Have there been times when a “friendship” has ended, you’re glad it did, but you still miss he person sometimes?

There is a gal who was sort of a diving mentor to me. We dove together right after I got certified and then not until a year later, in October. She was very friendly, said she was proud of me for how much I had improved, but a few weeks later she unfriended me on FB and I don’t know why. She wouldn’t answer a text or email, so I let it drop.

She lived several states away. Had a messed up personal life (found out she had an affair with a married guy which destroyed a group of diving friends). At one point said I was her only friend. However, she cancelled diving plans on me multiple times after I’d already gotten time off for a long weekend, hotel reservations, etc.

But she was fun to talk to and darned informative about diving. Neither of us were good candidates for diving (fears, etc), but both kept at it. She’d been diving perhaps 2 years longer than me.