Your story reminds me what I said to my husband 4 years ago. Noki is 9 how long can he live? He is now 13 and today is having surgery for a tumor on his dew claw. We have to remove it because it is growing at record speed. His blood work is excellent and I have his hip pain well controlled on 2 medications. Nice of you to take all those dogs in. The breed doesn’t sound like something I would want to deal with. The Maltese are needy but I don’t mind that. We rescued a Westin mix that had issues from abuse. She was a challenge at times. My plan now is to have just 1 or 2 Maltese. Cheaper and easier. I have to brush the big guy daily because he gets skin infections. He is also a 80 lb shedding machine but he is so sweet and loving. He puts up with all sorts of crap from the little ones.