I got the notes from yesterdays meeting with supervisor and they are wrong. He also makes judgments such as I didn't have a conversation with a staff because I didn't want to. In reality I DID have the conversation, emailed him, and at the beginning of the meeting clarified that I asked him to also meet with her because I was not involved with summer hiring and also wanted to continue to relationship build even if her consequence did not change. There is more, however I have a lot of clear evidence that much of it is not true.

Now I want to write a really awesome opening to this rebuttal. At the end of our meeting yesterday I expressed concern that we still had conflict in our working relationship and said that I was committed to continue the work together. I said something about my outside work in mindfulness, he then told me he saw no evidence of mindfulness or conflict resolution in my work at all. Sigh, I want to continue what I have been saying. I know we have conflict and negativity, I am willing to be part of working on that, and I encourage him to get to know my staff as part of this process of building a team.

Maybe that is just what I need to say, but short and sweet (and firm)