So, it has been nearly a month. I survived the visit from my inlaws. The iron has actually kicked in and I have a lot more energy, but I am still trying to do too many things. Last night when we went to bed I bemoaned the fact that I accomplished nothing in the preceding three hours and dh said “you were relaxing.” But the thing is, i wasn’t “relaxing.” I was doing what my mom calls “sogging” I would have been happier and more rested if I had spent some of that time on task (fun things like reading or knitting, or light tasks like putting away dishes or laundry) and gone to bed an hour sooner. But I let myself slip into bad patterns.

Work is going well. I have a great group of kids this year, and we got a new kiln this week, which makes me really happy! (I’d rather have quality equipment than a raise)

my class went ok, I did not meet my goals, but they were probably unreasonable. Most of the students had more successful experiences than I did, but most of them had more free time, functional blood, and some skills I am still developing. I signed up for the new class session which starts today. The content of the class I chose should be less demanding for me.

I have had mixed success with the swimming and yoga, but i’ve done very well with the no making dinner

i enjoyed the visit from my parents. The yard and barn are the same or slightly worse, but the “scullery” (old kitchen) is better, and mom and I made huge progress in my basement. I finished fixing the wall before she arrived and we put my doll shelf together and unpacked the dolls so that they are back on display! I am really enjoying that. I do still have a box of small china dolls waiting for me to figure out a safe place for their display shelf, and half a bin of baby dolls I played with as a child.

the first concert was great, the second is this weekend.

i have been managing my volunteer schedule at the food bank, but think I will have to take that additional day off if i’m going to get applesauce made this year.

i still need to allocate more time for pottery.