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